| - Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1160 stattgefunden haben:
- Daniel finishes writing his new will, but Gabriel interrupts him as he reads it to himself. Gabriel demands the will, and the two argue about their relationship over the years. Daniel taunts him, but Gabriel gets out of his wheelchair. As he approaches Daniel, Gabriel says he's been plotting to get back at him and Quentin for a long time, and confesses that he killed Randall and Quentin is going to pay for it. He attacks Daniel and grabs the will.
- Der erste Wettkampftag der Deutschen Meisterschaft steht an. Katja fühlt sich trotz des nächtlichen Fiebers fit und ist entschlossen, den Titel zu gewinnen. Als sie erfährt, dass Meyerhoff in der Jury sitzen wird, befürchtet sie, dass er die Gelegenheit nutzen wird, um sich an ihr zu rächen. Zur Überraschung aller, bewertet Meyerhoff Katjas Leistung angemessen und Katja belegt nach dem Kurzprogramm den zweiten Platz. Es scheint zunächst als ginge doch keine Gefahr mehr von Meyerhoff aus. Doch können die Steinkamps und Katja Meyerhoff wirklich vertrauen? Deniz plagt das schlechte Gewissen wegen seines One-Night-Stands mit Jessica. Er hat nicht nur Roman, sondern auch Marian betrogen. Als Jessica unwohl erkennt, dass Deniz' gedrückte Stimmung von Marian nicht unbemerkt bleibt, will sie Deniz
| - Der erste Wettkampftag der Deutschen Meisterschaft steht an. Katja fühlt sich trotz des nächtlichen Fiebers fit und ist entschlossen, den Titel zu gewinnen. Als sie erfährt, dass Meyerhoff in der Jury sitzen wird, befürchtet sie, dass er die Gelegenheit nutzen wird, um sich an ihr zu rächen. Zur Überraschung aller, bewertet Meyerhoff Katjas Leistung angemessen und Katja belegt nach dem Kurzprogramm den zweiten Platz. Es scheint zunächst als ginge doch keine Gefahr mehr von Meyerhoff aus. Doch können die Steinkamps und Katja Meyerhoff wirklich vertrauen? Deniz plagt das schlechte Gewissen wegen seines One-Night-Stands mit Jessica. Er hat nicht nur Roman, sondern auch Marian betrogen. Als Jessica unwohl erkennt, dass Deniz' gedrückte Stimmung von Marian nicht unbemerkt bleibt, will sie Deniz wieder auf Spur bringen. Doch während ihrer heimlichen Unterhaltung ahnen Deniz und Jessica nicht, dass Roman Teile des Gesprächs mitbekommt.
- Daniel finishes writing his new will, but Gabriel interrupts him as he reads it to himself. Gabriel demands the will, and the two argue about their relationship over the years. Daniel taunts him, but Gabriel gets out of his wheelchair. As he approaches Daniel, Gabriel says he's been plotting to get back at him and Quentin for a long time, and confesses that he killed Randall and Quentin is going to pay for it. He attacks Daniel and grabs the will. Gabriel begs Daniel not to tell anyone he can walk, but passes out and Samantha soon shows up. He orders her to go get Julia, while he will stay with Daniel. After Samantha leaves, Gabriel shuts the door and reads the new will, which leaves the entire Collins fortune to Quentin. At Rose Cottage, Gerard asks to speak with Desmond. Gerard offers Desmond to help him anyway he can when Quentin's trial begins, but Desmond reminds him they still have many differences and, like Daphne, questions Gerard's loyalties. Desmond declines his offer for help and leaves. Back at Collinwood, Daniel is resting in bed while Samantha tries to get Gabriel to leave the room. Daniel revives and says Gabriel has lived a life of lies. Daniel attempts to tell Samantha that Gabriel can walk, but he again faints. Samantha leaves to get Julia, but upon examination, Gabriel says there is no need: Daniel is dead. Gabriel kicks Samantha out. Once alone, Gabriel apologizes to his dead father for the differences they had. He then takes his will and and throws it into the fireplace, destroying it. Edith shows up and the two are excited over Daniel's death, both believing that now the new will has been destroyed, Gabriel will become the master of Collinwood. He tries to order Edith to go to Rose Cottage to inform everyone that Daniel is dead. Edith refuses at first, but he is assertive and she leaves. Edith arrives at Rose Cottage and tells Desmond and Gerard that Daniel is dead. Gerard wonders if anyone was with Daniel to provoke his attack, but Desmond thinks it doesn't matter and he storms out of the room in frustration. Edith tells Gerard that Gabriel was with Daniel when he died, and he is certain that he will gain control of the Collins fortune. She tells Gerard that she will wants nothing to do with Gabriel, and wonders when Gerard will "get her out of the life" she is in. Gerard approaches her and puts her in a trance. Gerard asks Edith if she will "follow him" as he follows "his own master." Edith is reluctant at first. Gerard asks her to touch his hand, which is hot as fire, and then a second time, which is cold as ice. Edith wonders how he did it, and Gerard says he has a great deal of powers and influence over people, and he can change her life. She begs him to teach her everything he knows, and Gerard performs a ceremony over her. After it is completed, they kiss passionately. Desmond arrives at Collinwood, where Samantha and Gabriel are sitting in the drawing room. He says he was just at the jail to see Quentin, who is incredibly upset over Daniel's death. Desmond and Samantha begin arguing over Quentin's innocence, but Gabriel orders them to stop. Samantha tells Gabriel she is tired of taking orders from him, but Gabriel says with Quentin and Daniel gone, he now has the power to set the rules at Collinwood. Samantha thinks that Tad will be the new master of Collinwood, and Gabriel suggests they read Daniel's will immediately. Desmond scoffs at the idea and declares that, as Daniel's lawyer, the will not be read until after Daniel's funeral. Gabriel and Samantha convince him otherwise, and Desmond leaves to get the will, which is at Rose Cottage. A cocky Gabriel tells Samantha that she will have a room at Collinwood and a "small allowance" when he becomes master of Collinwood. Edith returns to Collinwood, but Desmond isn't with her. Gabriel orders Edith to go to her room, and Gerard arrives to offer his condolences. Gabriel informs him that Daniel's will is going to be read momentarily, and when Gabriel becomes master of Collinwood, he is going to kick him off the estate forever. Samantha returns and is immediately upset that Gerard is there, but he reveals that he was a witness to the will, and he is going to stay whether she likes it or not. Desmond still feels that it is wrong to read the will before Daniel's funeral, but he prepares to do so anyway. He reads the will, and is shocked at who the new master is.
- Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1160 stattgefunden haben: