The Kantare created an airponics room aboard their stranded ship. It was discovered by Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T'Pol when they followed a shadow. In this airponics, Tucker first met Liana. Later, Liana offered Tucker a fruit from their airponics, the lorella. (ENT: "Oasis") The call sheets for "Oasis" are calling the place "Airponics". Kes established an airponics bay on USS Voyager, along with a hydroponics bay. (VOY: "Parallax", "Elogium", "Cold Fire") In 2372, the yields from Voyager's airponics lab were coming out low. (VOY: "Deadlock")
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| - The Kantare created an airponics room aboard their stranded ship. It was discovered by Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T'Pol when they followed a shadow. In this airponics, Tucker first met Liana. Later, Liana offered Tucker a fruit from their airponics, the lorella. (ENT: "Oasis") The call sheets for "Oasis" are calling the place "Airponics". Kes established an airponics bay on USS Voyager, along with a hydroponics bay. (VOY: "Parallax", "Elogium", "Cold Fire") In 2372, the yields from Voyager's airponics lab were coming out low. (VOY: "Deadlock")
- Airponics (or aeroponics) is the process of cultivating plants without soil. This is achieved by suspending the plants in an oxygen-rich environment and then misting their roots with a nutrient solution. In late 2265, Lieutenant Commander Spock was performing a series of aeroponics experiments aboard the USS Enterprise. Following the ship's departure from Starbase 33, Spock asked Captain James T. Kirk for permission to leave the bridge so that he could check on them. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Constitution)
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| - Airponics (or aeroponics) is the process of cultivating plants without soil. This is achieved by suspending the plants in an oxygen-rich environment and then misting their roots with a nutrient solution. In late 2265, Lieutenant Commander Spock was performing a series of aeroponics experiments aboard the USS Enterprise. Following the ship's departure from Starbase 33, Spock asked Captain James T. Kirk for permission to leave the bridge so that he could check on them. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Constitution) After the USS Voyager was catapulted into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371 and being stranded over 70,000 light years from Earth it became necessary to find a means of growing their own food supplies as replicator power wouldn't always be guaranteed. At Kes's suggestion, Captain Kathryn Janeway approved the establishment of an airponics garden and hydroponics bay aboard Voyager which would be overseen by Kes until her departure in 2374. (VOY episode: "Parallax")
- The Kantare created an airponics room aboard their stranded ship. It was discovered by Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T'Pol when they followed a shadow. In this airponics, Tucker first met Liana. Later, Liana offered Tucker a fruit from their airponics, the lorella. (ENT: "Oasis") The call sheets for "Oasis" are calling the place "Airponics". Kes established an airponics bay on USS Voyager, along with a hydroponics bay. (VOY: "Parallax", "Elogium", "Cold Fire") In 2372, the yields from Voyager's airponics lab were coming out low. (VOY: "Deadlock") In 2375, Ensign Doug Bronowski worked in Voyager's airponics bay. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me") The vegetables in the airponics bay were beamed off the ship when Voyager entered the Void in 2377. (VOY: "The Void") This article or section is incomplete This page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to [ edit] this page to assist with this expansion.