| - The Dream Collector lives in a different world/dimension than Yuko Ichihara, Kimihiro Watanuki,Tsubasa Li and Princess Tsubasa. The name of the world where the dream collector works is unspecified but Watanuki and Yuko visited his world once in the series. In the middle of the series, Watanuki has a "real dream" or "premonitory dream" which which is a dream that becomes reality. Watanuki had unknowingly made a "dream purchase" from both Himawari Kunogi and Shizuka Domeki. Subsequently, Watanuki dreamed that there was a large spirit chasing him (Himawari's dream) and that Doumeki, riding a white horse, saved him by shooting an arrow at the spirit (Shizuka's dream). He initially think that it is Shizuka Domeki but it is later revealed that it is in fact Haruka Domeki , Shizuka's late grandfather. Later on, when Watanuki woke up, Yuko told him that even though it was a dream, it was also real and explained to him that if Haruka hadn't come to save him, Watanuki would have really been killed by the spirit. Watanuki also realises that there is an arrow on the ground beside im and notices that it is the same arrow that Shizuka used to save him in the dream. When Watanuki shows Yuko the arrow, Yuko insists that they go to the "dream collector' and they use the arrow to point out the way to enter the world. When Yuko and Watanuki arrive in that world, they meet the Dream collector and trade in Watanuki's dream (which is sealed inside the arrow) for six dreams that the Dream Collector had in his possession at the time. Watanuki then tells the dream collector to give one of the six dreams he recieved to Chibi Kitsune as thanks for helping him in the Monster Procession. The Dream Collector looks that this act of kindness and tells Watanuki that he has a very rare dream, just like his heart and then he leaves to continue on doing his job.