About: 2008-11-10 - Faryon Negotiations   Sponge Permalink

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Faryon: No Name City - Flat Field At the far end of No Name City, is a large open field. Rarely, a starship is sitting upon it, but normally the grass simply blows in the almost constant breeze. There is a wooden tower in the middle of the field. It is roughly three stories high, one of the tallest structures on the planet that is man-made. The stairs are exposed to the elements, but lead to the small enclosed area above that houses a small communication display. Com Chatter: Midway between the two forces, Zelm comes to a halt and waits for the republic people to come to him.

  • 2008-11-10 - Faryon Negotiations
  • Faryon: No Name City - Flat Field At the far end of No Name City, is a large open field. Rarely, a starship is sitting upon it, but normally the grass simply blows in the almost constant breeze. There is a wooden tower in the middle of the field. It is roughly three stories high, one of the tallest structures on the planet that is man-made. The stairs are exposed to the elements, but lead to the small enclosed area above that houses a small communication display. Com Chatter: Midway between the two forces, Zelm comes to a halt and waits for the republic people to come to him.
  • Jedi, Republic Forces, Faryon People
  • --11-10
  • Meena Tills, Graham, Richard Tan, Zelm Jai, Kavra James Loro, Yaala'ani
  • Faryon Negotiation
  • The Faryon and Republic forces agree to a five day truce.
  • Faryon: No Name City - Flat Field
  • Faryon: No Name City - Flat Field At the far end of No Name City, is a large open field. Rarely, a starship is sitting upon it, but normally the grass simply blows in the almost constant breeze. There is a wooden tower in the middle of the field. It is roughly three stories high, one of the tallest structures on the planet that is man-made. The stairs are exposed to the elements, but lead to the small enclosed area above that houses a small communication display. To the west, No Name City lies in its unattractive glory. The occasional tumbleweed rolls into the town from the field and vice versa. The eastern trail leads to the panning river. It can be heard off in the distance as the water runs over the rapids. The view from the field is dominated by the hills and mountains that surround the valley and the blue sky dotted with white clouds. Com Chatter: Meena Tills pages: still no luck, paging my com: Faryon grond command, this is Meena Tills for the Republic. We would like to arrange a meeting under truce at the spaceport. We have rescued a few of your people from space, and would like to return them to you, and to discuss the terms of a peace settlement. (Yaala'ani) The courageous glides into a landing. A rough, bumpy landing - shaking back and forth as it enters the atmosphere as gracefully as a whale jumping off a mountain. It lands flat atop a large patch of tumbleweed, crushing the poor weed flat. Yaala'ani emerges from the ship a moment later, wearing a simple brown robe over her armor, glancing around the field calmly. (Richard Tan) Richard Tan walks down after Yaala'ani, but before the guards and Kavra. As he exits, he looks aorund, keeping his hand on his hip, but not going for his blaster just yet, as there is not a need for him to do that. He looks around and thinks as he says nothing and just keeps an eye out. (Graham) Graham steps off the ship looking about the landing zone. He takes in his surroundings but than moves to to the side awaiting any others who may leave the ship. (Kavra) Kavra walks down the ramp behind Graham slowly muttering something about flight schools or instructors passing anyone. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani glances about at the nearby men, not looking concerned in the slightest, and paying no attention at all to the two lightsabers strapped to her belt. She stands aside to make way for Senator Tills. (Richard Tan) Richard Tan stands to the side a well as he waits to let those who know what is going on to deal with this. Right now, he is more worried about who is here and what might happen. (Zelm) The bald man, Zelm, makes a motion to his men, a mere flicker of his hand, and then advances forward, closing the distance between him and the Republic forces. Half of his men accompany him, trailing at a discrete distance. Midway between the two forces, Zelm comes to a halt and waits for the republic people to come to him. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills shows no particular hesitation. He gestures the returnees to proceed him, and follows after when they step across the field. (Kavra) Kavra begins to walk forward slowly along with the other survivors. