Abraham Lincoln also famously wore a stovepipe hat. Will Johnson once wrote Claire Bartlett a letter describing the president's post-war trip to Richmond, Virginia. He said that the "grand stovepipe" allowed the president to stand "two heads taller than any of those around him", making him easy to identify in a crowd. Peri, who was in that crowd with Erimem, later said that the hat was about the only thing they could see of the president. (PROSE: Blood and Hope)
Abraham Lincoln also famously wore a stovepipe hat. Will Johnson once wrote Claire Bartlett a letter describing the president's post-war trip to Richmond, Virginia. He said that the "grand stovepipe" allowed the president to stand "two heads taller than any of those around him", making him easy to identify in a crowd. Peri, who was in that crowd with Erimem, later said that the hat was about the only thing they could see of the president. (PROSE: Blood and Hope)