| - right|thumb|FunOrbin logo FunOrb on Jagexin pitämä nettisivu, jolla on Java-pelejä. Nykyään sillä on englannin-, portugalin-, saksan- ja ranskankieliset versiot. Se julkaistiin 27. helmikuuta 2008. Sitä päivitetään suunnilleen joka 14:sta päivä, mutta joskus ehkä muinakin aikoina. Monella FunOrbin pelillä on enemmän kuin yksi genre, kuten alempaa näkee. Jokaisessa pelissä on myös jokin määrä saavutuksia, joilla saa Orb-pisteitä ja Orb-kolikoita. Saavutusten näytttäjä antaa sinulle myös mahdollisuuden verrata kokonais Orb-pistemäärää muiden pelaajien kanssa. Orb-kolikkokauppa avattiin 24. syyskuuta, mistä voi ostaa ladattavia taustakuvia, ikoneita ja taustamusiikkeja. Katso FunOrbin historia-artikkeli, jos haluat enemmän tietoa.
- Cet article est Une ébauche. S’il vous plaît le modifier et l'améliorer. de:FunOrb en:FunOrb
- FunOrb consists of many minigames all on one site. You can view current games in summary here, but for more depth ensure that you visit the FunOrb wiki. FunOrb could also be classed as a game in its own right as they have now released achievements for the whole of FunOrb and have listed them with the other games achievements. However it is not generally counted as a game as that is just a technicality.
- FunOrb is a game site created by Jagex. It has many different single and multiplayer games, and is sometimes used as a clan event by some clans.
- FunOrb ist eine Spiele-Website von Jagex (Runescape). Das FunOrb-Wiki dient als Sammlung von Tipps und Tricks und zur Beschreibung der verschiedenen Spiele.
- FunOrb jest to strona na ktorej oparta jest ta wikia. Zawiera ona gry napisanie w języku programowania Java. Strona została otworzona przez Jagex 28 Lutego 2008 roku. 60pxTo jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go].
- Le Wiki FunOrb est l'encyclopédie libre en français sur le site de jeux vidéo FunOrb que tout le monde peut éditer.
- FunOrb is een gaming-site gemaakt door Jagex. Uitgebracht op 27 februari 2008. Het is hun eerste grootste release sinds de succesvolle MMORPG game RuneScape. Alle spellen zijn geprogrammeerd met Java Jagex heeft ook aangekondigd dat de FunOrb spellen ook mobiel zullen werken in de toekomst.
- FunOrb on Jagexin kehittämä sivusto, jossa on Java-pohjaisia nettipelejä. FunOrb julkaistiin 27. helmikuuta 2008. Peleistä saa saavutuksia, joilla saa Orb-pisteitä ja Orb-kolikoita.
- Funorb is owned by Jagex Ltd., also makers of Runescape. FunOrb is an online website, which is made by the creators of FunOrb (FunOrb was made after RuneScape). FunOrb has free arcade style games, and multiplayer games. Free to play players get many of the games, but Pay to Play players, who pay $3 per month, get access to website features such as forums, more games, and enhanced versions of some games. FunOrb can be found at http://www.funorb.com.
- Funorb is een gratis online spel van Jagex. Funorb is opgericht op 5 Maart 2008 en is een onderdeel van Jagex, naast Funorb heb je ook nog Runescape. Funorb is een site met diverse spellen, zo heb je sport, race, schiet/vecht, etc. Funorb is een gratis site, maar je kan ook member worden vanaf 4.95. Dit ligt bij iedereen geheel optioneel, members hebben meer voordelen, zoals meerdere levels en de mogelijkheid om Fullscreen te gebruiken. [Je kan alle extra's voor een member bij de game zelf vinden!]
- FunOrb is the 2nd game made by Jagex. This website is made up of several games. Some of them are Multiplayer. In Single Player games you try to get a certain score. However, in Multiplayer games if you win you get rating. There are 2 types of games in a multiplayer game: Rated Unrated Unrated games do not have any effect on you if you lose. Achievments are a form of goal on FunOrb. You get them by doing certain things in games. Every time you get one you recieve Orb Coins and Orb Points. Orb Coins can be used to buy things for games, music, or icons. Orb Points are put on the Orb points table.
- FunOrb was launched on 27 February 2008 in English and German with , a small number of which were updated versions or sequels of games from the original Jagex website. It was initially aimed at the "time-pressed" gamer market and updated every 14 days. Jagex have since moved towards having less frequent updates and larger, more complex, new games aimed at time-rich players. Brazilian Portuguese and French have been added to the language line-up, and work is ongoing to launch the site in some other European languages.
- FunOrb is a gaming website run by Jagex. It was announced in February 2008, and released later that month on the 27 February. It uses the same account information as Stellar Dawn, RuneScape, and War of Legends, but requires a separate membership fee. The site hosts small games varying in amount of possible playtime from an hour to two days. 40% of the website is available for free while the other 60% is available to persons who pay the membership fee. Jagex offers a discount for those who are paying members of both RuneScape and FunOrb.
