Brandon Dong, known as the "UUUUEEE" poster. He was vastly known for spamming cute photos ever since Brandon Kim left (come back, brando!) and he became a really fast replacement. He is also known as the biggest cuck in Waifu Hell. Cucking Yui Funami, Ayano Tateyama, Nico Yazawa, Chino Kafuu, and Karen Kujo. He has changed waifus every week. He is also infamous for posting photos of cute girls in vastly 5 posts per 30 seconds. His victim is now Karen Kujo. Has been rumored that he is hated irl and mains Falcon (allegedy shit at him) Waifus Brandong has cucked so far:
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| - Brandon Dong, known as the "UUUUEEE" poster. He was vastly known for spamming cute photos ever since Brandon Kim left (come back, brando!) and he became a really fast replacement. He is also known as the biggest cuck in Waifu Hell. Cucking Yui Funami, Ayano Tateyama, Nico Yazawa, Chino Kafuu, and Karen Kujo. He has changed waifus every week. He is also infamous for posting photos of cute girls in vastly 5 posts per 30 seconds. His victim is now Karen Kujo. Has been rumored that he is hated irl and mains Falcon (allegedy shit at him) Waifus Brandong has cucked so far:
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| - Brandon Dong, known as the "UUUUEEE" poster. He was vastly known for spamming cute photos ever since Brandon Kim left (come back, brando!) and he became a really fast replacement. He is also known as the biggest cuck in Waifu Hell. Cucking Yui Funami, Ayano Tateyama, Nico Yazawa, Chino Kafuu, and Karen Kujo. He has changed waifus every week. He is also infamous for posting photos of cute girls in vastly 5 posts per 30 seconds. His victim is now Karen Kujo. Has been rumored that he is hated irl and mains Falcon (allegedy shit at him) Waifus Brandong has cucked so far:
* Yui Funami
* Ayano Tateyama
* Nico Yazawa
* Chino Kafuu
* Karen Kujo The Dong has stopped cucking Yui for Karen as of early May, as he found that he prefered to be with Yui. This has left Karen very sad. Notice how Kotori Minami isn't on the list, she was "just for the memes", fuck you brandong