| - Everything on this page is subject to change as necessary, and should be taken as guidelines for the character rather than hard rules. Of note, the IDW background for the character is unthemely; see Theme.
- The aerial assault landing craft Triton (空中強襲揚陸艦トリトン号 Kūchū Kyōshū Yōrikukan Toriton-gō) is the mothership of Team Pied Piper of Generation Bleu.
- Debido a Que es un ser Acuático me Pareció lo Mas indicado.
- Le triton, de son nom commun triton, est une espèce de bestiole moche et qui pue l'eau croupie. Et comme de par hasard, les mecs diront encore que ce sont les nanas qui sont parties découcher avec des bestioles bizarroïdes. Et pour une fois, on peut leur accorder, ils auront raison ! Bon, il faudra bien avouer que les poissons ont de drôles de goûts, mais elles n'ont pas eu le choix, ces pôvres bêtes ! Bon, après les sirènes, qui sont connes et ne servent à rien, les tritons, qui sont pas connes mais cons mais qui ne servent pas plus que leurs copines.
- Triton is the Fire-elemental member of the trio. Similar to the Gargoyles, Triton, Nereid, and Phobos must be eliminated simultaneously and failure to do so will cause them to revive and retaliate with Delta Attack.
- Triton is the 6th alien Len 10 changed to. Triton is a Hydrion from Pisccis. Hydrions are made completely out of water.
- Triton is a sea god and son to Poseidon and Nautica's father. The source of his power is his Trident. Once, the Trident was stolen by pirates. Hercules and Aphrodite convinced the Cabiri to create a new one for Triton. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion.
- right|300pxDer Triton ist ein spezieller Atlas, der vor allem für Tauchgänge in große Tiefen gebaut wurde. Mit ihm ist es möglich in eine Tiefe bis zu 5000 Meter abzusteigen. Mithilfe eines kleinen Triebwerkes kommt man wieder an die Oberfläche. Voraussetzung: Mass Effect 3: Leviathan (Mass Effect 3 DLC)
- By the time the JMC mining spaceship Red Dwarf left the Solar System at some point during the mid-to-late 22nd century, Triton was the outermost planetary body in the Solar System with a permanent human population, and was also the coldest such body. Further-out Pluto had not yet been colonised by the Space Corps. As such, Triton's early settlers were of an adventurous nature, and at the time that Dave Lister enlisted with Red Dwarf Triton was still in its formative stages, with construction of the colony outside a central core still underway.
- thumb|Eine Zeichnung von Neptun und seinem Mond Triton. Triton ist der größte Mond des Planeten Neptun und dieser befindet sich im Sol-System. Im Quartier von Geordi La Forge befindet sich eine Zeichnung, welche Neptun von der Oberfläche von Triton zeigt. Weitere Bilder von Neptun und seinem Mond befinden sich in der Aussichtslounge und im Quartier von Commander Shelby. (TNG: , , )
- Triton was a submarine part of the Leasath Naval Forces.
- Triton is the captain of the Crescent Moon Pirates.
- Reserved for future use.
- Triton is an Inhuman.
- As it is stated at the end of season 5, Tritannus loses his power when his trident is destroyed, the Tritons' powers may be contained on their weapons, thus lead them to lose their powers if their weapons are destroyed.
- The Triton is a level 2 tank with amphibious properties; the unit is able to drive into any body of water provided the entrance is not too steep, and emerge on the other side to take unsuspecting enemies by surprise, but it can't attack while under the water and thus is vulnerable to torpedoes and depth charges while submerged. Its CORE counterpart is the Crock.
- Tritons originate from the Elemental Plane of Water, but have migrated to the Material Plane for some unknown purpose. They are sea dwellers, preferring warm waters but able to tolerate colder depths.
- Triton is a Krono-Titan that resembles an armored merman. This Titan was used by Lok and Sophie. Triton has an evil counterpart used by the Organization called Dark Triton.
- Mandela= Name: Mandela Type: Station Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 8 Trade: Yes |-| Buk= Name: Buk Type: Planet Inhabitants: Nivelian Technology Level: 8 Trade: Yes |-| Afosao Quintus= Name: Afosao Quintus Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 6 Trade: Yes |-| Lequidi 2= Name: Lequidi 2 Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 5 Trade: No |-| Efuku= Name: Efuku Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 1 Trade: Yes
- Triton is a green and yellow Decepticon with red optics. He is a double agent in the 26th Century.
- Triton era un pequeño planeta casi sin vida en el Sector Mayagil de los Territorios del Borde Exterior. Lo orbitaban las Lunas de Triton. Las lunas eran usadas por muchos en la galaxia para describir cosas muertas—"tan muerto como una luna de Triton"—debido a la prohibición de estimulantes de todo tipo.
- Triton is a gas giant in the Neptunian system. It has also been designated Neptunus b and SolEb.
- He is a blue stickman who has a golden scythe to destroy enemies and is the king of the sea. He is very dangerous and is part of the Rock hard Gladiators Triton has also been on planet Neptune and is an over achiever and will achieve anything that he must and clear out anything that blocks his way! He also smokes cigar for his incredible power!
- Triton is monster #10 from the Series 1 monsters, and was redesigned for the 2006 relaunch series.
- Triton is both the name of a real moon and fictional planets in two works of science fiction. Triton is the largest moon of Neptune. Discovered on October 10, 1846, by William Lassell, it is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit (opposite direction to its planet's rotation). Because of its retrograde orbit and composition similar to Pluto's, Triton is thought to have been captured from the Kuiper Belt. See Kuiper Belt Objects.
