| - An almost sinister laughter reverberated through the streets of Rukongai just outside the walls of Seireitei, many locals shivering at its hollow sounds, and others moving quickly away from the source as they scurried off to their business with increased haste. The nobles who would have ordinarily snubbed the man in question, instead quivered in fear. Afterall there were those with old memories who did not forget the mistakes of the past. They kept themselves guarded in their palace-like homes surrounded by their own private army, but even then, they knew the comforts of such security was an illusion at best. It was he who had put the fear in the epithet "Ryoka" in their hearts, and yet they had allowed such a monster into their ranks. It just goes to show, that even the mighty nobility had such little power in the machinations of Soul Society. Hyuuga Majeh walked gingerly through the streets of the first district Junrinan, a light smile plastered on his face. He saw the looks they gave him and he waved at them. It was just another means of getting back at the pretentious bunch that had him imprisoned. Oh, he could forgive, and he had, afterall he was actually enjoying his lot in life, not unlike before. But there was a certain satisfaction in being able to visit Soul Society whenever he wished or when time would allow. He made it a point to visit the Central 46, at least one its members every so often. Afterall they were the ones who had condemned him to thousands of years in that damnable prison, only to be overturned by the Royal Guard. So it was with great satisfaction, that he could waltz in, unannounced however he pleased and let them know that their lives were in his hands. He wasn't petty by any stretch of the imagination, he had no intention of killing them or even meddling in their affairs, but he wouldn't let them know that. The fact that he could visit them, was reason enough, for them to know that a man they had condemned could see them whenever he wished. That kind of psychological torture was just too much to pass up. For as long as he lived they would have to spend their lives looking over their shoulders as though he were the proverbial "boogeyman" as those mortals coined it. It was his way of keeping them in check, to let them know that they weren't "all powerful" and that they were not the final law in Soul Society. That was also the reason he frequently made his way through the first District, so that he could snub HIS nose at the nobility. Unfortunately that was not the case this time around, he was here on business, unofficially of course. The Shinsengumi hardly ever did things officially, that just wasn't their style. Besides he did this often enough so it wouldn't look out of place for him to be here, hence the reason he was chosen to begin with. He pondered on the details of his investigation; it was known that the Arma Clan were dabbling into some questionable avenues, and given the past history of another clan, and the blind eye the Gotei 13 turned to these events as they happened, believed that their allegiance was still intact. Simple enough, just a meet and greet, a little exploration and confirmation, and he would have his report. Easy right? An indignated scream broke the usual sereneity of the First District of Rukongai as a young noble clad in an exquisite Kimono inwoven with strange and immaculate patterns bursted out of the gates of the mansion that belonged to the Arma Clan, closely pursued by an old woman who looked completely helpless and desperately attempted to stall the noble ---"Shigenaga-sama, please don't leave! You have so many duties to attend to!" the adressed person stopped mid-step; turning slowly to gaze at the old woman that clutched desperately to the sleeve of his elaborate Kimono, the noble snorted derisively as he raised his free hand up into the air before slapping the woman accross her face harshly; the intense concussive force of the blow throwing the old woman several yards backwards and crashing down into the ground, accompanied by several disturbing cracking sounds, where she managed to utter single inaudible syllable before falling unconcious. The noble lowered his hand then, as a plethora of different emotions washed across his features, there was a sense of discomfort and regret in his bearing for a moment before it vanished as quickly as it came; as the noble brushed a hand across his facial features before he announced loudly "Serves you right, you little raisin-skinned bitch! I hope you broke your neck!" the offender made a casual gesture with his hands as he turned around abruptly, while other servants had begun to gather around the unconcious body of the old woman. The man then began to walk in the direction of Majeh, muttering beneath his breath "Oh, fuck it" The mans face was once again clouded by a certain sorrowful and desperate visage as he directed his gaze at the ground, slouching closer to Majeh's position ---although he seemingly hadn't caught sight of him yet; and he didn't do so until he was very close to him at which point he frowned in disgust and gave Majeh a defiant glare before he walked past him; the immaculate robes draping behind him in the dirt, representing the noblemans complete disregard for his status as a Noble. Majeh would easily recognize the nobleman as Shigenaga Arma ---the older brother to the current leader of the Clan in question, the dossiers that he had read would provide a good deal of information