| - Frank enters a room upstairs in the Yardie Crackhouse and finds the two rookies, Ryan and Harris tied up. They are badly injured but alive. Harris has passed out due to being tortured by the Yardies. Frank unties and rescues them. Ryan reveals to Frank that McCormack sent them there to try and uncover a link between the Triads and the Yardies which Frank knows is complete nonsense. He decides he's going to head back to Snow Hill and have it out with McCormack. Suddenly they hear shots outside as another gang war breaks out between the Triads and Yardies. Unbeknownst to Frank at the time, this has been caused by Mark Hammond during his mission Out of the Frying Pan, where he lured the Triads to the Yardie compound outside the crackhouse. Harris regains consciousness and Frank escorts both Ryan and Harris safely out of the crackhouse. He shoots several Yardies on his way outside and makes it to the street where more police officers are now present. Frank leaves Ryan and Harris in safe hands and then drives back to Snow Hill. When he arrives, he spots McCormack leaving and decides to tail him from a distance. McCormack drives slowly around London and Frank carefully follows him without drawing attention to himself. Eventually, McCormack arrives at a depot in Kingscross called Gilberts. Frank spots McCormack going inside and follows in after him. Once inside, Frank realises McCormack has been corrupt all along and is working for Charlie Jolson and is affiliated with the Bethnal Green Mob. Without being seen, Frank follows McCormack through the depot, taking cover behind crates and listens to what McCormack and the Bethnal are saying. McCormack gives orders to the gangsters and explains how they're going to sell Jamahl and the Yardies their own guns. The gangsters report that Charlie isn't going to like this, but some even state that Charlie is the past and McCormack is now running the gang. This is the reason why Charlie wanted him dead in the mission, Filthy Business, which chronologically takes place after this mission. After walking around the depot for some time, Frank looks out across the room and says he can now get McCormack with this incriminating evidence. Suddenly, Frank hears McCormack talking on the phone in the room next door. McCormack is speaking with Big Walter, a member of the Bethnal Green Mob. McCormack tells him the whereabouts of Joe Fielding, Frank's partner, who had been shot by Jake earlier. McCormack advises them to kill him now before the trial in order to protect Jake. Joe is being held at UCL Hospital, on the second floor. Frank decides he'll have to wait to get McCormack and instead rushes out of the depot in order to save his friend. Frank leaves the depot, gets into a car and races over to the hospital as fast as he can, with little time to spare. When he arrives at the hospital, he rushes upstairs to the second floor and finds Joe is safe and well.