In his Zone, Robo-Robotnik attempted to defeat the Freedom Fighters by turning them into cyborgs. However, the enhanced abilities granted to them by the transformation allowed them to march on Robotropolis for a final confrontation with him. Sadly, Robo-Robotnik turned the tables by completely roboticizing himself and Cyborg Rotor, along with his teammates (apart from Cyborg Sonic), were killed or neutralized by the menace.
Attributes | Values |
| - Cyborg Rotor
- Cyborg Rotor
| - In his Zone, Robo-Robotnik attempted to defeat the Freedom Fighters by turning them into cyborgs. However, the enhanced abilities granted to them by the transformation allowed them to march on Robotropolis for a final confrontation with him. Sadly, Robo-Robotnik turned the tables by completely roboticizing himself and Cyborg Rotor, along with his teammates (apart from Cyborg Sonic), were killed or neutralized by the menace.
- [[Datei:Cyborg_Freedom_Fighters.jpg|thumb|253x253px|Cyborg Rotor kämpft mit Cyborg Sally]] Cyborg Rotor ist eine Version von Rotor Walrus, welche zur einen Hälfte aus Rotor besteht und die andere aus Metal. Um überhaupt sich mit Robotniks Truppen messen zu können, hatte man die Idee gehabt, dass sie sich dementsprechend in solche Cyborgs verwandeln. Doch genauso wie Cyborg Sally wurde er wieder neutralisiert (Issue 19). Kategorie:Alternative Formen Kategorie:Comic Charakter
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| - In his Zone, Robo-Robotnik attempted to defeat the Freedom Fighters by turning them into cyborgs. However, the enhanced abilities granted to them by the transformation allowed them to march on Robotropolis for a final confrontation with him. Sadly, Robo-Robotnik turned the tables by completely roboticizing himself and Cyborg Rotor, along with his teammates (apart from Cyborg Sonic), were killed or neutralized by the menace.
- [[Datei:Cyborg_Freedom_Fighters.jpg|thumb|253x253px|Cyborg Rotor kämpft mit Cyborg Sally]] Cyborg Rotor ist eine Version von Rotor Walrus, welche zur einen Hälfte aus Rotor besteht und die andere aus Metal. Um überhaupt sich mit Robotniks Truppen messen zu können, hatte man die Idee gehabt, dass sie sich dementsprechend in solche Cyborgs verwandeln. Doch genauso wie Cyborg Sally wurde er wieder neutralisiert (Issue 19). Kategorie:Alternative Formen Kategorie:Comic Charakter