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The slightly antisocial Huma hero of Tales of Rebirth. Veigue is a distant person of few words, but he softens up when around his childhood sweetheart Claire. Having grown up in Sulz, a village that treated Huma and Gajuma as equals, he is unaware of the racism that runs outside of his home. He possesses the Force of Ice. Veigue's childhood sweetheart, whose family adopted the boy as a young orphan. Claire is a beautiful, kind-hearted and optimistic Huma. She possesses no Force and does not participate in battle. Tropes associated with Mao: Tropes associated with Eugene:

  • Tales of Rebirth/Characters
  • The slightly antisocial Huma hero of Tales of Rebirth. Veigue is a distant person of few words, but he softens up when around his childhood sweetheart Claire. Having grown up in Sulz, a village that treated Huma and Gajuma as equals, he is unaware of the racism that runs outside of his home. He possesses the Force of Ice. Veigue's childhood sweetheart, whose family adopted the boy as a young orphan. Claire is a beautiful, kind-hearted and optimistic Huma. She possesses no Force and does not participate in battle. Tropes associated with Mao: Tropes associated with Eugene:
  • The slightly antisocial Huma hero of Tales of Rebirth. Veigue is a distant person of few words, but he softens up when around his childhood sweetheart Claire. Having grown up in Sulz, a village that treated Huma and Gajuma as equals, he is unaware of the racism that runs outside of his home. He possesses the Force of Ice. * Awesome Yet Practical: A clear believer in this trope, due to the way he combines his Badass Longcoat with a breastplate. * Badass: * Badass Longcoat * Badass Long Hair: Tied up in one heck of an impressive braid. * Blue Oni * BFS His sword is exceptionally large for Tales protagonist standards * Bonus Boss: He makes an appearence in Tales of Graces. * Cruel Mercy: Does this to Saleh. After Saleh's final defeat in battle, he wanted Veigue to finish the job, but Veigue- deciding that Saleh wasn't even worth killing- ignored him. * Deadpan Snarker: Especially towards Tytree. * Demoted to Extra: He's the frigging hero of Rebirth, yet he's mostly not included in spinoff games while his friends gets in first. Case in points: Radiant Mythology 1 and Versus. * Elemental Powers: * An Ice Person: His main one. * Blow You Away & Light'Em Up: He can use these through Altered Artes. * Making a Splash: He eventually receives the Power of Water from Shaorune... which manifests as his strongest ice attack. * Flanderization: His original characterisation was The Stoic, but fandom tends to remember him as "that guy who yells "CLAIREEEEEEEEEEE!!!". This quickly reached Ascended Meme status, and in every Viva! Tales Of Omake video, his original character is completely replaced by "yelling Claire's name a lot". See here. * Idiot Hero: Subversion: Veigue acts impulsive at times, but not as much as the resident Idiot Hero Tytree... * It Has Been an Honour: He tells Tytree as much during the final dungeon. * Like Brother and Sister: Subverted. While he was taken in by Claire's family, there are plenty of hints that they have ever seen each other as siblings. * Loners Are Freaks * Love Makes You Crazy: Deconstructed. The Body Swap between Claire and Agarte puts strain on his mind, causing him to find differentiating the two difficult. This leads to his Force going out of control and prompts his friends to beat some sense back into him. Once it's over, Claire runs off in order to avoid hurting him anymore. * Memetic Mutation: His Say My Name tendencies almost rivals Suiseiseki. Well, almost... Also? If the PSP port's bonus DVD is anything to by, his friends treat it as an in-universe example. * Mighty Glacier: Although he borders on Lightning Bruiser. * Nobuyuki Hiyama * Punny Name: His name is a play of the word 'Vague' * Say My Name: KUREAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! * Shout-Out: His Hi-Ougi with Hilda, Celsius Calibur, makes his sword looks like BFS version of Soul Calibur. Add to the fact that Veigue is voiced by the guy who voiced Siegfried... * The Stoic: Unless Claire is involved. Claire Bennett