- FunOrb is a casual gaming site produced by Jagex Ltd. Launched on 27 February 2008, it is the company's first major release since their successful MMORPG, RuneScape. All of the games are programmed in Java. Jagex has announced that this site is targeted towards the "hard casual" or "time-pressured" gamer[1] market and that it intends to expand into the mobile phone games market.[2] URL Commercial? Yes Type of site Internet/Browser Games Registration Free / Monthly subscription Owner Jagex Ltd. Created by Jagex Launched 27 February 2008 Cost Development Player Development
| - FunOrb is the 2nd game made by Jagex. This website is made up of several games. Some of them are Multiplayer. In Single Player games you try to get a certain score. However, in Multiplayer games if you win you get rating. There are 2 types of games in a multiplayer game: Rated Unrated Unrated games do not have any effect on you if you lose. Achievments are a form of goal on FunOrb. You get them by doing certain things in games. Every time you get one you recieve Orb Coins and Orb Points. Orb Coins can be used to buy things for games, music, or icons. Orb Points are put on the Orb points table. The Orb points table is like a form of HighScores. Each Achievment, depending on the difficuty, earns different amounts of Orb Points and Orb Coins
- right|thumb|FunOrbin logo FunOrb on Jagexin pitämä nettisivu, jolla on Java-pelejä. Nykyään sillä on englannin-, portugalin-, saksan- ja ranskankieliset versiot. Se julkaistiin 27. helmikuuta 2008. Sitä päivitetään suunnilleen joka 14:sta päivä, mutta joskus ehkä muinakin aikoina. Monella FunOrbin pelillä on enemmän kuin yksi genre, kuten alempaa näkee. Jokaisessa pelissä on myös jokin määrä saavutuksia, joilla saa Orb-pisteitä ja Orb-kolikoita. Saavutusten näytttäjä antaa sinulle myös mahdollisuuden verrata kokonais Orb-pistemäärää muiden pelaajien kanssa. Orb-kolikkokauppa avattiin 24. syyskuuta, mistä voi ostaa ladattavia taustakuvia, ikoneita ja taustamusiikkeja. Katso FunOrbin historia-artikkeli, jos haluat enemmän tietoa.
- Cet article est Une ébauche. S’il vous plaît le modifier et l'améliorer. de:FunOrb en:FunOrb
- FunOrb consists of many minigames all on one site. You can view current games in summary here, but for more depth ensure that you visit the FunOrb wiki. FunOrb could also be classed as a game in its own right as they have now released achievements for the whole of FunOrb and have listed them with the other games achievements. However it is not generally counted as a game as that is just a technicality.
- FunOrb is a gaming website run by Jagex. It was announced in February 2008, and released later that month on the 27 February. It uses the same account information as Stellar Dawn, RuneScape, and War of Legends, but requires a separate membership fee. The site hosts small games varying in amount of possible playtime from an hour to two days. 40% of the website is available for free while the other 60% is available to persons who pay the membership fee. Jagex offers a discount for those who are paying members of both RuneScape and FunOrb. It was originally released with 18 games, with each game having various achievements. Now, in keeping with their promise of an update every two weeks, it now has a total of 38. The most popular game on the site is the turn-based multiplayer game Arcanists, in which the player takes on the role of an aspiring wizard who battles against his or her rivals in destructible arenas. The second most popular game on the site is the turn-based multiplayer strategy game Armies of Gielinor, set in Gielinor (the land in which RuneScape is set), during the God Wars. You can summon beasts such as Black Knights, Greater Demons, Aviansies, and other monsters from the RuneScape universe, in which players control their armies and units from different Gods to take control of villages and structures and defeat the enemy. Jagex has used almost exclusively the popularity of RuneScape to gain patrons for this site, with almost all FunOrb players being either current or former RuneScape players. Jagex does not advertise FunOrb anywhere (except on the RuneScape website). There are some larger FunOrb announcements, such as the release of Armies of Gielinor.
- FunOrb is a game site created by Jagex. It has many different single and multiplayer games, and is sometimes used as a clan event by some clans.
- FunOrb ist eine Spiele-Website von Jagex (Runescape). Das FunOrb-Wiki dient als Sammlung von Tipps und Tricks und zur Beschreibung der verschiedenen Spiele.
- FunOrb jest to strona na ktorej oparta jest ta wikia. Zawiera ona gry napisanie w języku programowania Java. Strona została otworzona przez Jagex 28 Lutego 2008 roku. 60pxTo jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go].
- Funorb is owned by Jagex Ltd., also makers of Runescape. FunOrb is an online website, which is made by the creators of FunOrb (FunOrb was made after RuneScape). FunOrb has free arcade style games, and multiplayer games. Free to play players get many of the games, but Pay to Play players, who pay $3 per month, get access to website features such as forums, more games, and enhanced versions of some games. FunOrb is still growing. Probably the most popular game on FunOrb is Archanists, and spell-based game where you defeat your opponents by using spells, and using wands (rewards from games) to buy new spells. FunOrb can be found at http://www.funorb.com.
- Le Wiki FunOrb est l'encyclopédie libre en français sur le site de jeux vidéo FunOrb que tout le monde peut éditer.
