| - The glaring sunlight rides down the length of his long curved blade. The weight of it balances off the end of his arm, dancing there like a thing possessing a will of its own, throwing itself up, down and across in swift and deadly strokes. The young samurai’s body twists and flows, leaps and dives, whirling about in a warrior’s frenzy. One enemy after another falls, outmatched by the superior skill of the Kozuke. Falling out of Earth’s timeline the Kozuke enter a new world. Here on the battlefields of Valhalla, their fight continues on.
| - The glaring sunlight rides down the length of his long curved blade. The weight of it balances off the end of his arm, dancing there like a thing possessing a will of its own, throwing itself up, down and across in swift and deadly strokes. The young samurai’s body twists and flows, leaps and dives, whirling about in a warrior’s frenzy. One enemy after another falls, outmatched by the superior skill of the Kozuke. The sun falls low on the horizon, bathing the landscape in its red glow. Exhausted and outnumbered, the Kozuke fight on. Their adversary closes them in, trapping them between the points of arrows drawn tight on their strings, and a steep drop into churning waters. The bowstrings twang and the Kozuke let themselves fall backwards, giving their lives to the waters below rather than allowing themselves be taken by their enemy. Falling out of Earth’s timeline the Kozuke enter a new world. Here on the battlefields of Valhalla, their fight continues on.