File:Claire185 6269.jpg Veigue's childhood sweetheart, whose family adopted the boy as a young orphan. Claire is a beautiful, kind-hearted and optimistic Huma. She possesses no Force and does not participate in battle. * Body Swap * Blue / Green Eyes * The Chick * Disposable Woman: Zigzagged. In the beginning, her role is basically as a Plot Device to motivate Veigue into action, but she eventually comes to be the person who puts Agarte on the path to Character Development. * Distressed Damsel * Hair of Gold * Human Popsicle * Like Brother and Sister: Subverted. It's her parents who see Veigue as their family. She, however, has more than a few Ship Tease moments with him. * Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: A bittersweet version. The first hints of Agarte's character development can more or less be traced back to her... and, after having completed it, she ends up pulling a Heroic Sacrifice to save the world. * Non Action Girl: Justified. She has no Force and no military training. It's kind of impossible for her to fight anyone. That's not to say she doesn't stand up to anyone at all, though. * Noodle People: But only in her official art. Outside of it, she's reasonably proportioned. * Plucky Girl - During her kidnapping, she managed to keep her composure against Saleh; a guy the entire cast considers to be a Complete Monster. Oh, and then? She delivered a speech about the The Power of Love and The Power of Friendship to a crowd of angry villagers who intended to behead her... and then she decides to accompany the party into an Eldritch Location to take on the Final Boss despite the fact that she can't fight in order to support her friends. Non Action Chick she may be, but she's got ovaries of adamantium! * Punny Name: Her name is a play of the word 'Clear'. * Purity Personified * Wide-Eyed Idealist Mao File:Mao185 2175.jpg A young Huma boy with the Force of Fire. Mao has no memories of his past, and after being found wandering in Callegia Castle by Eugene, was taken into his care. Mao usually serves as the mood-maker of the group, and loves to sing. He is primarily a mage, specialising in Fire, Wind and Dark magic. Tropes associated with Mao: * Akeno Watanabe: As of this role, she's officially become a Promoted Fangirl. * Amnesiac Dissonance * Artificial Human * Badass Adorable * The Chick: He tends to be the mood maker and emotional centre of the team. * Cute Shotaro Boy * Elemental Powers: * Blow You Away * Casting a Shadow * Playing with Fire: His main one. * Fiery Redhead * Fun Personified * Grand Theft Me: Mao is often subjected to this with the Sacred Beasts. Especially Shaorune. * Keet * Little Mister Snarker: He gets some surprisingly smarmy lines in here and there. * Shipper on Deck: Implies more than once that he's one for Tytree x Hilda. * Tagalong Kid * Zettai Ryouki Eugene Gallardo File:Eugene185 6980.jpg A Panther Gajuma, Eugene is a powerful melee warrior with the Force of Steel. He was once a high-ranking general in the Callegia Kingdom Army, until the day that he was accused of the murder of a respected Kingdom doctor. Eugene admitted responsibility and the exile that followed, later working outside the system to discover the truth behind the suspicious actions of Agarte. Tropes associated with Eugene: * The Atoner: His whole motivation. * Badass Adorable: While his actual "adorability" is doubtable, in Radiant Mythology, Tear describes him as "big, fluffy and cute" and desperately wants to hug him * The Big Guy and The Smart Guy * Blade on a Stick * Cool Old Guy * Death Seeker: He offers to let Annie kill him to avenge Doctor Barrs once his investigation is complete. The Power of Friendship ultimately wins, however. * Elemental Powers: * Blow You Away: His first one. * Dishing Out Dirt * Extra Ore Dinary: His Force is the "Force of Steel", although few of his attacks have much of a "metal" theme to them. * Shock and Awe * Fantastic Racism: He's a victim of it from Annie. He later develops a Super-Powered Evil Side that is very racist and more or less wants to eradicate all Humas, although he does his best to keep it at bay until the power of Randgriz helps him to vanquish it completely. * Genius Bruiser * Lightning Bruiser: