| - Ilsa Strix (born Karin Winslow on December 15, 1967) was a Los Angeles-based professional dominatrix. Strix retired from her various roles as a dominatrix in 2002 to become a doctor of human sexuality. She was born in Connecticut. Strix is of German descent and is fluent in German. She is a tall, voluptuous blonde with a very Germanic appearance. Before going "pro", Winslow participated in (Windsor) community theatre including Babes in Arms and other musical comedies. Although she had long been famous in the BDSM scene for her educational and community efforts, Strix gained mainstream notoriety when she became romantically involved with The Matrix co-creator Larry Wachowski. Her former husband Buck Angel sold stories to British tabloids claiming that Wachowski stole Strix away from him. "I lost everything," he says of his breakup with Strix. [1]. Often, she is much taller than the male slaves whom she dominates in her videos. Of the many fetish videos she has starred in and co-directed, her best known is the first of her educational series, Fetish FAQ 1, which was nominated for an adult oscar. Strix has taught educational workshops and has done community outreach with various institutions, teaching individuals and couples to creatively and safely explore power exchange [2][3]. She is the founder of the Prodomination Project, which "honors and supports" the professionals of domination and submission with resources, education, and the ProDomination Legal Defense Fund.