about his behaviour and violent habits as well as cold and dispassionate attitude to such cases - it would also state that he was in a tense situation in regards to his other clan members. Shigenaga turned his head halfway around to look at Majeh and was about to say something sharp and sarcastic when he seemingly decided otherwise and proceeded to give him another deadpan glare of disgust and loathing, before he turned back around and continued his angry stride. Majeh ignored the man in favor of the downed woman, striding casually but with a sense of urgency, crouching down to examine her when he drew near. A hand withdrew itself from the long sleeve of his robe, hovering just above her body, a green light illuminating the aged features of her face. Within seconds her eyes fluttered open, as her spirit was rejuvenated, though it was largely a superficial. Her injury was still present, and would need rest but she was not to die this day. The servants quickly gathered her, hefting her up and bringing her back inside. Majeh still crouching stared at the estate as she was escorted into the manor. "Ya know, I'm still amazed that I can be suprised, when a noble demonstrates just how blind they can really be. I mean, hurting a defenseless old woman? Bet ya feel pretty proud of yourself? I mean, the troubles you nobility have, living with all those luxuries, kami-sama its a real burden. Its not like you all have real problems." Shaking his head dismissively, Majeh stood up and regarded Shigenaga with a mixture of.....well it was difficult to say. "You should apologize to her. Before you lose what scraps of dignity and pride you have left." Shigenaga turned around as he regarded Majeh coolly from afar before he shifted the destination of his stride back to the old woman, when he saw that she breathed easily; a small flicker of relief flashed across his features ---his lips tightening into a single thin line and it would appear that he actually did want to apologize, but was simply too stubborn to do so, instead he proceeded to do the tenth best thing; he wrenched off his elaborate Kimono and once he had gotten the entire attire off, it was revealed that he wore casual clothing beneath it; holding the soiled garment in his hands he proceeded to throw the whole luggage beside the old woman, who was slowly waking up ---while he spoke harshly "When you're done with your catnip, please get this washed and prepare my dinner" Shigenaga then slouched off. The old woman nodded at Shigenaga, her aged features beaming happily at Majeh "Please forgive Shigenaga-samas behaviour, he really is a good boy deep down. I know it; thank you for caring about an old woman ---it is much appreciated" the old woman was then carried off by several younger servants, back into the mansion behind them. Majeh frowned. The old woman truly believed what she said, even after the honorable noble could have killed her. What he had done to earn that level of trust? What changed? Perplexed by her reasoning he filed away that information for later. Now was not the time to debate philosophy. He had a mission to do. Which also meant that part of his mission was currently walking away. Damn. How to fix this? Hmm, maybe I can use that. He thought. He stood up, and called out to the young nobleman. "Oi! You! Tall dark and orange. You and I need to chat. Clan politics and all. I think I have some information, thats....whatta they call it?" He says the last part more to himself than Shigenaga. "Ahh yeah, pertinent, to your clan's situation." Majeh doesnt talk in the same manner as a typical Shinigami. It was somewhat rude, due to its lack of honorifics, and thick with a...foreign accent he couldnt identify. Shigenaga halted mid-step as he sleazily turned around to face Majeh; his mouth once more having the shape of one single thin line of barely repressed loathing, although Majeh would notice that the loathing didn't seem to be directed at him personally --almost as if the young noble simply looked trough him, as opposed to at him. Shigenaga then directed his gaze at Majeh, studying him for several full moments, no, silently appraising him would be a better description for that lazy gaze that seemed to devour even the slightest detail, Shigenaga then spoke - but rather than to address Majeh's words directly... "By observing your body, and your build I can quickly presume that your talents lies within the more martial approach of combat --- and while I see your Zanpakuto, you don't seem to repedeatly check if it is present seems to suggest that your chosen way of battle is in the field of Hakuda. Your lithe but muscular build is also appearantly trained with agility in mind" ...but rather with an observation of his own. When Shigenaga spoke again, it was a good deal more serious, and contempt was quick to color his tongue "Lets pretend for a moment that I give a rats-ass about those shambly old pigs, what kind of pertience would we be talking about?" Shigenaga didn't chastise Majeh for the informality of his words, on the contrary it would seem that Shigenaga loosened upon a bit due to them ---appearantly his rank and family obligation meant shit nothing to him: if that hadn't been established before. Shigenaga's eyes tensed somewhat though; he's confident and the fact that he dares to not use honorfics does suggest that he's fully capable of handling himself in a battle, even against me, interesting. Shigenaga smirked somewhat as he lifted his gaze to