| - The following bus transit operators provided service in New York City:
* New York City Transit Authority (subsidiary of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
* took over Comprehensive Omnibus Company (founded 1933) bus routes in 1948
* took over East Side Omnibus Company (founded 1932) bus routes in 1948 (Comprehensive and East Side were owned by the same owners)
* took over North Shore Bus Company bus routes
* took over Brooklyn & Queens Transit Company bus routes
* took over Avenue B & East Broadway Transit Company bus routes in 1980
* Manhattan and Bronx Surface Transit Operating Authority (subsidiary of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
* took over Surface Transit, Inc. bus routes
* took over Fifth Avenue Coach Lines, Inc. (operating as "Fifth Avenue Transportation Company (Limited)" from 1885-1895 and as "Fifth Avenue Coach Company" from 1897-1954) bus routes in 1962
* took over New York City Omnibus Co. bus routes (successor to New York Railways Corp., which operated streetcar lines and set up NYCO as its bus subsidiary) in 1936
* controlled "Madison Avenue Coach Company, Incorporated" from 1933 to merger in 1951
* controlled (jointly with FACo) "Eighth Avenue Coach Corporation" from 1935 to merger in 1951
* bought Triangle Bus Corporation (founded 1930) in
* bought Hamilton Bus Corporation (founded 1929), which operated one line from 1933-1935
* MTA Bus Company (subsidiary of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
* took over Liberty Lines Express bus routes on January 3, 2005
* took over Queens Surface Corporation bus routes on February 27, 2005
* took over New York Bus Service bus routes on July 1, 2005
* took over Command Bus Company bus routes (originally operated by Pioneer Bus Company until October 22, 1979) on December 5, 2005
* took over Green Bus Lines bus routes on January 9, 2006
* took over Jamaica Buses bus routes on January 30, 2006
* took over Triboro Coach Corporation bus routes on February 20, 2006