- FunOrb is een gaming-site gemaakt door Jagex. Uitgebracht op 27 februari 2008. Het is hun eerste grootste release sinds de succesvolle MMORPG game RuneScape. Alle spellen zijn geprogrammeerd met Java Jagex heeft ook aangekondigd dat de FunOrb spellen ook mobiel zullen werken in de toekomst.
- Funorb is een gratis online spel van Jagex. Funorb is opgericht op 5 Maart 2008 en is een onderdeel van Jagex, naast Funorb heb je ook nog Runescape. Funorb is een site met diverse spellen, zo heb je sport, race, schiet/vecht, etc. Funorb is een gratis site, maar je kan ook member worden vanaf 4.95. Dit ligt bij iedereen geheel optioneel, members hebben meer voordelen, zoals meerdere levels en de mogelijkheid om Fullscreen te gebruiken. [Je kan alle extra's voor een member bij de game zelf vinden!] Op Funorb kun je inloggen met je account wat je bijvoorbeeld op Runescape hebt gestart, of wat je gemaakt hebt op Jagex. Je kunt er ook zelf een Account maken, dat is volledig gratis, en er is geen tutorial, je krijgt een vrijwillege tutorial in het spel, dit kun je ook uit doen, als je in het spel met de single player (die mogelijk is) Esc(ape) drukt, je gaat dan naar een Pauze menu en je kunt dan tutorial uit doen. Op 5 maart heeft Funorb beloofd dat er elke 2 weken een nieuwe update komt, meestal is er geen System Update, alleen bij het beloofde spel, kan er een Update melding komen, maak dan af waar je mee bezig bent.
- FunOrb is a casual gaming site produced by Jagex Ltd. Launched on 27 February 2008, it is the company's first major release since their successful MMORPG, RuneScape. All of the games are programmed in Java. Jagex has announced that this site is targeted towards the "hard casual" or "time-pressured" gamer[1] market and that it intends to expand into the mobile phone games market.[2] URL Commercial? Yes Type of site Internet/Browser Games Registration Free / Monthly subscription Owner Jagex Ltd. Created by Jagex Launched 27 February 2008 Summary FunOrb offers both single-player and multiplayer games. Multiplayer games allow players to communicate with each other through a public lobby, or through private chat, which can be used to talk to people on RuneScape, and vice versa. In all current multiplayer games, players receive a separate rating for each game, which symbolizes their experience with the games and can rise or fall based on their game performance. In all current multiplayer games, with the exception of the persistent-world game Dungeon Assault, players may play "rated" games, which finds a random opponent and adjusts their rating based on their performance, or they can play unrated games with people of their choice, which have no effect on their rating. The site includes an achievement system which gives awards for completing challenges in single-player and multiplayer games. These currently include "Orb Coins", which players are able to spend on a variety of game content including desktop wallpapers, music, icons, and more.[3] Also awarded are "Orb Points", which can be compared to other players.[4] The site has been launched in English, German and French, with more languages being planned.[5] Jagex have stated that FunOrb will be updated every two weeks,[6] either with a new game, an update to a game or an updated site feature. Currently, only Jagex games are available on the site, but Jagex have stated that they are considering adding third party games to the site.[7] Cost Limited versions of all FunOrb games are available for free, with costs covered by advertising. Some games are completely free, with the exception of fullscreen mode. A subscription option is available at £2/$3/€2.50 a month by itself or £1.40/$2/€2 a month when combined with RuneScape membership.[8] This gives players access to more levels/content in the games, the ability to post on the site forums, and the option to play games in fullscreen mode. Players paying for FunOrb can also add an extra 100 people to their friends list (instead of the usual 100 they get 200). RuneScape members who use their accounts on FunOrb (all accounts are automatically transferred over) also have this limitation, and so if they are not FunOrb members can add no new friends while on FunOrb if they have passed the 100 mark. Development The average development cost per game has been quoted as being less than $25,000 (£12,800).[7] Player Development The FunOrb Moderators have decided to allow for competitions to decide the outcome of FunOrb related projects, an example of this is the name of their new "Billing Forum". A player won credit for the name of this forum "The Billing Orb", a player won credit for the strap line "Request help from the billing team" and a player won credit for the forum logo "Orb emblem with pile of coins inside".[9] They have also held a "Name The Game" competition where users could suggest names for the upcoming game "Pirate Lords".[10] There wasn't an actual reward for this, although they stated that "This is a chance to really make your mark on FunOrb history".
- FunOrb on Jagexin kehittämä sivusto, jossa on Java-pohjaisia nettipelejä. FunOrb julkaistiin 27. helmikuuta 2008. Peleistä saa saavutuksia, joilla saa Orb-pisteitä ja Orb-kolikoita.
- FunOrb was launched on 27 February 2008 in English and German with , a small number of which were updated versions or sequels of games from the original Jagex website. It was initially aimed at the "time-pressed" gamer market and updated every 14 days. Jagex have since moved towards having less frequent updates and larger, more complex, new games aimed at time-rich players. Brazilian Portuguese and French have been added to the language line-up, and work is ongoing to launch the site in some other European languages. According to a J-Mod post on the official RuneScape forums, FunOrb is now a discontinued project, and will no longer be updated.