| - Out For Blood is a Tier 2 skill in Mordecai's Rogue skill tree. When Bloodwing strikes an enemy and subsequently returns, Mordecai gains health based on the amount of damage done (7% per rank). This health is lost if he is crippled before Bloodwing returns, even if he gains a Second Wind before it does so.
- This adventure is nominally set in Seattle, but can be placed in any city in which the campaign takes place. The player characters are hired by a coven of vampires to track down a psychotic street mage who is killing them off, one at a time. Unknown to the characters, the mage is an unwitting tool of one of the coven who seeks to eliminate rivals of her rise to power over the group. The player characters must stop the magician from killing any more of the Coven members and expose the conspiracy within it. NIGHT LIFE Tell It to Them Straight Each of the player characters receives an engraved invitation in an unmarked envelope which reads "You are invited to a business meeting at the Styx. This card shall grant you entrance. Midnight." The message bears no postmark or address and is hand delivered by messenger to the character's place of residence or usual hangout. The characters know the Styx to be an exclusive nightclub downtown, access to members and their guests only. Membership is by invitation only and is considered something of a social coup. When the runners show up at the Styx, they are admitted past a long line of hopeful clubbers by a huge Troll in modified eighteenth century dress, coat and tails, shirt with lace collar, etc. (Troll Bouncer, SR p.173). The nightclub is crowded when the characters enter. They draw some attention from the regulars, but not for long before they go back about their business. The characters will see plenty of action going on, but no sign of the party who sent them the message. Behind the Scenes Once the characters have had a chance to mingle and look around, their hosts will take the opportunity to feel them out, and toy with them a bit. They will approach the characters, either singly or collectively, and attempt to strike up conversation, flirt or even issue veiled threats. Such interaction can also be intermixed with other more (or less) innocent encounters with the other patrons of the Styx, just to keep the players in the dark about what is really going on. Keep in mind that the vampires will use this opportunity to size up the characters, and will use that knowledge in their negotiations with them later. Troubleshooting This scene can be played out for as long as it proves interesting. If the players are getting bored, move on to the meeting with their would-be employers. Feel free to remind belligerent characters that starting a fire fight in an exclusive club like the Styx would not be a good idea. BLOOD MONEY Tell It to Them Straight An attendant gathers than player characters together and escorts them to a private dining room in the club where an elaborate meal has been laid out. Their hosts await them, and the characters will recognize them from the encounters in the main club. The vampires will wine and dine the characters, eating nothing themselves, before discussing business. Eventually they will disclose their true nature to the characters and describe their problem. Two weeks ago, a mage named Vlad Malkovitch, who goes by the street name "Nosferatu" came to the club and demanded to meet with the coven. Malkovitch wanted the coven to make him into a vampire but they refused because the mage seemed too unstable to be allowed into the group. Nosferatu stormed out of the Styx. A few days later, a member of the coven was murdered in her penthouse, decapitated and her body burned. Five days after that another member died in a similar fashion. Both attacks happened during the day, when the vampires were most vulnerable. The coven suspects that Malkovitch is behind the killings out of revenge for the Coven's refusal. The coven will offer up to ´5,000 to each character for the successful elimination of this threat, plus any reasonable expenses. Use the standard Negotiation rules if the players want to up the ante. Behind the Scenes Unbeknownst to the PCs or the other members of the coven, Malkovitch is working for Sylvia, a member of the coven. Sylvia went to see Nosferatu after the encounter at the Styx and offered to turn him into a vampire if he would help her increase her power in the coven by killing off her rivals. She does not want Malkovitch stopped before he has finished the job, although she doesn't care what happens to the mage after that. Sylvia will offer fairly little information during the meeting at the Styx, but she will keep a close eye on the characters, sizing them up as potential enemies, or allies if she thinks she can persuade them to her side. Troubleshooting If the characters refuse the job because they don't want to work for a group of vampires, remind them that turning down the Coven could be a very bad idea and that having them in their debt would definitely have it's advantages. If negotiations bog down, the Coven might offer the characters memberships at the Styx, which would help boost their reputations on the street. LOOK BOTH WAYS Tell It to Them Straight When the characters leave the Styx a sportscar, it's headlights off, comes roaring down the street and attempts to