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani moves to walk beside Senator Tills, ready to block any stray blaster bolts that happen to go his way. (Richard Tan) Richard Tan walks along side Yaala'ani and the others who are here, ready to help as needed. (Zelm) Zelm stands there, legs spread wide, his work scarred hands tucked into his belt. The picture of confidence, but behind that picture he is scared, terrified. "Where's Kavra?" He asks as the republic people get to him. (Kavra) Kavra steps forward after hearing her name called "Here sir." offers a salute. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills stops, letting Kavra and her fellows step forward ahead of the Republic staff. (Zelm) There is a brief nod given to Kavra as she moves forward, most of Zelm's attention remaining on the republic people and the jedi. "You said you wanted to make a truce. I'm listening." (Richard Tan) Richard Tan listens as well, but stays quiet. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills looks at Zelm. His blast helmet gives no hint of expreession, but the voice which emerges is soft-spoken, cool and ironic, but with a hard edge to it carrying all the clear confidence of someone used to command. "I was thinking about more than a truce, but I'm willing to grant a truce long enough for your people to think their position through. The Republic isn't going to put up with piracy in this part of space any more. A treaty with the Republic, setting up an extradition treaty and granting right of transit to Republic ships through Faryon deep space, and we can arrange for new opportunities for this world. I'm sorry that your ... spacegoing ... compatriots chose to shoot rather than negotiate. The Republic has no desire for Empire, only for peace and the security of law." (Kavra) Kavra walks past Zelm then turns back. Her jaw clenches angerily at Meena's words but she remains silent. (Zelm) Light blue eyes flicker towards Kavra, before Zelm replies. "A truce will do for now, if you move your ships back, to the edge of the system. It's hard to think with the threat of a republic fleet hanging over your head." A hand jabs towards the mountains in the distance; the resting place of what is left of the Ravager after its demise. "I hope you understand." The hand flops back to his side. "I can't speak for the rest of what you want. I'd have to talk to my people, find out how they feel, figure out what's in their best interest..." There is a slight pause. "A Jedi... Would one of the Jedi stay, for consultation purposes...?" (Meena Tills) Meena Tills looks at Zelm, and off toward the others. "Do you need any help dealing with the damage from the crash?" he asks softly. (Zelm) "We can take care of ourselves," Comes the cold reply. "But thanks for the offer to clean up your mess." Zelm shifts his weight from one side to the other, his attention suddenly shifting back to Kavra. "Did they hurt you?" (Kavra) Kavra shakes his "Nothing other then the burns I sustained when my fighter was shot down and they treated those sir." (Graham) Graham watches the proceedings carefully. He listens intently looking from one to another. The white robed man steps forward from where he's stayed. He looks to the other of the order a moment longer. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills looks to the Jedi. "Yaala'ani, Graham. Would either of you care to assist in discussions with folk on the ground?" He takes no offense at either of the Faryon officer's expressions. As if he were cold as ice, and intense as a laser beam. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani steps forward as well. "I would be willing to stay, of course." she says. "And aide with any consultation you require." (Zelm) Zelm's bald head nods slightly, acknowledging the woman's words. "What's your name, Jedi?" The man inquires. "You're not the padawan, are you? We want a real Jedi, not one of your students. People's lives are at stake." (Kavra) Kavra remains standing at her current postition. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani is silent a moment, glancing over Zelm and his goattee before responding. "I am Yaala'ani, Jedi Knight of the Republic." she says simply. "As always, we are here to preserve and guard peace and justice, and will aide those who seek such for their worlds." (Zelm) "Alright... But you leave the shiny sword behind. I give you my word we won't hurt you." Then to Meena, he asks, "Are you going to move your fleet back, and give us time to think this over? Say... a week." (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani shakes her head. "I do not leave my lightsaber behind." she says simply. "It goes where I go. If the good will and honor of the Jedi are not sufficient for you to trust me with it, I believe I can advise you quite well via hologram." (Graham) "No the knight keeps her weapon." the white robed man speaks up as well. