Commander of the Telmori Royal Guard
* Also known as Goram Whitefang. Sources: Coming Storm, Sartar Companion
Goram is the Horde Guild Vendor added in Cataclysm as part of the new Guild Achievement system. He can be found at the Guild Services[[:File:|[, ]]] stall, butted up against the outside walls of Grommash Hold, within the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. Note that he does not sell ; his fellow vendor, Garyl, does.
Commander of the Telmori Royal Guard
* Also known as Goram Whitefang. Sources: Coming Storm, Sartar Companion
Goram is the Horde Guild Vendor added in Cataclysm as part of the new Guild Achievement system. He can be found at the Guild Services[[:File:|[, ]]] stall, butted up against the outside walls of Grommash Hold, within the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. Note that he does not sell ; his fellow vendor, Garyl, does.