| - The Big Brawl is a series written by Goku484. This features characters from an abundance of media outside of the DragonBall universe including (but not limited to) other anime, Comic Characters (Mirage, DC, as well as Marvel), and cartoons. This Series features how majority of the characters meet, form alliances, rivalries, and gaining allies and enemies alike. Also features many brawls, both the long awaited ones, as well as random selections.
| - The Big Brawl is a series written by Goku484. This features characters from an abundance of media outside of the DragonBall universe including (but not limited to) other anime, Comic Characters (Mirage, DC, as well as Marvel), and cartoons. This Series features how majority of the characters meet, form alliances, rivalries, and gaining allies and enemies alike. Also features many brawls, both the long awaited ones, as well as random selections. This story takes place following the events of The Big Brawl: Join The Fray, in which the battle with Buu ends quite differently then the original manga/anime, to fully comprehend this story, it is highly recommended to read that, as well as The Big Brawl: Connections. The Main chapter is The Big Brawl: Coming Together, but it is highly recomended to read the others before engaging in this one, as you will be extremly confused.