He's the token big guy but he attacks faster than Veigue. * The Messiah * Panthera Awesome * Promotion to Parent: He's pretty much Mao's father figure. * Scary Black Man: Subverted. He has black furs, his voice is rather gruff that makes him gives out this vibe (doesn't help that he is voiced by Unsho Ishizuka, voice behind another Scary Black Man: Jet Black. However, not only he is calm (if he's not berserked), he's one of the most sensible, amiable and forgiving party member). * Superpowered Evil and Racist Side: Thanks to Geyorkias... The Power of Friendship helps him to defeat it, however. * Team Dad: Lampshaded by Mao. * Tragic Hero * Unsho Ishizuka * Unstoppable Rage: As a result of Geyorkias' power going haywire, he ends up developing a Super-Powered Evil Side that he keeps at bay by murdering the bajeezus out of Viruses. * Walking the Earth: What he does after exile and the ending. Annie Barrs File:Annie185 3468.jpg A Huma teenager with the Force of Rain. She is the daughter of Doctor Barrs, a respected Kingdom doctor who was supposedly murdered by Eugene. Because of this, Annie despises all Gajuma and is on a mission to avenge her father's death. Tropes associated with Annie: * Akiko Yajima * Bare Your Midriff * Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Her eventual apology to Eugene really will make you say "Aaawwww..." * Defrosting Ice Queen: Annie starts out very much hating Gajumas and especially Eugene, who often receives many harsh comments from her. Eventually, during the quest, she stops hating him and becomes more friendly with him. * Elemental Powers: * Blow You Away: She eventually inherits Wontiga's power. * Making a Splash: Her power is the Force of Rain. * Fantastic Racism: Her desire to avenge her father by killing Eugene quickly turns into a hatred of all Gajumas. * Generation Xerox: She's a healer, like her father... although she uses what is basically magic rather than science to do the job. * Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: One of the uses of Force of Rain is to calm an angered person. * Knife Nut: In the beginning, although she quickly ditched them for a Simple Staff. * Ill Girl: Her immune system is noticeably weak. At one point she is infected with an illness so bad that the party have to stop what they're doing and search for a cure. * Irony: The Ill Girl is the best medic. Huh. * The Medic * My God, What Have I Done?: She eventually comes to realise that she's been a total ass towards Gajumas and especially Eugene and makes a tearful apology to him. * Simple Staff * White Magician Girl: In the same way as Mint. She... rather lacks the typical personality, however. * You Killed My Father Tytree Crowe File:Tytree185 2903.jpg A Hot-Blooded Huma labourer with the Force of Plant. When Tytree's beloved sister is kidnapped by the Four Stars, his Force goes berserk until brought under control by Veigue's party. Tytree joins up to help rescue his sister, and immediately becomes one of the most positive members of the party, believing in the power of justice and equality between races. Tropes associated with Tytree: * The Archer & Bare-Fisted Monk * Crazy Awesome: Deliberately invoked. From a combat standpoint, this guy is just amazing. He's expert in hand-to-hand combat, can create geysers by uppercutting or small tremors by hitting the ground, and even has a bow-gauntlet that can shoot lasers. Not to mention he's one of the more lighthearted members of the party... Oh, yeah, and did we also mention that he's one of the single most awesomely cool, friendly and affable dudes around? Sadly, however, Rebirth is one of the Darker and Edgier Tales games (complete with Bittersweet Ending) and so, for all his awesomeness, Tytree can't solve quite as many problems as he wishes he could. * Dark Is Not Evil: Out of all the heroes, he's the first one chosen to wield the power of a Sacred Beast: specifically the power of darkness. * Duel Boss: He started the trend for Tales heroes to fight a rival to a remix of the opening theme. * Elemental Powers: * Casting a Shadow: He doesn't get the element in combat, but Eephon gives him this power to help him combat Geyorkias' influence. * Dishing Out Dirt * Green