| - Terminator Squads form the heart of a Space Marine Chapter's forces, for most Chapters maintain a number of suits of the revered and rightly feared Terminator Armour. Terminator suits are the pinnacle of armoured protection available to a Space Marine. Each is all but impervious to small arms fire and can even withstand the merciless onslaught of tank-busting Krak Missiles. Terminator Armour is exceedingly rare amongst the forces of the Adeptus Astartes. Space Marines hold it a great honour to be permitted to wear such a suit in battle, and it is only members of the Chapter's elite 1st Company to whom this honour is normally granted in Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters. The Grey Knights, however, can muster enough Tactical Dreadnought Armour to outfit almost their entire Chapter. Yet formidable though the armour is, the warrior within is far more remarkable. To pursue the endless war against the Daemons of Chaos takes more than a mere Space Marine. It takes a Grey Knight -- an altogether more superlative warrior, who is as far above other Space Marines as the Astartes are above the common run of Mankind. A Grey Knights Terminator's primary armament is a Nemesis Force Weapon of some kind, selected from the Chapter's Armoury according to the skills and preferences of its wielder. As there is no doctrinal restriction on the types and numbers of weapons carried, it is rare for two Terminator Squads to bear exactly the same weapons combination -- the Grey Knights have always favoured brutal efficiency over organisational mandate. Some prefer the crushing force of a Nemesis Daemon Hammer, others the flurry of attacks granted by a matched pair of Nemesis Falchions. Complementing this fearsome close quarter armament, each Terminator will also carry a Storm Bolter, typically mounted upon his left vambrace, thus leaving his left hand free for a double-handed grip on his Force Weapon, or to access the supply of grenades belted at his waist. Terminator Squads rarely operate a standard line of battle, for it seems that the Grey Knights are always outnumbered by their daemonic foes. Thus, they must concentrate their attacks, picking their targets individually for full effect. As a result, Terminators often choose to teleport straight into the heart of battle, the better to catch the foe unaware in a storm of firepower and vengeful blades. Indeed, sometimes the only warning that an enemy will receive is the momentary flash of light and stink of ozone that precedes a teleport beam -- by which time it is far, far too late.