run them down. Have each character make a Quickness (6) Test to avoid the car. Those who are hit must resist 4D2 damage (impact armor helps). For those who successfully dodge, a Perception (9) Test will allow them to read the licence plate (Seattle, 732-ALT). A Perception (5) Test will gain a good look at the driver, a fairly nondescript Amerind street thug. If the PCs catch the driver in front of the club or use the licence and description to track him down later (the car is a rental), he will tell them that he was hired through his fixer by a woman, given their descriptions and told to geek them. He has no idea who his employer is or why he wanted the characters killed. Behind the Scenes The man was actually hired by Sylvia to test the characters' abilities, and possibly dissuade them from taking the job. If the characters get a hold of the thug's fixer, they may be able to get a description that loosely matches Sylvia's. Troubleshooting This scene is mainly intended to make the players worry and to give them a chance to catch on the Sylvia's plan early. If the characters kill the driver, they may still be able to find out who he was via the licence plate and track down his fixer for the information. THE SCENE OF THE CRIME If the characters investigate the previous two murder sites or attempt to gain access to the police reports via contacts or the Matrix, they can get the following information: One Success: The victims were both affluent and somewhat reclusive. They were killed by someone who was very skilled, a professional assassin. Two Successes: Initial checks show that the victim had no known enemies and that there is no apparent motive for the crimes. The killer had magical abilities and was most likely a magician. Three Successes: Autopsies showed that the victims had HMHVV and were vampires. Lone Star has unofficially decided to do nothing about the murders (except to hope that the killer manages to geek every other vamp in the city) NOSFERATU Characters looking for information on Vlad Malkovitch can try asking around, checking with street contacts or looking for data on him in the Matrix (such as a police record). One Success: Nosferatu is a skilled professional assassin, but on the edge. He has a vampire motif. He has been working out of Seattle for about three years now. Two Successes: Malkovitch is obsessed with vampires and has had cosmetic surgery to make himself look like one. He also has cybernetic fangs. Three Successes: Nosferatu is a very skilled Hermetic mage and an Initiate to boot. He specializes in unusual and difficult targets, especially other magicians. Four Successes: Malkovitch is crazy, probably psychotic. No one wants to work with him anymore and employers are shying away from him. His vampire obsession is taking over Nosferatu's whole life. The character also learns that Nosferatu has an apartment in the Barrens and it's address. HOME SWEET HOME Tell It to Them Straight If they go to Malkovitch's apartment in the Barrens, the characters will find it on the third story of a run-down building. The apartment consists of a single large room with a kitchenette, a bathroom and a bedroom. There is no physical evidence in the apartment to link it to Malkovitch. In fact, everything indicates that no one has been here for at least a week or two. Behind the Scenes Malkovitch abandoned the apartment when he began his vendetta, but has booby-trapped the place in case someone came looking for him. The bare light-bulb hanging in the living room is filled with napalm and will explode as soon as the light is turned on. Characters in the room will have to resist 5S2 Damage (Impact armor counts). The apartment will quickly catch fire, forcing the characters to flee. Nosferatu has also placed a claymore anti-personnel mine under one corner of his matress and tripwired it to the bed frame. If a character sits down on the bed or lifts the matress, the mine goes off, doing 6D3 damage, -1 Power per meter away from the explosion (again, impact armor counts). Troubleshooting Another encounter to make the characters paranoid and make them aware that Malkovitch is a dangerous and cunning opponent. Allow the characters opportunities to detect both of the booby traps before socking it to them. TRICK OR TREAT Tell It to Them Straight No matter what fashion or condition the characters leave Malkovitch's apartment building in, they will run into a gang of eight Halloweeners that Nosferatu is paying to keep an eye on his place and tell him who shows up there. The gang members are just looking for an excuse to start a fight and will threaten the characters and demand to know what they were doing in the apartment building with a very "in your face" sort of attitude. Treat them as standard Gang Member Archetypes (SR p.39) armed with Ares Predators. The gangers will attempt to run if it becomes obvious that they are overmatched. Behind the Scenes If the PCs capture and interrogate one of the Halloweeners, they can find out that Nosferatu hired them. He arranges payment through a fixer named Geistmann, who has a lore store called "Ghost of a Chance" on the north side of town. The gang members do not know where their employer is or what he is doing. Troubleshooting If the characters annihilate the Halloweeners without having a chance to question them, have them