| - At some point in his life, William Kidd, a Scottish pirate, obtained a Shard of Eden – a ring-like Piece of Eden that served as a personal shield for the wearer – and later hid it on Oak Island to keep it safe from the Templars. He also created a map providing clues to the Shard's location, and divided it among four of his former crew members. In 1777, the Assassin Connor sailed to Oak Island and located the Shard with the help of the maps left by Kidd, which he had acquired through seeking out the pieces.
| - At some point in his life, William Kidd, a Scottish pirate, obtained a Shard of Eden – a ring-like Piece of Eden that served as a personal shield for the wearer – and later hid it on Oak Island to keep it safe from the Templars. He also created a map providing clues to the Shard's location, and divided it among four of his former crew members. In 1777, the Assassin Connor sailed to Oak Island and located the Shard with the help of the maps left by Kidd, which he had acquired through seeking out the pieces. After using several powder kegs to gain access to the lower levels of the island, Connor explored the tunnels below and was able to recover the Shard. However, the explosions caused by the powder kegs weakened the caverns, which began to collapse. Luckily, Connor was able to find a way out, and escaped from the tunnels before they crumbled and fell. The main landmarks of the island's treasure location included an eagle's nest, a burnt tree, a home of wolves, and a strangely shaped rock, which when viewed from the right angles, pinpointed the hiding spot of Kidd's treasure. This manifested itself as a series of tunnels beneath a plot of hard rock on the island, that held the Shard in a cavern of limestone, with eerie green crystals featured throughout it.