| - At Castle Acorn, King Maximillian scolds Sally and Sonic for infiltrating New Megaopolis without his permission. Sonic tries to place the blame on himself, saying he "kidnapped" the princess, but the king doesn't believe Sonic's feeble lie and continues to admonish his child for failing to consider her responsibilities as a princess. As they leave the castle, Sally demands that Sonic stop covering for her. She reasons that they can't keep pretending they can have a relationship when Sonic refuses to stop being the kingdom's hero; she can't risk being too attached to him while she rules over the city. Later that afternoon at Fredrick's Airbase, King Acorn and Queen Alicia board the Acorn One and set out on their tour of Mobius, bringing Sir Charles Hedgehog along as their science adviser and Antoine as the commander of their elite guard. At Uncle Chuck's Diner, Sonic has a meal with Tails, Knuckles, and Julie-Su and complains about Sally wanting him to stop fighting. Julie-Su admits that she was worried like Sally when Knuckles returned from the afterlife, but Sonic argues that she's not nearly as hung up on keeping Knuckles out of action. Suddenly, Charmy Bee and Saffron arrive at the diner and collapse from exhaustion. Some time later, after receiving medical attention, Charmy and Saffron arrive in the throne room of Castle Acorn with Sonic, Tails, and the Chaotix. Sally, as acting ruler while her parents are away, asks Charmy to explain what happened. Charmy obliges, telling her that Dr. Eggman's Egg Pawns destroyed the Golden Hive Colony. Just then, a guard informs the group of a garbled transmission on the Technolotree. The message manages to relay that Locke is being held prisoner on Angel Island. Sally tries to convince a furious Knuckles that it might be a trap, but he refuses to abandon his father. Sally relents, giving the group permission to search for Locke on the grounds that they leave liberating the island from Dr. Eggman for another time. Sonic tells Sally that he refuses to sit this mission out, no matter what she says. Sally, annoyed by his presumptuousness, just demands that he submit a thorough report of the mission when he returns. That night, Bunnie flies Sonic and the Chaotix to Angel Island in the Freedom Fighter Special. She wonders why she can't explore the island with them, but Sonic assures her that she'll be needed to protect Knothole while he's away. The group lands in the Marble Garden Zone as Bunnie flies the ship back to Knothole. Knuckles tells Sonic to go on reconnaissance, but before Knuckles can even finish his sentence Sonic spots something nearby: an echidna concentration camp run by the Dingo Regime. Sonic and the Chaotix charge the perimeter, quickly disarming and overpowering the dingos. Unlike the others, Knuckles finds himself being overpowered by the guards and is saved by Sonic. While the Chaotix celebrate their victory, the echidna prisoners hail Knuckles as the Avatar. Remington, kneeling among the crowd, approaches Knuckles. He explains that, after some initial skepticism, he came to realize Knuckles must be the Avatar of their people. He tells Knuckles that Echidnaopolis was overrun by the dingos after they allied with Eggman and he spent months in a dungeon, but he always had faith that Knuckles would return and free him. Julie-Su recalls the Prophecy of the Ancient Walkers, which states that a champion would return from the afterlife and deliver the world from its suffering. Knuckles, having lost most of his abilities, doubts he could actually be their Avatar. In Echidnaopolis, now known as Dingo City, Dr. Eggman demands that Kage Von Stryker force Locke to reveal the location of the Master Emerald. Kage is happy to do so, preparing to torture Locke. Meanwhile, Sonic, the Chaotix, and the echidna prisoners arrive in Lava Reef Zone, the location where the Technolotree's transmission originated. The group notices the smoke rising higher than normal and find themselves surrounded by members of the Dark Legion.