Marvel Cinematic Extensive Universe is an alternative live action Marvel studios production based on the original MCU. This is created by DuttPanda, and is heavily influenced by great fanonite, ElectricMayhem. This corporate production has regained film rights of X-Men, Fantastic Four from Fox, Spider-Man and Venom from Sony, and many more. This has altered much of the history of the real MCU reality, and has added more additional ones, or skipped some of them.
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| - Marvel Cinematic Universe (DuttPanda)
| - Marvel Cinematic Extensive Universe is an alternative live action Marvel studios production based on the original MCU. This is created by DuttPanda, and is heavily influenced by great fanonite, ElectricMayhem. This corporate production has regained film rights of X-Men, Fantastic Four from Fox, Spider-Man and Venom from Sony, and many more. This has altered much of the history of the real MCU reality, and has added more additional ones, or skipped some of them.
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| - Marvel Cinematic Extensive Universe is an alternative live action Marvel studios production based on the original MCU. This is created by DuttPanda, and is heavily influenced by great fanonite, ElectricMayhem. This corporate production has regained film rights of X-Men, Fantastic Four from Fox, Spider-Man and Venom from Sony, and many more. This has altered much of the history of the real MCU reality, and has added more additional ones, or skipped some of them.