| - "The Dark Lord" Ethan Black is the charismatic leader of The Black Covenant, a cult whose followers are believed to be responsible for numerous crimes across the world including rape, murder, torture, kidnapping, and unlawful imprisonment. Unfortunately, none of these crimes have made their way to Black, who claims, through his publicist and attorney, Damian St. Claire, that his followers are lawfully exercising their freedom of religion, a freedom that allows them to worship Black as their God. His detractors contest that The Black Covenant pertains in various forms of diablerie including self-mutilation, blood drinking and human sacrifices. Though now residing in his Black Tower in New York City, Ethan Black's origin are unknown. He has no family and no ties to anywhere. While he appears
| - "The Dark Lord" Ethan Black is the charismatic leader of The Black Covenant, a cult whose followers are believed to be responsible for numerous crimes across the world including rape, murder, torture, kidnapping, and unlawful imprisonment. Unfortunately, none of these crimes have made their way to Black, who claims, through his publicist and attorney, Damian St. Claire, that his followers are lawfully exercising their freedom of religion, a freedom that allows them to worship Black as their God. His detractors contest that The Black Covenant pertains in various forms of diablerie including self-mutilation, blood drinking and human sacrifices. Though now residing in his Black Tower in New York City, Ethan Black's origin are unknown. He has no family and no ties to anywhere. While he appears to be in his late twenties, no age is known and no records exist of him even being an American citizen. It is as if he suddenly existed as of thin air. Black's "religion" is funded through Black Entertainment LLC., a company owned by Black which publishes various questionable entertainment material. Included under the umbrella of Black Entertainment is Black Games, which publishes controversial video games like Fist of Blood, Angel of Anarchy, Satan's Quest and The Vampire's Curse, all of which contain extremely graphic violence and satanic undertones. Some believe that Black uses these games to recruit disenfranchised youth into The Black Covenant. Black Entertainment also contains Black Films, a movie studio producing hardcore pornographic films. Like the video games, the films often also contain satanic undertones as well as depictions of simulated rape and murder. Rumors persist of "private productions", snuff films, some that are said to involve Black himself. While government agency all over the world have files containing hundred of pages of information on Black, no concrete evidence exists to link him to any crime. Any members of The Black Covenant arrested or convicted have vehemently denied any knowledge of Black's involvement and most somehow wind up killing themselves while imprisoned. While mired in controversy Black has remained untouchable. Is it by the smooth handling of law enforcement and skewing of public perception or by some "divine" intervention? Black's closest ally is his lover, Eve. It is rumored that Black used his charismatic influence to corrupt the already mentally ill heiress, Evelyn Monroe, causing her to murder her family and permanently transform into the "alter-ego" of Eve. Many believe that Black coerced the confession of a Black Covenant follower that led to the dismissal of the murder charges against Eve. They now sit side-by-side, governing the dark empire that is known as The Black Covenant. Since his debut in FMW, more and more questions have been revealed about Ethan Black than answers. He apparently has ties to the United States military as they provided him with a former Marine turned failed miliary experiment that Black and Eve christened Abaddon. Black's connections are provided through a mysterious unnamed society. The society apparently contains many captains of industry as well as influential political figures. The society is apparently led by Damian St. Claire's father, James, who seems to have an almost father/son relationship with Black. Black's exact role within the society or why such powerful figures allow the practices of Black and religious followers remains a mystery.