Majeh's face - Chestnut meeting Steel; while the lesser noble calmly awaited the Shinsengumi's response. Majeh raised an eyebrow as Shigenaga made his assessment. So what? He stayed silent as the kid demonstrated his powers of observation. He considered interjecting after that, but he held his tongue. Wouldn't do to insult him anymore than what was necessary. Besides the kid seemed to need to vent his own thoughts, so he waited, and waited. And waited. Finally the brat actually went on to address what he said, and then his plans fell flat. Hmm, so the kid really didnt give two shits about his clan. Odd, most nobles were all about family honor and crap. Well given what he saw before, it really shouldn't have been a surprise. Which meant that this kids emotional issues were more deep seated than just noble arrogance. The dossier did mention some bad blood between he and the rest of his family, which likely made him the black sheep, even with his supposed prodigal talent. But that was a point in his favor. Meant the kid was eager to prove himself. Whether it was for the benefit of the clan or his own personal enjoyment was at least for Majeh irrelevant. It could be used. "I'm just passing along some info. I was told to meet with a member of the Arma clan, regarding the Satonaka's and whatnot. Given your history, seemed like it might be something of value. But we shouldn't talk here, too many prying eyes, need to know only. How bout we take this somewhere private?" He responded. Shigenaga simply shrugged dismissively, before he spoke "Fine, I guess if there's any problems I could gloat at their misfortune, would be fun. So, lead the way I guess" Shigenaga stuck a single hand in his pocket while he silently muttered beneath his breath; urging Majeh to lead on. Majeh shrugged in response, but smirked, as he led the Arma clansman into his own home. He glanced at a nearby servant, and gestured with his head to lead them through the house. "I'm sure mister servant here can find us a private area to talk in." When the servant gave Majeh a confused look, the narrowing of his eyes was the only answer given, as the servant squeeked like a frightened mouse, and bowing repeatedly. "Y-yes sir, r-right away s-sir!" The servant took the two into a private study, opening the door to let the two walk inside. It was furnished like most of the rooms in the house, out fitted with a small display case of various ceremonial weapons and of course luxury carpet and chairs. In the middle of the room was a small table, where Majeh sat to one side as he awaited for Shigenaga to take his own seat. The servant bowed once more before exiting, intending to bring food and drink to the "esteemed guest". "So why don't you take a seat, and I'll start by explaining why I'm here huh?" Majeh began. Shigenaga chuckled darkly behind Majeh's back while he was amused by the Shinsengumi members antics and once he had found them a suitable room, Shigenaga was quick to follow the other mans instructions without any objection whatsoever; sitting down at the opposite chair of Majeh while he leaned back and placed both feet onto the small table with the ettiquette of a Yakuza. So he wanted to be a tough guy, well he cold deal. "Alright, I'll be straight with ya. I got nothin. Beyond the, "Satonaka's are in Hama Town", and all the crap that goes on there, I dont have anything. That was a....ploy, yeah thats the word, to get inside here. See, the Arma clan has been digging into some...forbidden research and whatnot, gotta make sure you're not plannin on use'in it for no, nefarious purposes." He laughs to himself. "Nefarious, hah, I like that word. Sounds evil. Anyways, you obviously dont give two shits about your clan, so there's no point in beatin'round the bush. Oh." He stops himself mid-sentence to give Shigenaga a knowing look. "And thanks for that show earlier. Gives me, plausible deniability ya know, you being a loose a cannon and all. So you can either tell me what I wanna know, or," He shrugs. "I can just look around, either way's fine with me." He finishes. It was obvious to Shigenaga, that Majeh was using his outburst to cover himself. If he attacked, Majeh could claim it was in self-defense, and if he tried to tell everyone he was investigating the Arma Clan, they either wouldnt believe him, or would be angered that he just let him inside the manor to begin with, and he could still claim to not knowing what Shigenaga was talking about. Regardless, Majeh had him trapped between the proverbial a rock and a hard place. But it seemed his intentions weren't necessarily there to infuriate him, he just seems to be counting on the fact that Shigenaga would rather piss his clan off more than whatever hate he may have for Majeh, so he'd reveal whatever it is he wants to know. Shigenaga let out a guffaw, as he folded his arms across his chest, humming in obvious amusement at Majeh before he spoke gruffly "So you want to take a look around, hm? Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but you see - we've reached an impasse given how your recent behaviour has been utterly suspicious" Shigenaga took his feet down from the table while he scratched his chin in feigned befuddlement, before continuing his little speech, this time in a softer tune "I'm certain you're aware that alot of the items you find in this mansion is worth alot on the black market, no?" Without waiting for an answer Shigenaga proceeded to come up with his actual argument "Lets go over the suspicious points, then.." to emphasize the gravity of the situation, Shigenaga feigned a discreet cough "A complete stranger walks up to me and claims to have information about my clans situation, furthermore - when this goes wrong you immediately change your argument to something that that you believe I might be tempted by? A coincidence? No fucking way in Hell" Shigenaga then leaned back more comfortably in the chair while he continued speaking in a monotone "Furthermore, earlier mentioned complete stranger proceeds to lead me back into my own home by his own volition, without being invited by the household even. This is a major transgression in the First District, as illustrated by appendix number six in section four "Regulations regarding personal property and privacy". Furthermore, you've been seen around this district many times as of late - snooping around and being very eerie overall" Shigenaga arched an eyebrow at finishing this sentence "Lets add to the fact that you used blatant intimidation on one of the household servants in order to get your way, finally though; you're a former convict to boot - I can thereby assume that you're here for theft or some other dishonesty, I want no burglars in my home. I'll let you leave freely this time though, as I can sympathize with one of lesser birth, but.." Shigenaga abruptly snapped his fingers in the air, as each of the doors to the little office were quickly shooved open, revealing a small battalion of guards, carrying Katana at their hips. "Please escort our guest out of the grounds!" "Huuuuuuh, seems the clans black sheep, has some fire afterall. I figured you as a more reckless, bull-headed type, but here you are taking things slow and usin your head." He taps his temple for emphasis. "Then I guess its good that I'm not a stranger to these parts. Don't you know, not just anyone can come strollin through here like they got a pair. You need special, "permissions" and such ya know. Do you really think, no one bothered to ask until now?" He scoffed. "And here I am." He pauses, looking at the guards with disinterest. "Still though, gotta get the info on your clan. You can tell me, or your neighbors can. I'm sure it would bad if word got out that they were being investigated, for suspicious weapons and technology." He folded his arms across his chest, and leaned back into his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "So then now ya gotta ask, how right? Former convict, with special permissions to enter the first district?" He chuckles. "Its like, they gotta be some kinda high rankin official?" He says mysteriously. "You understand? Just doin my job. Hell I'm trying to protect your reputation as it is.I'm just here to confirm some things. Its in your favor right now. But if it looks like the Arma clan is out for blood, then well, its outta my hands, gotta shut ya down. If you wanted to fight thoug, well it wouldnt hurt to grab one of them lil projects and test it out, make sure its workin all right, a friendly spar, and then I can be on my way. And hey, you wont even have their blood on your hands!" He says pointing to the guards. Shigenaga's eyes gleamed with a ferocity and bloodlust that was rather out of character for a nobleman, and Majeh could tell that Shige wanted to attack him then and there, but in a streak of magnificent willpower he absided - instead, he smirked wickedly at the other man before speaking with surprising eloquence "While I don't deny that the offer is tempting - friendly spars are resserved for friends and aquintances; you're neither of these. Hyuuga Majeh - and yes, I know who you are, we nobles are always well-versed in history. It'd appear that we've reached an impasse" drawing a deep breath, Shige paused. "I'm aware that the Central 46 are very uneasy about your freedom and that they'd like nothing more than to lock you up, or perhaps more appropriately, execute you; the 46 are the true rulers of Soul Society and as every beggar knows, they're hardly fair, especially not to those whom they concider to be their enemies. So, they'd undoubtably be very interested in hearing my version of what has transpired here, your version however, will undoubtably be dismissed, assuming that they at all bother to hear it before sentencing you to death or prison" Shigenaga's smirk was wicked, and rather prideful, undoubtably due to the fact that everything he had said was the truth, the Central 46 would give alot to remedy the single breach of their authority ever recorded in history, to be absolute and unquestionable "Of course, this official organization of which you are part of, will also feel the brunt of the Central 46's judgement - history pertains to the fact that you were released on grounds that you became a member of this organization and under their responsibility. Take a moment to imagine the repercussions of such a failure at upholding their own given standards - ouch, I think that might stain their reputation abit" Shigenaga paused once again, to let his words sink in before he continued his speech "So then, are you ready to depart with my guards now? I'd remind you that all my guards are innocent and hardworking individuals that work here solely to feed their families, essentially, if you harm them based on the grounds that they're going to escort you peacefully out of the building you won't escape judgement no matter how far you run - I'll personally see to it" the guards fidgeted nervously at the conversation