"Now let me see if I can return the favour for you... Do you have a Bright Magi Staff I could take a look at?"
"I may be the most powerful Braskin mage which ever lived, but I do have a weakness - Vessan Soup! I can't get enough of it but the ingredients are very difficult obtain. Would you be interested in helping an old man?"
You decide to help the mage find his ingredients. He explains that he requires a Vassan Heart, Vassan Eyeball and a Vassan Lung to perfect his Vassan Soup.
You had the mage the staff and he begins to craft it for you. You receive '1 x Bright Magi War Staff'. You gain 50,000xp.
You had the mage the ingredients and he proceeds to conjour a strange green coloured soup. He offers you a taste but you decide its best to refuse. You gain 20,000xp for helping the mage.
Kill Vassan to get one each of
**Vassan Eyeball
**Vassan Heart
**Vassan Lung
*Start quest Braskin Plains
*Hand over Bright Magi Staff
*Receive Bright Magi War Staff
*Turn in quest