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills pauses. "It seems to me," he says pleasantly, "that you've no reason to deprive a Jedi of her light saber. That's part of the knight; they're rather inseparable. It's not like she's going to go berserk on you." He studies the man thoughtfully. "A week seems a bit much. I'd think five days would be enough time to think things through. But with those provisions, I'll move my fleet to the outskirts, as long as you'll allow small parties to land to buy supplies and to allow some small portion of my people to spend their credits on shore liberty. Keeping thousands of people on ship twenty-four hours a day makes them cranky." (Kavra) Kavra eyes narrow not entirely happy at the idea of allowing those who had helped decimate her comrades shore leave on their world but knowing that the decision has nothing to do with her waits patiently. (Zelm) "We hope she doesn't go berserk... I heard the radio chatter last night. One blasted jedi holding off hundreds! At least put the blasted thing in a case. She can carry it with her, just not out in the open like that." The bald man's hand brushes his head once more. A nervous gesture. "We've still got the damage from that ship to take care of. We're going to need time. Time to put out fires, tend to the wounded, gather everybody. A week, and we'll get back to you on the shore leave. I don't wana have to babysit your men, nor will I allow you to bring a set of walking tanks down here..." (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani blinks towards the bald man. "The Jedi do not attack first." she says, and it is not a question. "I will kill no man who does not force me to do so, and as a Jedi I prefer nonviolence. If your men are nervous seeing my lightsaber, perhaps it will remind them of the virtues to which the Jedi aspire; love, compassion, tolerance, peace - and yet again; nonviolence." She pauses. "My lightsaber is a part of my soul. It stays where it is." (Richard Tan) Richard Tan stands and listens to the talk, making notes in his head as he watches. (Meena Tills) Unmoved, Meena Tills says: "Five days. that is enough. And at least, let us allow some neutral area here where people can get out and stretch their legs." (Zelm) Zelm takes a step back, his head lowering as he begins muttering to Kavra. You whisper, "What do you think? They don't seem like they are going to budge on the week thing, but we can't fix stuff up /and/ have a meeting to discuss their stuff at the same time... And shore leave...?" to Kavra. (Kavra) Kavra her eyes narrow further as she whispers in reply. Kavra whispers: "The shore leave we could deal with but I would suggust limiting them to no more then 20 at a time. What I want to know and am worried about is their insistince on the 5 day limit sir. You whisper, "We could charge them and limit them. Let's see what they do if I try to push it to six days... See if they still stick to the five... If they do we'll know something is up." to Kavra. (Kavra) Kavra nods in agreement with whatever Zelm is telling her. (Zelm) Zelm straightens, his bald head gleaming in the sun. "Six days. You get to send only twenty at a time, but you pay a thousand per person and they can't carry any weapon besides a blaster." His head turns towards the Jedi Knight. "You can keep your weapon." (Meena Tills) Meena Tills chuckles softly. "I can see you're a businessman. Forget the fee. But we'll gladly donate a new shield after the treaty is signed." Meena Tills says, "And five days. Not six." (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani glances between Kavra and Zelm, her eyes calm. (Zelm) "Somebody has to pay for all the damage you caused. A thousand per group, and the shield." There is a slight pause, in which the blad man excahnges a look with Kavra. "Give me that, and I'll give you your five days." (Kavra) Kavra leans in close to Zelm and whispers to him. Kavra whispers: "5 days to prepare for whatever they have planned. I would prefer more time but at least we'll know when whatever it is will come. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills pauses. "Ten thousand credits flat," he says, "And you have a deal." (Zelm) "Ten thousand!" Scoffs Zelm. "Ten thousand is not going to fix anything. Jedi!" He jerks his chin at Meena's. "Do what you supposed to be doing. I want some justice. He's trying to bully me with that fleet of his." (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani smiles. "Perhaps you are correct. We should compromise - the fee will be 50,000 credits, to be paid after the treaty is signed." (Meena Tills) Meena Tills nods. "That's quite reasonable," he agrees. (Zelm) "I want that in writing. And no going back on it." Zelm says, his eyes flickering towards Kavra once more. "Do we have a deal?" (Kavra) Kavra nods slightly before whispering to Zelm. