| - Nanocoke was a material used in the manufacturing process of durasteel. The material was used to bind all the elements that create the alloy. Nanocoke was a form of solid carbon that was the waste result of creating fuel for starships, landspeeders and personal dwelling heat appliances. It had a melting point of 1250 degrees C and could be heated to 5000 degrees C before evaporation occurred. Nanocoke was introduced into the process early. As the other elements of durasteel were heated to the point of melting, the nanocake would begin to bind the molecules of carvanium, lommite, carbon, meleenium, neutronium, and zersium together. Nanocoke would hold these ores together until the finished durasteel was cooled to less than 1250 degrees. At this point, the nanocoke would no longer have any use. Its remains would simply be washed off during the final stages of manufacture. This residue was considered highly toxic and required special handling and was strictly regulated by the Galactic Senate. The residue also had other uses, it could be refined into a ballistic material for use in two-stage armor-piercing bunker-buster bombs used by the Jedi. It also could be used, after further refinement, for blast tinting in the Jedi Stealth X starfighters.