Hajime Kunihiro Dies is the title of an aptly named drama/action film released by Universal Studios on October 5th, 2003. It was directed by Uwe Boll and starred Hajime Kunihiro (herself) and Rodney Conodney (Trent Reznor) as the main cast members. In respect to its title, it follows the story of Hajime Kunihiro's death, which is the very last panel of the movie; the entire title spoiling it in general. Upon its release, the movie was almost universally panned by critics, receiving a "Rotten" score of 11% on the Rotten Tomatoes movie reviewing site. Despite this, the movie was viewed in many theaters, receiving a grand total of 15,000,000$ budget.
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| - Hajime Kunihiro Dies is the title of an aptly named drama/action film released by Universal Studios on October 5th, 2003. It was directed by Uwe Boll and starred Hajime Kunihiro (herself) and Rodney Conodney (Trent Reznor) as the main cast members. In respect to its title, it follows the story of Hajime Kunihiro's death, which is the very last panel of the movie; the entire title spoiling it in general. Upon its release, the movie was almost universally panned by critics, receiving a "Rotten" score of 11% on the Rotten Tomatoes movie reviewing site. Despite this, the movie was viewed in many theaters, receiving a grand total of 15,000,000$ budget.
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| - Hajime Kunihiro Dies is the title of an aptly named drama/action film released by Universal Studios on October 5th, 2003. It was directed by Uwe Boll and starred Hajime Kunihiro (herself) and Rodney Conodney (Trent Reznor) as the main cast members. In respect to its title, it follows the story of Hajime Kunihiro's death, which is the very last panel of the movie; the entire title spoiling it in general. Upon its release, the movie was almost universally panned by critics, receiving a "Rotten" score of 11% on the Rotten Tomatoes movie reviewing site. Despite this, the movie was viewed in many theaters, receiving a grand total of 15,000,000$ budget.