- Versailles is a Wonder of the File:Enlightenment age small.jpg Enlightenment Age. It costs both File:Food.jpg Food and File:Metal.jpg Metal to build.
- Versailles is a village and palace in Gaul. It was famous at the end of the World War I as peace was signed there.
- Versailles on kaupunki Ranskassa.
- thumb|320px Versaille ist ein Vorort von Paris und der Name eines prächtigen Schlosses. Während der Regentschaft König Louis XV. wird Versailles mehrfach vom Zehnten Doctor, Rose Tyler und gefährlichen Uhrwerkdroiden besucht. Letztere wollen das Gehirn Madame de Pompadours, um damit ihr Raumschiff zu reparieren, das im 51. Jahrhundert gestrandet ist (The Girl in the Fireplace).
- Versailles is a city in northern France that served as its capital between 1682 to 1789 and is most famous for the Palace of Versailles.
- Fondée par ton père qui en fit sa garçonnière, agrandi considérablement par Rocco, le fils de Madonna, cher à Jacquouille la Fripouille, véritable inspirateur du chapiteau de Versailles et qui fit en 1788 de la cité la capitale de la France, statut qu'elle conserva jusqu'en 1789. d'où la très célèbre réplique on dit même que tu lui aurais montré le buisson royal
- Think of it like a film. With a movie, the soundtrack follows the drama. But with visual kei, it’s the other way around: we begin with the music and then build the visuals around it. —KAMIJO Versailles (known in the US as Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- due to a legal conflict with an artist with the same name) is a metal band formed by ex-LAREINE vocalist KAMIJO and by ex-SULFURIC ACID guitarist and solo artist HIZAKI. The sound of the band concentrates on the concept of youshikibi 様式美 (absolute beauty of form) and the extremes of aestheticism. Trademarks are the dueling guitar sound and the heavy but melodic arrangements. KAMIJO's lyrics are connected to each other to tell a single story, often making use of narrating voices and concept videos.
- Versailles was a French city in which the Palace of Versailles was located. Madame de Pompadour lived at Versailles from 1745 until her death in 1764. She was visited by the Tenth Doctor on several occasions. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace) In 1919, a conference was held at Versailles for the signing of the peace treaty after World War I. George Limb attended the conference. (PROSE: Illegal Alien)
- Versailles was the unofficial capital city of the kingdom of France from May 1682, when King Louis XIV, moved the court and government permanently to Versailles, until September 1715, when Louis XIV died, and then again from June 1722, when Louis XV returned to Versailles permanently, to October 1789, when Louis XVI was forced to move back to Paris. During the entire period, Paris remained the official capital city of France, and the official royal palace was the Palace of the Louvre, but in practice government affairs were conducted from Versailles, and Versailles was regarded as the real capital city.
- Versailles (pronounced fair sized) is an entirely reasonably-sized French home, built during the original Hôme Idealle exhibition in the Paris suburb of La Haine. Visitors of the day were amazed by the sights in this home of the future. However it was all an elaborate sleight-of-hand. If it had actually been built, it would have bankrupted the French government, and maybe even would have helped cause a Revolution. In fact, the vision of a vast, luxurious interior surrounded by sprawling, perfectly maintained gardens was a trick: it was all done with mirrors.
- Versailles is a Japanese Symphonic Power Metal band, formed in 2007 by vocalist Kamijo and guitarist Hizaki, both of whom were already established musicians at the time. Alongside second guitarist Teru, bassist Jasmine You (formerly known as just Yuu), and drummer Yuki, they have enjoyed a fast-paced career. First self-produced on Kamijo's personal label, Sherow Artist Society, they were signed to Warner Music Japan in mid-2009. File:Versailles-tvt 2598.jpg Related Acts: Not to be confused with Rose of Versailles.