Thumb: Same deal as Eugene. * Making a Splash * Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: His legendary "socking" scene with Veigue. * Good Old Fisticuffs * Hot-Blooded * Idiot Hero * Justice Will Prevail: Doesn't spout about justice much, but his actions and attitude clearly screams this. * Lampshade Hanging: Several of his artes use the Kanji for "stupid". Huh... * Large Ham: Gives Stahn a run for his money. * Likes Older Women: Possibly... Mao likes to tease him about having a thing for Hilda, but he denies it. * Little Brother Instinct: "Siscon/Sister Complex" is one of his traits. * Love Freak * The Power of Friendship: One of his main weapons. * "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Actually delivers a heroic version to Saleh. Except that it doesn't really work... * Red Oni * When All You Have Is a Hammer: Name a single problem he doesn't try to solve through some form of shouting heroic things. We'll wait. * Wild Hair Hilda Rhambling File:Hilda185 2851.jpg A mysterious wandering fortune teller. She first meets the party as an adversary working for the Four Stars under Tohma, only to be betrayed. Though mature and intelligent, Hilda holds a particularly bitter viewpoint of the world and a tormented past. She possesses the Force of Lightning. She is actually a Half, the offspring of a Huma and a Gajuma. Halves possess weak bodies (resulting in a high infant morality rate) and are openly and universally discriminated against. She was kidnapped as a child by Tohma, who raised her to believe that her parents abandoned her out of shame. Because of this, Hilda despises her own Half body to the point of mutilating herself by cutting off her horns and hiding the stumps with her hat. She is searching for a way to be rid of her Half body for good. Tropes associated with Hilda: * All of the Other Reindeer: Suffered this during childhood, and remains one of her main problems throughout the game. * Black Magician Girl * Break the Cutie: Her entire backstory is just one long series of cutie-breaking moments. * Broken Bird: And that's before Tohma got his hands on her. * Cool Big Sis: Subverted. Her emotional issues mean that she's not quite as "cool" as Annie seems to think she is. She eventually matures into the real deal. * Elemental Powers: * An Ice Person: By fusing Water and Earth. * Dishing Out Dirt * Light'Em Up: By fusing Water and Light(ning). It's also the power she receives from her Sacred Beast trial. * Making a Splash * Shock and Awe: Her main element, though being a Black Magician Girl, she has more than just lightning. * Bolt of Divine Retribution: Divine Sabre, which she gains through her Sacred Beast trial. to obliterate her Enemy Without. * Enemy Without: Her Sacred Beast trial involves her fighting the manifestation of all her darker emotions. She eventually nukes it with Divine Sabre. * Fantastic Racism: A victim of it from both Humas and Gajumas. * Half-Human Hybrid * Hey, It's That Voice!: If her voice reminds you of Selvaria Bles, then you're not mistaken. * Interspecies Romance: Revealed in her backstory. She had a crush on a Huma, who refused to be with her because of the racial difference. It led to her cutting off her horns. * May-December Romance: Mao teases her about a lesser version of this trope with Tytree. However, she defies the trope when she says she's not interested in younger men. * Nice Hat: It's actually used to cover up her Half nature. * Onee-Sama: She's the second oldest character in the team, after Eugene, and Annie particularly adores her. * Parental Abandonment: They're both dead. * The Stoic * Tyke Bomb Tohma trains her to be one. * The Woobie: Ultimately defied in-universe by the end of the game, when she takes a confident and very heroic "Don't You Dare Pity Me!" attitude towards her status as a Half. * World of Cardboard Speech: Gives a truly heartwarming one at the end of the game when she decides that she won't hide her status as a Half and will live proudly and openly from now on. * You Killed My Father: She eventually learns that Tohma murdered her parents so he could use her as his Tyke Bomb. She is pissed when she discovers it.
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