find a business card from Geistmann's lore store with the name "Nosferatu" written on the back. GHOST OF A CHANCE Tell It to Them Straight Herman Geistmann works out of a lore store that he owns and operates as a legitimate business. His main profession is as a fixer, mostly for magicians and other Awakened shadowrunners. Use the Small Store Archetype for the shop, which is surrounded by a Force 5 Astral Ward. Geistmann is a tall albino human (treat him as having a nuisance allergy to sunlight). He dresses in pale suits with some magical-looking jewelry. Use the Talismonger archetype for Geistmann (SR p.172) and give him fifteen force points worth of spells (whatever the gamemaster feels would suit the situation). He is attended in astral space by a Force 4 Fire Elemental. In order to maintain his reputation, Geistmann will be reluctant to discuss the business of any of his other clients, including Nosferatu. The characters will need to either bribe the fixer (with a base of about ´500 and standard Negotiation rules) or convince him that Nosferatu's current activities would be bad for his reputation if it became known that he worked with Geistmann. Behind the Scenes In fact, Geistmann no longer has dealing with Nosferatu. He thinks that the mage has become too unstable to risk anything on. The last time Geistmann saw Nosferatu was two days ago. The magician wanted him to get plans to an exclusive penthouse downtown. Geistmann refused to become involved in such a risky venture with a high-security building. He can tell the characters that the place Malkovitch was interested in was the Northrop Building, a high security apartment complex. Troubleshooting If the characters cannot get the information on the Northrop Building from Geistmann or refuse to act upon it, go to "Coven Shuffle." HIGH STAKES Tell It to Them Straight The penthouse of the Northrop Building is the home of Julius, the leader of the Coven. If the characters go there directly after talking with Geistmann, they will catch Nosferatu about to finish off the vampire patriarch. The characters may have some difficulty getting into the building, which is AA security rated and has its own force of guards (use the Corporate Security Guard, SR p.165). Nosferatu used magic to enter the penthouse. Smart characters might be able to convince the guards that one of their tenants is in danger and gain their aid. However they are not aware that Julius is a vampire and doing so will destroy his anonymity. If the characters are fairly quick and decisive, the gamemaster should allow them to enter the penthouse just as Malkovitch is about to strike the blow with his axe that will decapitate the unconscious Julius. Nosferatu will fight fiercely against the PCs. He will not fight to the death, however, and will try to flee if he is seriously overmatched or badly injured. Behind the Scenes If captured alive, Malkovitch will reveal that Sylvia offered to make him a vampire in exchange for the elimination of her rivals. Troubleshooting If the gamemaster feels that the fight is going too easy on the PCs, have Nosferatu summon a couple of Force 6 bound elementals for aid. If the hitmage is cutting the characters down, have some security guards show up to help them, or have Julius revive and jump Nosferatu from behind. If the characters blow Julius' cover to help him, the vampire-lord will not be happy, but he will still pay the characters according to their agreement, then take measures to set up a new identity elsewhere in the city. AFTERMATH If the PCs have saved Julius and captured or killed Malkovitch, they will receive the agreed upon payment as well as the vampire's gratitude (good for a future favor). If Sylvia's involvement in the killings is revealed, the Coven will "deal" with her and offer the shadowrunners a bonus of ´1,000 or membership at the Styx (if that was not already part of the deal). COVEN SHUFFLE If Julius is killed, Sylvia becomes the new head of the Coven. She will send a messenger to pay the characters the agreed upon fee and thank them for "a job well done." Nosferatu (if he's still alive) becomes a vampire and joins the Coven. Both may appear in future adventures as allies, enemies or potential employers. KARMA AWARDS Survival 1 Nosferatu stopped 2 Sylvia's plot revealed 2 Julius survives 1 Award individual karma for good role-playing, skill use, etc. normally (SR p.160). CAST OF SHADOWS All of the members of the Coven have the standard vampiric abilities (SR p.188). The gamemaster should feel free to give them whatever skills, spells and equipment necessary for the scenario. VLAD MALKOVITCH "NOSFERATU" Attributes: Skills: Body: 4 Armed Combat (Axe): 4 Quickness: 4 Conjuring: 4 Strength: 4 Demolitions: 3 Charisma: 4 Etiquette (Street): 3 Intelligence: 5 Firearms: 3 Willpower: 6 Latin: 4 Essence: 5.7 Magic Theory: 4 Magic: 9 (11) Sorcery: 6 Reaction: 6 (+2D6) Stealth: 4 Vampire Lore: 4 Astral (dodge): 5 Astral (defense): 6 Defense: 4 Dodge: 4 Magic: 6 (8) Cyberware: Fang implants (.3 Essence Loss. The fangs do only 2L1 damage, but inject one dose of a powerful toxin that does 3D2 damage. Nosferatu will use this as a weapon of last resort). Gear: Combat Axe (Rating 5 Weapon Focus, 4M2 damage) Armor Jacket (Ballistic 5, Impact 3) Silver Amulet (Power Focus 2) Spell Lock (Armor/3 Successes) Karabin