- A painting of Neptune as seen from Triton was displayed on the USS Enterprise-D in the mid-2360s. It could be seen in the observation lounge, in Geordi La Forge's quarters, and Shelby's guest quarters. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" , "The Most Toys" , "The Best of Both Worlds" )
- Triton is a boat manufacturing company in Just Cause (1).
- Ze začátku se orientovalo na odbornou lékařskou literaturu, později však svůj obzor rozšířilo na množství různých literárních žánrů. Zavedlo i edici Trifid, ve které se zaměřuje na vydávání fantasy a sci-fi literatury. V roce 2008 se zařadilo mezi česká nakladatelství, která vydala knihu se Star Trekovskou tématikou.
- Triton was a candidate for the Titan 3 Super soldier program and was a hired hand for The Grendel.
- [Source] Triton était une planète se trouvant dans les Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. Elle se trouvait le long de la Voie Marchande de Rimma, entre Clak'dor VII et Sluis Van. Une route hyperspatiale permettait aussi de rejoindre Xagobah.
- The most powerful merfolk nation.
* They have not been seen on the surface since the Gods War.
* There are ten clans of Tritons
* Each clan has an attendent tribe of niiads
* Seven of these clans bred with the Storm Deities to breed Merfolk
- Triton is an athletic Inhuman member of the Inhuman Royal Family, who is willing to do anything to get the job done.
- Triton is the sea messenger god, and son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, the god and goddess of the sea. His Roman counterpart is Triden.
- Triton is part of the Greek myths. Like Neptune Triton is known to wield a trident as well.
- thumb|Triton Triton ist der Sohn von König Neptun.
- Triton is one of Le Chiffre's servants and a member of the Forgotten Tribe. He was first seen attempting to recruit Xeno. He succeeded in that mission, and used a teleportation device supplied to him by Le Chiffre to teleport himself and Xeno to Roxtus. His status after the destruction of Bara Magna is unknown, however, he may have been mutated by Le Chiffre.
- Triton is a superhero in the Marvel Universe and is a member of the Inhuman royal family.
- Triton is a fictional character, an Inhuman appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
- The Tritons are half-human, half-fish people who live under the sea. They had been at peace with the people of Silmaria for generations.
- Triton was a small, almost lifeless planet in Mayagil sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was orbited by the three Triton Moons. The moons were nefariously used by many in the galaxy to describe a dead thing—as dead as a Triton moon, due to the ban of stimulants of any kind.
- Triton (auch Neptun I) ist der siebte und mit einem Durchmesser von 2.707 km der mit Abstand größte Mond des Planeten Neptun, sowie der siebtgrößte Mond und der sechzehntgrößte Körper des Sonnensystems.
- Dialogue >> Triton is the son of the water god Poseidon on Mythology Island, and is also a Poptropica Creator.
- En la mitología griega, Tritón (en griego antiguo Τρίτων Tritôn) es un dios, mensajero de las profundidades marinas. Es el hijo de los dioses marinos Poseidón y Anfítrite. Suele ser representado con el torso de un humano y la cola de un pez. Como su padre, llevaba un tridente. Sin embargo, el atributo especial de Tritón era una concha de caracol que tocaba como una trompeta para calmar o elevar las olas del mar. Su sonido era tan terrible que, cuando la tocaba fuerte, hacía que los gigantes echaran a volar, al imaginar que era el rugir de una poderosa bestia salvaje.[1]
- Triton was a cold moon with a thin nitrogen atmosphere. It had frozen pink poles, volcanoes of ice and solid lakes. It was inhabited by the Waro. (PROSE: The Devil Goblins from Neptune) By the 38th century, Triton was inhabited by humans. Their society showed a belief of multiple deities, and bred grunts. At some point, Gagan Rassmussen revolutionised Triton with his invention of Morpheus sleep pods by minimising the human need for sleep and allowing them to be far more productive. However, Rassmussen's attempts to make the pods more powerful tampered with the human brain chemistry to remove the need for rest, but the chemistry which regulated the production of sleep dust in people's eyes was also altered, causing the sleep dust to mutate and coalesce into the Sandmen, carnivores that fed
- Triton is one of the Olympians worshiped as gods by the people of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. The son of Poseidon, Triton claimed the seas as his divine territory. Though he shared an aspect of his father's power, he did not share Poseidon's temperament. He became particularly enraged when it became known that the people of Atlantis had more to fear from their monarch Orin than from Triton. This drove Triton to challenge Aquaman in one-on-one combat. In compliance with the rules of his station, Triton was obligated to inform Aquaman that he could only be defeated by the absence of faith in his divine power. This did not stop Aquaman however from fighting Triton tooth and nail and impaling his physical form on a sharpened piece of rock. Upon the death of Triton's physical shell, hi
- Triton is the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Like his mother he has a fish tail. Triton always carried a trident and a conch shell for which he used to calm or rustle the sea waves, its sound was so terrible, that when loudly blown, it put the giants to flight, who imagined it to be the roar of a mighty wild beast. When the Argonauts were stranded in the desert he is said to have assisted them in finding passage from the lake back to the sea. Triton was the father of Pallas and foster parent to the goddess Athena. During a fight between the two goddesses, Pallas was killed by Athena.
- Triton (Greek: Τρίτων, gen: Τρίτωνος) is the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Triton is a mythological Greek sea god and the messenger of the seas. He was also the god of a lake in Libya. Like his father, Triton carries a trident. However, Triton's special attribute was a twisted conch shell, on which he blew like a trumpet to calm or raise the waves. Its sound was so terrible, that when loudly blown, it put the giants to flight, who imagined it to be the roar of a mighty wild beast. Triton dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea.