| - Driver: Krista Sparks Vehicle Type: Dune Buggy Handling: Tight Armor: 1/5 Special Weapon: 2/5
* Leap n' Slam: Difficult to avoid, Leap n' Slam allows the dune buggy to jump high in the air and land hard on top of an enemy. Be careful when executing this attack in enclosed spaces, because you can sustain damage by hitting obstacles like ceilings and bridges. Grasshopper can easily be taken out of its Special Weapon by a well aimed enemy attack. Speed: 3/5 License Plate: JUMPIN (Jumpin', a reference to Grasshopper's name.)
- The Grasshopper was an armed jewel thief who had the good fortune of meeting an entymologist named Professor Chase. Looking for a better way to evade capture, the thief asked the professor what the secret was for the grasshopper's amazing leaping ability. The professor revealed that he had created a serum, from the leg muscles of grasshoppers, that he believed would give a man the same leaping ability as a grasshopper. The thief agreed to be the professor's Guinea pig, and the serum worked, causing the thief's legs to grow to an unusual length, and to gain superhuman strength which enabled him to make incredible leaps. The thief then dubbed himself "The Grasshopper" and wore a new grasshopper themed costume to commit crimes. He was eventually stopped by Plastic Man.
- Grasshopper is a loyal student of Kwai Chang Crane.
- Grasshopper symbolizes trouble and devastation to crops. It is an instrument of God's judgment upon nations that are rebellious. It is a destroyer, subordinate position, numbers of a mighty army, encumbered, trivial and good for eating.
- A bug has been observed where the grasshopper gets stuck in mid-hop, simply sticking in one position and not moving - this can be fixed by picking up the grasshopper and then setting it back down. The Grasshopper is a real terran insect. There is also a C1 Grasshopper. Did you know? The in-game help for dead grasshoppers is a reference to Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch and reads: It's a dead grasshopper, it is no more. It has ceased to be. It is an ex-grasshopper. Its days of jumping in the field are over. It's kicked the bucket. It's pushing up the daisies. It has chirped its last chirp!
- Grasshopper is a Rogues Gallery Perk. __NoToC__
- The grasshopper is an insect similar to a cricket that eats plants. In the Ancient Ones' alphabet, the grasshopper is represented by the letter F.
- A grasshopper was an insect. A species of hive-mind insectoids were similar in appearance to grasshoppers.
- His outlook on life is bright and cheerful, never minding of the ant who believes that work is all that matters. As the ant meets his untimely demise, the grasshopper drives to Florida in a sports car to beat the winter.
- A grasshopper was a small insect native to Earth. In 2153, Captain Jonathan Archer, while participating in an elaborate deception to get information from Degra, referred to their fictional Xindi-Insectoid prison guards as "overgrown grasshoppers." (ENT: "Stratagem")
- A Cocktail made with cream, Crème de Menthe and white Creme de cacao. Because it's very sweet, a grasshopper is usually served after dinner.
* Contributed by The Bartending School
- The grasshopper plays a role in "The Ant and the Grasshopper" narrated by Sam the Eagle in episode 212 of The Muppet Show. His outlook on life is bright and cheerful, never minding of the ant who believes that work is all that matters. As the ant meets his untimely demise, the grasshopper drives to Florida in a sports car to beat the winter.
- Grasshopper (グラスホッパー Gurasuhoppā?) is an Optional Trigger.
- Grasshopper (グラスホッパー) is an enemy from Romancing SaGa 2. It is the upgraded form of the Bloody Mary it uses attacks common to its type such as thorn etc. This monster is not hard to kill attacks such as Pine Chop Special and Wood Cutter does extra damage to it which speed up the process of killing it or it can be instantly killed that way.
- A group of grasshoppers work for The Family as ninjas. They were sent to kill Big the Cat after he refused to work for them, but were particularly inept when faced with the peacefull cat.
- We all have seen a Grasshopper. You probably believe it is a small, harmless insect right? Well your wrong, all of you are wrong.
- "Grasshopper" is the sixth episode of season three of Weeds.
- A grasshopper is a sweet, mint-flavored, after-dinner drink. The name of the drink is derived from its green color, which is provided by the crème de menthe. The drink reputedly originated at Tujague's, a landmark bar in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, and gained popularity during the 1950s and 1960s throughout the American South. Penny made Raj his first one and he has been drinking them ever since. In "The Stag Convergence", Raj is drinking Grasshoppers during the toasts. "This grasshopper is kicking my ass hopper!"
- The Grasshopper was a two seat scouting airplane used by the Confederate States during the Second Great War. Normally it carried a pilot and an observer / tail gunner but had been used to evacuate casualties and to place spies and saboteurs behind enemy lines. It was notable for being able to take off and land nearly anywhere, and to literally hover in midair against a stiff enough wind. A number of these planes were captured and used by the United States by 1944.