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills nods. "Certainly," Meena Tills says, pulling out a datapad and entering the terms. "With one added condition. The fee is dependent on your side not resuming hostilities in the meantime. That's only fair." Kavra whispers: I don't know about you but I intend to look into getting a blaster and as much training with it as I can in 5 days sir. (Zelm) Zelm's bald head nods to Kavra before he spits out his reply to Meena. "Including your side in that is also /only/ fair. As for my men, you don't have to worry about us attacking you. I gave you my word and I stand by it." (Meena Tills) Meena Tills nods. "Five days. After that, you'll either sign a treaty, or we're back where we started." He says softly, "I prefer to avoid the innocent landing in a crossfire, and so I shall be patient." (Zelm) "If I can round people up before five days are done the Jedi can arrange another meeting. If you don't mind, Jedi?" Zelm says. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills nods. "Agreed then. I shall move the Republic fleet to the outskirts of the system." (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani bows her head. "I am more then pleased to help facilitate diplomatic negotiations, of course. They are far preferrable to the alternative." (Zelm) "Good... If you'll follow us, Jedi..." Zelm turns then, trying not to show the fear that has been gnawing at his guts this entire meeting. He walks away with carefully measured steps, heading for his men. Something is muttered to Kavra in passing. You whisper, "If those pirates come back before we sign this treaty, we are /all/ going to pay..." to Kavra. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani tilts her head. "As you wish. What is your official title here, that I may know by what term to address you?" (Kavra) Kavra nods grimly in agreement with Zelm's words. (Meena Tills) Meena Tills nods. "I shall go now. The Jedi and those with her can leave on one of the other ships later. (Natalia) Natalia steps off her ship and scans the general area, though her eyes are apparently intent upon finding someone. She glances to another ship and walks in that direction. (Zelm) "You can call me Zelm. No need for any fancy title." The bald man tosses over his shoulder. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani bows her head. "As you wish, Zelm." She moves to follow Zelm with measured, confident steps. (Zelm) Zelm's men form up around the small party, more coming in the farther away from the field they get until they total over a hundred. "Is it worth it, tossing our lot in with the Republic, Jedi? Will they protect us? Or are we going to be left to fend for ourselves?" (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani tilts her head. "The Galaxy is a harsh place, Zelm - I will not lie. They cannot always protect every world. To say otherwise would be a lie. But if you negotiate with them in good faith, and ask for their protection, you will have it. Your proximity to Thyferra make this easier; as their bacta trade route is extremely valuable; and in order to approach your world, you must bypass Thyferra." She pauses. "You are far safer with them, then without them - especially with the Black Imperium taking the route of peace and reintegration." (Kavra) Kavra simply follows along then decides to ask the question that has been burning in her mind for some time. "Do you know why the Republic is so insistent on the 5 day limit?" (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani upturns her palms. "I am not privvy to the minds of the Republic tacticians, merely a humble monastic woman who seeks to promote the cause of peace." (Zelm) Zelm remains quiet as they move closer to the city, waiting for the jedi to reply to that particular qustion. "Do you have a guess?" The bald man inquires. (Yaala'ani) Yaala'ani shakes her head. "As a Jedi Knight, I do not believe in guesses any more then I believe in luck. To do so would be to speak to things of which I have no knowledge, and to make possibly unwarrented assumptions. One of the first tasks of a Padawan is to learn not to make assumptions. We have many word puzzles regarding this." She pauses. "I have a particular favorite, would you like to hear it?" (Zelm) "No thanks," Zelm replies quickly. Eventually the party pass into the city, leaving the fields behind.
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