| - The Alpha of the Sept is the one Garou held accountable for all the members of the Sept, and is the ultimate authority and arbitrator. Much like the leader of a pack, the Alpha of the Sept must make executive decisions as to the Sept's attitudes and future, based on the advice of the Elders. Despite his or her authority, however, an Alpha must often tread carefully, for it is not altogether unheard of for an unpopular or tyrannical Alpha to be ousted by a resentful or dissatisfied Sept. All ranks given are 'at the time'.
| - The Alpha of the Sept is the one Garou held accountable for all the members of the Sept, and is the ultimate authority and arbitrator. Much like the leader of a pack, the Alpha of the Sept must make executive decisions as to the Sept's attitudes and future, based on the advice of the Elders. Despite his or her authority, however, an Alpha must often tread carefully, for it is not altogether unheard of for an unpopular or tyrannical Alpha to be ousted by a resentful or dissatisfied Sept. Different types of Septs view the Alpha position in a variety of ways. For instance, a Red Talon Sept Alpha would be the final word, questionable only through challenge, while the Alpha of a predominantly Child of Gaia Sept might be more democratic in his or her rule and be open to suggestions. Regardless, the Alpha of a Sept is its leader with all the authority and responsibility that that implies. At present, the Sept Alpha is Mouse, an Athro Glass Walker Metis Theurge; she is holding it in the interim while a challenge for a replacement is held. Below is a list, as best as currently remembered, of Sept Alphas since GarouMUSH opened for business in 1993:
* Horus, Elder Silent Strider Galliard (1993-1994)
* Arjun ~Lines-On-Mirror~, Athro Glass Walker Philodox (1994-June 1995)
* Justice ~Weaves Chords of Silver Strength~, Adren Silver Fang Galliard (June-December 1995)
* Brian ~Twilight-Blade~, Athro Fianna Homid Ahroun (Dec 1995-Jul 2001)
* Andrea ~Drinks-Deeply-of-the-Bitter-Cup~, Adren Child of Gaia Homid Theurge (Jul 2001-Jul 2003)
* Salem ~Scar~, Fostern Glass Walker Homid Philodox (Jul-Sep 2003)
* Renee ~Sees-True-Form~, Cliath Bone Gnawer Homid Galliard (Sep 2003)
* Salem ~Scar~, Fostern Glass Walker Homid Philodox (Oct 2003)
* Luke ~Jeadagh~, Fostern Fianna Homid Theurge (Oct 2003-late 2003)
* Megan ~Firewatcher~, Adren Fianna Homid Philodox (late 2003-2005)
* Alicia ~Guards the Flame~, Fostern Children of Gaia Galliard (2005-2005)
* Touch Deer ~Cries-No-More~, Fostern Wendigo Homid Ahroun (2005-2006)
* Vera ~Culls-the-Herd~, Adren Shadow Lord Homid Ragabash. (2006-2008)
* Kaz ~Ears-To-The-Ground~, Adren Bone Gnawer Metis Galliard. (2008-2011)
* Ciuraq ~Little Silvertip Mauls the Horned Serpent~, Athro Uktena Homid Ahroun (2011-2012)
* Elliot ~Shockwave~ Athro Fianna Ragabash (2012-2014)
* Jacinta ~Grapples With Fire~, Athro Wendigo Homid Ahroun (Apr 2014 - Dec 2015).
* Thane ~Consumes-the-Shadows-Of-His-Enemies~, Adren Shadow Lord Homid Ahroun (Dec 2015 - Jul 2017).
* Mouse ~She Who Led the Blood Dance and Called the Three From Ashes~, Athro Glass Walker Metis Theurge (Jul 2017 - Current; Interim) All ranks given are 'at the time'.