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- Burundi is a country in eastern Africa. Bujumbura is the capital and the largest city. No hockey is played and there are no rinks in the country.
- Burundi (official name: the Republic of Burundi) is a landlocked country of Africa. Formerly it was a colony of Belgium and it was then known as Urundi-Ubrundi-Bruwanda, Urundi being the shortened form of "Urundi Rwanda", that is, the other Rwanda. It shares its borders with Rwanda, Tanzania, Congo and Lake Tanganyika. It is a small country covering an area of only 27,830 km² and has a population of 7,548,000 (2005). However, despite its small size and small population, Burundi is facing a lot of ethnic and economic problems - it has yet to reconcile the claims of its Tutsi minority group with the Hutu majority group.
- Christianity is followed by about 67% of the population. The most popular Christian denomination is Roman Catholicism which is followed by 62% of the population, Protestantism is followed by 5% of the population. Traditional African religious beliefs are followed by 23% of Burundi's people. Islam is the religion of 10% of the population, most of whom are Sunni Muslims. Less than 0.1% of the people of Burundi are Buddhists.
- Le Burundi (auparavant nommé "Chine", seul le i a été conservé, pour éviter toute confusion) est un pays légendaire d'Europe de l'Ouest. Il serait situé à mi-chemin entre Amiens et Barcelone, à proximité de la buvette. La capitale est San Francisco.
- Burundi (pronounced /bəˈɹʊndɨ/), officially the Republic of Burundi (Kirundi: Republika y'Uburundi, [buˈɾundi]; French: République du Burundi, [byˈʁyndi]), is a landlocked country in the Great Lakes region of Eastern Africa, bordered by Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and south and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Its capital is Bujumbura. Although the country is landlocked, much of the southwestern border is adjacent to Lake Tanganyika. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
- Being a landlocked country, Burundi does not have a blue-water navy. However, it does have a yellow-water navy that protects Lake Tanganyika.
- La Repúblika'e Burundi eh una pekeña nazión d'Áfrika Orientá ke kareze'e zalía ar mà. Ehtá rodeá pò Ruanda, la Repúblika Demokrátika'er Kongo y Tanzania.
- Burundi, officially the Republic of Burundi (Kirundi: Republika y'u Burundi), is a country in central Africa that borders Rwanda in the north and Tanzania in the west and south. Its capital is Bujumbura.
- This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Gabon, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
- Burundi - Humanoid canibals, about seven feet high, easily recognizable by their colourful and threatening tatoos all over their bodies, which often represent their totem spirit in symbolic form. As far as is known the Burundi are only at home in the Pottuvil-jungle in the Diktyon of the continent Karcanon, They are the chosen people of Pottundy.
* Player-race: Yes (on Karcanon) / Roleplay-race: No*
- German East Africa controlled Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi.
- The flag of Burundi has a white saltire, splitting the background into four sections. The top and bottom of these sections are red, and the other two are green. In the center of the flag, covering the slatire intersection, is a white circle with three six-pointed stars in a triangle equidistant from each other. These stars' triangle is in the center of the circle, pointing upwards, and the stars are red with green outlines.
- Burundi es un pais en Africa. La area es sirca 27,830 cilometres cuadrada. La cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, es sirca 8,390,505 persones. La site capital es Bujumbura. La major linguas es kirundi, franses, e suahili.
- Burundi's first democratically elected president was assassinated in October 1993 after only 100 days in office, triggering widespread ethnic violence between Hutu and Tutsi factions. More than 200,000 Burundians perished during the conflict that spanned almost a dozen years. Hundreds of thousands of Burundians were internally displaced or became refugees in neighboring countries. An internationally brokered power-sharing agreement between the Tutsi-dominated government and the Hutu rebels in 2003 paved the way for a transition process that led to an integrated defense force, established a new constitution in 2005, and elected a majority Hutu government in 2005. The new government, led by President Pierre NKURUNZIZA, signed a South African brokered ceasefire with the country's last rebel g
- Burundi is officially the Republic of Burundi, is a small country in the Great Lakes region of Africa. No, that can't be right. The only Great Lakes are Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior, so declared because these are the only lakes that are truly great. It is bordered by Rwanda on the north, Tanzania on the south and east, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the west. Although the country is landlocked, much of its western border is adjacent to Lake Tanganyika. The country's modern name is derived from its Bantu language, Kirundi. Its capital is Bujumbura.
- The Twa, Hutu and Tutsi peoples have lived in Burundi for at least 500 years. For more than 200 years, Burundi was an independent kingdom. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Germany colonized the region. After the First World War and Germany's defeat, it ceded the territory to Belgium. The Belgians ruled Burundi and Rwanda as a colony known as Ruanda-Urundi. Their intervention exacerbated social differences between the Tutsi and Hutu, and contributed to political unrest in the region. Burundi gained independence in 1962 and initially had a monarchy, but a series of assassinations, coups, and a general climate of regional instability culminated in the establishment of a republic and one-party state in 1966. Bouts of ethnic cleansing and ultimately two civil wars and genocides during
- Na terenie Burundi znajdowało się kiedyś królestwo Urundi, gdzie mieszkali członkowie plemienia Tutsi. Jednak kiedy przybyli Hutu i podbili tereny, nazwali kraj Burundi, czyli Brzydkie Urundi. Z czasem przybyli też Pigmeje Twa. I tak rozpoczęła się trwająca do dziś wojna domowa. Każde z plemion bije się między sobą o bezwartościowe kawałki ziemi, na której tylko chwasty rosną. Przez cały XVIII i XIX wiek dokonano około czterystu zamachów stanu. Dochodziło do tego, że Tutsi obalali własnych dyktatorów, bo nie wiedzieli kto rządzi. W połowie XX wieku przyjechali Żydzi, którzy wlepili 3 gwiazdy Dawida na flagę i oktrojowali konstytucję. Dokument nie przetrwał długo, gdyż Twa, którzy obalili żydowskich dyktatorów, spalili go. W 1992 któryś z dyktatorów omyłkowo podpisał konstytucję, w myśl któ