maszynowy AK-97 z celownikiem laserowym i kompensacją odrzutu 2 Ares Predator z tłumikiem i celownikiem laserowym Spells: (Grade 4 Initiate) Combat: Manabolt: 5 Fireball: 5 Detection: Detect Enemies: 3 Detect Life: 3 Health: Increase Reaction +2: 4 (Quickened, Force 4) Treat Serious Wounds: 3 Illusion: Invisibility: 3 Manipulation: Armor: 5 Bat Form: 3 Wolf Form: 3 Vlad "Nosferatu" Malkovitch is one of the best hitmages in the Sixth World. He specializes in unusual and difficult targets, including fellow magicians and awakened creatures. Several years ago, he became obsessed with vampires and the promise of immortal life, life as the ultimate predator, the ultimate hunter. He has researched and learned all he could about the vampiric condition, until his research finally led him to the Coven and his demand for them to transform him into one of them. Malkovitch cares as little for Sylvia as she does for him, he is only using her to get what he wants. He will gladly turn on her if it is to his advantage to do so. Malkovitch is also a professional, he does everything carefully and cooly. He never fights to the death and always has backup plans for various contingencies in place. The player characters should find Nosferatu a dangerous foe to be respected. Nosferatu looks like a character out of a vampire movie. He has bleached white skin, black hair that is slicked back and wears red contact lenses. His canine teeth have been replaced with cybernetic fangs. He dresses completely in black both for practicality and out of preference. THE COVEN The Coven is an organization of vampires that has banded together for their mutual protection against the mundane world. The group is governed by a primary rule that says that the coveners cannot directly harm one another. The group is rife with power plays and internal politics. The current members of the Coven are described below. The gamemaster should feel free to add to or alter this roster as needed. The vampires should be tough enough so the characters will think twice about starting anything stupid with them. Julius: Current leader of the Coven. Julius is an older vampire and somewhat conservative in his outlook. He favors "old world" styles and attitudes and wants to keep the Coven low-key to protect all of its members. Julius looks like a man in his late fifties, with stark white hair, dressed in a dark, conservative suit and carrying an ebony cane. Sylvia: Sylvia is plotting to eliminate Julius and take control of the Coven. She has far more extravagant plans for using the group to expand her own personal power and has co- opted Nosferatu for that reason. Sylvia is a hauntingly beautiful woman with long black hair and pale complexion. She usually wears evening gowns in the latest style and fashion. She is a deadly manipulator whom the characters would be well advised to steer clear of. Sylvia is also a skilled Hermetic magician and an Initiate (at least a grade higher than the best player character). If Sylvia survives the scenario, the gamemaster may use her as the prime villain in future adventures. Damien: Infected with HMHVV when he was sixteen, almost twenty years ago, Damien has been a vampire longer than he lived as a human being. This makes him very unstable, possibly insane. Damien revels in his vampiric abilities and acts like a street-tough punk with a serious attitude problem. He will threaten one of the characters in the Styx, trying to start a fight just to see how tough the character is, although he will break off the fight before any permanent damage is done. Damien looks like a skinny young kid with long blond hair falling into his eyes. He usually wears black jeans, a T- shirt and a leather jacket and carries a switchblade on him. Marie: Marie is much more even-tempered than the rest of the Coven. She fell into vampirism quite by accident when she became attracted to a man who turned out to be a member of the Coven (one of the ones killed by Malkovitch). She will be enraged if Sylvia's plot is uncovered. She will not like Nosferatu joining the Coven if Sylvia wins, but will have to obey her wishes. Marie appears to be in her thirties, with long brown hair that is usually elaborately braided. She favors pantsuits or skirt and sweater outfits and appears fairly casual. She may try to flirt with one of the characters during the initial scene at the Styx. Karl: Karl was an upwardly mobile junior executive when he was infected with the vampire virus. He now works as a private broker and financial advisor out of his home. He is also fairly moderate and has little interest in Coven politics. The group is only a convenient refuge and food source for him. Karl looks to be in his late twenties, with neatly cut and combed blond hair, wearing an immaculate suit in the latest power style for the season. He enjoys complex debates and word games and may engage a PC in such a discussion at the Styx. Kategoria:przygody
- Out for Blood is the fifth full-length album by American thrash metal band Sadus. It was released on Mascot Records on February 27, 2006 in Europe and it was released on May 2, 2006 in USA. This album saw bassist Steve DiGiorgio experimenting with vocals for the first time. The song title "Freedom" is dedicated to Chuck Schuldiner.
- Out for Blood was a crew that sailed the Midnight Ocean.