that transpired. Silence permeates the air for a moment, as Majeh sits apparently stunned by Shigenaga's response, which is abruptly broken by his laughter. It reverberates through the halls of the Arma Clan manor, sending a chill down the spines of the guards. His amusement was clear, but for what reason, that in of itself was a mystery. His laughter recedes into a low chuckle, as he shakes his head in disbelief. "That was a good one kid. Had me going there for awhile. Are you an idiot? Or does that come natural? Cause if the Central 46 wanted to execute me, they'd have done so already you fool. Think about it, whats stopping them? The Central 46 are the head honcho's of the Gotei 13. What they say goes right? Obviously, that aint the case for me." He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "You have no idea, how this "chain of command" works do ya? Those old geezers won't do anything, cause they can't do anything. Get it? I'm higher on the food chain. They have as much say over me, as my breakfeast." He pauses for a moment to let that sink in. "Do you understand what the Gotei 13, and all these other divisions are supposed to do? It aint uphold the Central 46? We're not even supposed to protect the people out here in Rukongai? We're just here to protect a king. If we had to burn this entire place down to it, well we'd do it. Sad, but true. So when I say I'm here to investigate a possible threat, I want you to take that as seriously as possible. Why do you think they sent someone, who knows shit about politics for this? If push comes to shove, well, lets just say the paperwork's already done, if I gotta cut loose." He sits back in his chair relaxing, convinced that after what he said, Shigenaga was going to comply. It was clear that Majeh believed wholeheartedly what he said. There wasnt a trace of doubt nor hesitation in his words. The fact that he seemed oddly at ease with wiping out innocent people despite his actions earlier does seem strange. Was this a bluff? Or...did he just place his duty above his compassion? If had reason to believe they were in fact a threat, according to what he said, he could retaliate and kill them all without any repercussions. Did his organization really think that a single man was strong enough to do that!? This was the Arma Clan! They had a slew of powerful Shinigami under their command, so he was either much more powerful than what Shigenaga believed, or he had abilities designed specifically widespread destruction. Neither of which was good. Shigenaga laughed as well, the sound was pleasant and surprisingly bubbly. There was nothing forced over the laughter at all, it was completely genuine; despite the fact that his clan was being targetted by officials with suspicions that might cost them their nobility and get a fair lot of them executed or at the very least sent to the Maggots' Nest. "There's fire in you, Majeh - I appreciate that in a man, but.." Shigenaga made another casual movement with his hands as all the guards rushed towards Majeh at once, attempting to seize him and show him out, abit more forcefully than intended "I will have you leave now", he paused slightl while he smirked in triumph. "By the way, cut loose all ya want, the guards are expendable after all ---I could easily get new, better ones for a decent sum of money. It'd be a pity though, many of these men have families to attend, families that sorely need them, but I take it that doesn't matter to you? You've killed fathers before have you not?" Shigenaga spoke normally while he uttered these sentences, he seemed unbothered by the fact that his already terrified guards turned from pale to deathly white at the prospect of possibly being killed - and the fact that Shigenaga didn't care one way or another what happened to them. Shigenaga leaned back in his chair comfortably while he watched the ensuing spectacle with great interest and curiousty. Majeh simply quirked an eyebrow. So Shigenaga was gonna try'n call his bluff huh? Well he didn't particularly like killing innocent people, and tended to avoid it if at all possible. Didnt mean he wouldnt incapciate them. The guards barely took more than a few steps, when the room was suddenly flooded an aura so oppressive, they found themselves on the ground before they could even think. The aura was not reiatsu, far from it, there was no increase in air pressure, not even a drop was released. Instead, what they found themselves experiencing was more akin to pure primal fear. Killing intent, like no ther washed over them, and their reaction was a response to when the body is faced with a predator unlike any other, left with only one choice; to cower and wait for inevitable death. Their breaths became ragged, many hyperventilating and passing out as their bodies seized up, fright overriding control over their bodies. Majeh simply grinned in response, pronounced canines gleaming in the light. His face looked absolutely feral, like a wild animal, looking at its prey. It was hard to say whether Majeh wasn't going to leap forward and rip them all apart or simply take delight in watching them cower in fear. "What a cold-hearted bastard. Throwing your men to their deaths? No wonder you're not clan head, you'd make one crappy leader doing dumb things like that. Well, looks like neither of us plan on budging. So cut the bullshit already. You wanna fight, lets do it then, if not, get the hell outta my way so I can do my job." While Majeh had been busy