| - Finitevus' grand design settled its sights on Knuckles the Echidna, who, the minute he tapped into its power, planning to use it to bring down Dr. Eggman after learning of his slaughter of the Echidna population of Angel Island, had his intentions bent to Finitevus' ideals. The hex scrambled Knuckles' mind, and invoked a brainwashing spell, leading him to become a willing participant in Finitevus' plan and allowed himself to be reborn as Enerjak. (StH: #181)
- [[Archivo:Hex.jpg|thumb|Knuckles siendo infectado por el Hex.]]Dr. Finitevus' Hex es un poderoso hechizo mágico creado por Finitevus en sus esfuerzos para destruir toda la vida en Mobius. Finitevus creó originalmente el Hex durante un largo período de investigación y fundición, hizo grandes esfuerzos para garantizar que se cumpla su objetivo: transformar a alguien dispuesto a ser el nuevo Enerjak. El Hex se colocó en la Master Emerald, enlazando el Hex a voluntad de Finitevus. También sirvió para bloquear el enlace de un tutor/a, y la capacidad de negar sus Chaos Powers naturales. Finitevus era la única persona que podía acceder a su poder, haciendo una versión ligeramente modificada del Tikal's Prayer:
| - Finitevus' grand design settled its sights on Knuckles the Echidna, who, the minute he tapped into its power, planning to use it to bring down Dr. Eggman after learning of his slaughter of the Echidna population of Angel Island, had his intentions bent to Finitevus' ideals. The hex scrambled Knuckles' mind, and invoked a brainwashing spell, leading him to become a willing participant in Finitevus' plan and allowed himself to be reborn as Enerjak. (StH: #181) Sonic the Hedgehog, planning to save his friend, attempted to neutralize the hex the same way as Perfect Chaos; by draining power from the Emerald to become Super Sonic. According to Finitevus and Merlin Prower, it is surprising that Sonic could use the Emerald's power without the hex having any effect on him, as he should not have been able to draw power from the gem. It remains a mystery how he was able to turn into Super Sonic, if the gem's power was "locked" to only Finitevus (the reason why could only be found by dissecting him). Nevertheless, his efforts were futile, as the hex was too strong and resisted his positive aura (while it did have an effect, it wasn't enough). (StH: #184, #187) In the end, it was discovered that Finitevus, expecting a plucky resistance to "save" their beloved Knuckles, had "locked" the hex, leaving him unable to stop the fight between Super Sonic and Enerjak even if he wanted to, and that the only way to break the Hex and his control was for someone to sacrifice their own life. Finitevus' belief that no one would be foolish enough to sacrifice their own life for another was soon proven wrong, as Julie-Su, Archimedes and Locke the Echidna all volunteered to do so. In the end, while Archimedes transported Finitevus away, Locke elected to perform the ceremony, wanting to make amends for all he had put his son through. Locke's sacrifice of life-force broke the hex and caused him to be consumed in energy from the Emerald, leaving nothing behind, but Knuckles did return to normal while Finitevus fled to fight another day. (StH: #184) To be sure there would no ill effects on them because of the hex, Sonic and Knuckles were included in a ceremony by Merlin to remove the curses placed upon Miles "Tails" Prower, Mina Mongoose and Mighty the Armadillo. (StH: #187)
- [[Archivo:Hex.jpg|thumb|Knuckles siendo infectado por el Hex.]]Dr. Finitevus' Hex es un poderoso hechizo mágico creado por Finitevus en sus esfuerzos para destruir toda la vida en Mobius. Finitevus creó originalmente el Hex durante un largo período de investigación y fundición, hizo grandes esfuerzos para garantizar que se cumpla su objetivo: transformar a alguien dispuesto a ser el nuevo Enerjak. El Hex se colocó en la Master Emerald, enlazando el Hex a voluntad de Finitevus. También sirvió para bloquear el enlace de un tutor/a, y la capacidad de negar sus Chaos Powers naturales. Finitevus era la única persona que podía acceder a su poder, haciendo una versión ligeramente modificada del Tikal's Prayer: "The Servants are the Seven Chaos. Chaos is power, controlled by my will. The controller exists to enslave the Chaos." (trad. "Los servidores son las Seven Chaos. Chaos es poder, controlado por mi voluntad. El controlador existe para esclavizar al caos.")