| - Alexander Smolek was an Insurrectionist officer. Born in New Tyne on the rebel controlled planet of Venezia to a middle-class family, Smolek lived a relatively comfortable life on the outskirts of New Tyne. Due to his education and family connections, when Smolek joined the Venezian Colonial Legion in 2558, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant, and placed in command of a platoon of the security detachment at the New Tyne Airfield. One year later, in 2559, Venezia came under attack by the United Nations Space Command. As New Tyne and its airfield fell to the UNSC, Smolek, fearing for his life, and not wanting to see those he had come to know as friends die, surrendered his unit to a company of UNSC Marines that were attacking the airfield. After his capture, Smolek was transferred to a prisoner of war camp outside of New Tyne, where he remained for about a year. On May 5th, 2560, Smolek and nearly two hundred other officers from the camp were put aboard prison trucks, ostensibly to be transferred to another camp. However, the trucks were driven to Clearwater Forest, where the officers were systematically shot. Smolek was shot by an agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence with an M6K, however, miraculously, he survived his execution, and, being one of the last officers to be killed, he was thrown on the top of the pile. Awakening as the agents were taking a break from their deadly work, Smolek scurried into the forest. After finding medical help from a farmer, and continuing on towards the mountains, Smolek aided the rebels in finding the mass graves, and spreading the news around the galaxy. Taking up residence on Station Washington, a Insurrectionist base much like Eridanus Secundus, he led them to the vault used by The Accursed to store their wealth they had accumulated before the Human-Covenant War, the location of which had been given to him by Leon Sazon. Promoted to Colonel for his actions, Smolek acted as chief of the station's police, the rebels not entirely trusting his judgement after the wound he received. He lived until 2610, when he passed of cancer.