with the small-fry, a woman had entered the room, another man was standing in the doorway - the woman had immediately rushed to Shigenaga's side and whispered something into his ear - the nobleman in question frowned in obvious disdain for a moment, a notion that was quickly remedied when the woman gave him a glass of wine in his hands. With a surprisingly fluent motion Shigenaga made sign for the newcomer to enter the room. The man wore a dark kinagashi and was lanky and thin in build; what would undoubtably catch the attention of Majeh though would be the fact that the man was hideously deformed, his face was completely ruined ---unaturally wide lips were draped with certainly-not-charming lipstick and his eyes were droopy and unfocused, his skin was welted and malformed and glossy black hair fell down to his shoulders in a tuttered mass. The man then spoke, his voice was surprisingly pleasant and exuded a sense of calmness, it was the voice of one who was used to nurturing and motivating his subordinates "Majeh-san, I hope that is your name, yes? A few minutes ago I got a rather distressing message from a courier that informed that there were some disturbances in the Arma Household and I-" The man paused as he saw all the limp bodies spread around Majeh, his features darkening as he turned towards Shigenaga, who was currently putting up a surprisingly good act as a terrified nobleman as he shouted out as he stood up from his chair so quickly that wine spurted in all directions, pointing an accusing finger at Majeh "Thank the Kami that you're here! This hooligan has dispatched my entire guard and is currently plotting something truly nefarious! You simply MUST stop him!" Shige then made a run for the doorway, like any pansy nobleman. It would become remarkably clear to Majeh that Shigenaga had actually taken well into account that Majeh would be likely to incapacitate the guards, and had set the stage thereafter. Tsubasa was normally quite calm and resserved and took the whining of nobles with a grain of salt, however - to his eyes. The situation was indeed grave, the servants he had encountered on his way here were much wary of the man who had pretty much barged in and demanded this and that; the household was in a disarray and even the young Lord himself was scared out of his wits of this man, not to mention that the man had already dispatched of most of the guards - courageous men and women who were willing to lay down their lives to protect the household. That was unforgivable. Opening a Senkaimon behind Majeh, Tsubasa proceeded with releasing his Reiatsu, the force of which brushing towards Majeh like a flood of energy, threatening to trample and maim him if he weren't careful. Tsubasa then lunged forwards with great speed, Zanpakuto whistling trough the air as he attempted to drive Majeh into the Senkaimon behind him and thus elicite a change of battlefield, as fighting within the manor was obivously not acceptable. Majeh's eyes widened as he took in the appearance of the 5th Division Captain, which only caused his surprise to increase as he saw the Arma Clan noble, literally run with his tail between his legs. His attempt at deflecting the blame seemed...pathetic, but was even more surprising was the fact that Tsubasa actually bought into it. He reflexively stood up when Shigenaga began running, but was too stunned to stop the fool before he slipped through the door. Not that he wasn't preoccupied already, a Captain being here was a big problem. Still, he couldnt believe the idoicy of Shigenaga. He had all but made it clear, that if their intentions couldn't be confirmed, the Shinsengumi were willing to eradicate them outright in the interest of protecting Soul Society! He didn't agree with such extreme's, hell he didn't even want to do this mission! Now he had to deal with an irate Captain, a lying sack of shit of a noble, who would probably run his mouth off, and the mounds of paperwork that awaited him when he had to report a "failure" on his mission. He was greatly irritated by the turn of events, though he didnt let it show. Not when a Zanpakutou was heading his way. Sighing in both resignation and disbelief, he raised his right arm, a thick layer of reiatsu forming around it as he blocked Tsubasa's Zanpakutou. Shifting said arm downward he deflected the blow away. Tsubasa was counting on that as the wly Captain, shifted his own body into a shoulder tackle, as his sword was brought down, slamming into Majeh. The force of the attack dragged him off by his feet and into the now opened Senkaimon Gate. He inwardly cursed, as things had gone from bad to worse. He gave the 5th Division Captain, a wary glance, raising a single eyebrow. "Che, how typical of the Gotei 13. Blindly rushin in without even thinkin bout the situation." He said coldy. "No wonder you fools have low retention." He didnt wait for a retort before torquing his body, to let the Captain fall through on his charge, and slipping by as the changed positions, though given that they were traveling through the Dangai Precipice World at the moment, it really didnt matter. He wasn't sure where they were headed, but knowing the Captain, it was probably some abandoned or desolate area where they could fight. Trying to convince him of anything different was out of the question, and besides, he really wanted to beat somethin down at the moment. He did not attempt a counter attack, not yet anyways, not until they arrived at their destination.