The listed Maxis-created Sims are NPC Garden Club members that appear in all neighborhoods as long as Seasons is installed. If these Sims walk by a residential lot, or are encountered on a community lot, Sims can buy the Plantophic-C potion from them. The Garden Club members for a neighborhood are created when the secret "Weather" sub-neighborhood is added to the neighborhood. They are initially created as unemployed, but may be assigned random jobs as the neighborhood is played. A Garden Club member may have a random assortment of talent badges. List of pre-made Garden Club Members:
The listed Maxis-created Sims are NPC Garden Club members that appear in all neighborhoods as long as Seasons is installed. If these Sims walk by a residential lot, or are encountered on a community lot, Sims can buy the Plantophic-C potion from them. The Garden Club members for a neighborhood are created when the secret "Weather" sub-neighborhood is added to the neighborhood. They are initially created as unemployed, but may be assigned random jobs as the neighborhood is played. A Garden Club member may have a random assortment of talent badges. List of pre-made Garden Club Members:
* Allyn Thomason
* Armando Cox
* Jill Smith
* Joe Graham
* Katy McGaw
* Matthew Smith
* Peter Sims
* Tiffany Zarubin
* Toby Bruenig These Sims become playable if they marry or move in with a playable Sim, but do not appear to retain their status as Garden Club members after becoming playable. The game will not automatically replace an NPC Garden Club member that is made playable.