| - In 2367, Ensign Wesley Crusher performed an experiment aboard the USS Enterprise-D based on Kosinski's warp equations, wherein he created a warp bubble within the warp drive of the Enterprise. The bubble remained roughly stable at a field distortion level of 1,283 × 3,695 millicochranes. During the experiment, Wesley's mother, Doctor Beverly Crusher, became trapped inside the warp bubble. She was essentially caught in her own parallel universe, where her thoughts at the very moment she was trapped shaped her reality. As Dr. Crusher's thoughts were of losing old friends, her reality manifested itself as one where the crew of the Enterprise disappeared one by one, eventually leaving her alone.
- A warp bubble (also known as a warp shell) is a subspace phenomenon, a disruption in normal space with subspace properties that is based on the principle used to create a warp field. While a warp field radiates and dissipates, a warp bubble can hold its shape, but eventually becomes unstable and collapses inward. (ST reference: USS Enterprise Owners' Workshop Manual) In 2366, Wesley Crusher conducted an experiment generating a static warp bubble, which accidentally trapped his mother, Dr. Beverly Crusher, in an alternate dimension of her own inadvertent creation. (TNG episode: "Remember Me")
| - A warp bubble (also known as a warp shell) is a subspace phenomenon, a disruption in normal space with subspace properties that is based on the principle used to create a warp field. While a warp field radiates and dissipates, a warp bubble can hold its shape, but eventually becomes unstable and collapses inward. (ST reference: USS Enterprise Owners' Workshop Manual) In 2366, Wesley Crusher conducted an experiment generating a static warp bubble, which accidentally trapped his mother, Dr. Beverly Crusher, in an alternate dimension of her own inadvertent creation. (TNG episode: "Remember Me") In 2377, after the USS da Vinci had been transported to an alternate dimension by Rod Portlyn, chief engineer Nancy Conlon proposed using a static warp bubble in a similar way to return to their dimension. This idea was ultimately deemed impractical, as there was no way to control the dimension they would travel to. (CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback)
- In 2367, Ensign Wesley Crusher performed an experiment aboard the USS Enterprise-D based on Kosinski's warp equations, wherein he created a warp bubble within the warp drive of the Enterprise. The bubble remained roughly stable at a field distortion level of 1,283 × 3,695 millicochranes. During the experiment, Wesley's mother, Doctor Beverly Crusher, became trapped inside the warp bubble. She was essentially caught in her own parallel universe, where her thoughts at the very moment she was trapped shaped her reality. As Dr. Crusher's thoughts were of losing old friends, her reality manifested itself as one where the crew of the Enterprise disappeared one by one, eventually leaving her alone. As Wesley and the Enterprise crew attempted to retrieve Dr. Crusher before the bubble collapsed, they were visited by the Traveler, a Tau Alpha C inhabitant, who assisted Wesley in keeping the bubble stable long enough to create a threshold between both realities through which Dr. Crusher could escape. In the bubble, as Dr. Crusher began to realize what was happening, she encountered the threshold Wesley was creating, which manifested itself as a violent atmospheric vortex. As the bubble was on the verge of complete collapse, Dr. Crusher jumped through the vortex, returning to her own reality. (TNG: "Remember Me" ) Trionic initiators in warp coils were known to unintentionally produce warp bubbles and other subspace deformations when they were adjusted. Such initiators were used on the USS Hera. (TNG: "Interface" )