The Saiyan Saga is the first season of the Dragon Ball Z anime series. The episodes are produced by Toei Animation, and are based on volumes 17-21 of the Dragon Ball manga series by Akira Toriyama. The episodes focus on Son Goku as he learned about his Saiyan heritage and battles Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta, three other Saiyans who want Goku to join them and help them destroy all life on Earth. __TOC__
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| - List of Dragon Ball Z episodes (season 1)
| - The Saiyan Saga is the first season of the Dragon Ball Z anime series. The episodes are produced by Toei Animation, and are based on volumes 17-21 of the Dragon Ball manga series by Akira Toriyama. The episodes focus on Son Goku as he learned about his Saiyan heritage and battles Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta, three other Saiyans who want Goku to join them and help them destroy all life on Earth. __TOC__
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Next Season
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| - / "A Black Day for Planet Earth" [Counting Down]
- / "A New Goal... Namek" [Picking Up the Pieces]
- / "A New Goal... Namek" [Plans for Departure]
- / "Escape from Piccolo" [Dueling Piccolos]
- / "Escape from Piccolo" [Plight of the Children]
- / "Gohan Makes a Friend" [A New Friend]
- / "Gohan Makes a Friend" [The Strangest Robot]
- / "Gohan's Metamorphosis" [Gohan Goes Bananas!]
- / "Goku Strikes Back" [Lesson Number One]
- / "Home For Infinite Losers" [Global Training]
- / "Home For Infinite Losers" [Goz and Mez]
- / "Journey to Namek" [Friends or Foes?]
- / "Journey to Namek" [Nursing Wounds]
- / "Nappa... The Invincible?" [The Power of Nappa]
- / "Princess Snake's Hospitality" [Princess Snake]"
- / "Showdown in the Past" [Pendulum Room Peril]
- / "Stop Vegeta Now!" [Hero in the Shadows]
- / "Stop Vegeta Now!" [Krillin's Offensive]
- / "The Battle Ends" [Mercy]
- / "The End of Snake Way" [The End of Snake Way]
- / "The Legend of the Saiyans" [Goku's Ancestors]
- / "The Return of Goku" [Goku's Arrival]
- / "The Saibamen Strike" [Saibamen Attack!]
- / "Tien Goes All Out!!" [Nappa's Rampage]
- / "Tien Goes All Out!!" [Sacrifice]
- / "Time's Up!" [Nimbus Speed]
- / "Trouble on Arlia" [Terror on Arlia]
- / "Vegeta... Saiyan Style!" [Spirit Bomb Away!]
- / "Goku vs. Vegeta... A Saiyan Duel!" [Goku vs. Vegeta]
- / "A Fight Against Gravity... Catch Bubbles!" [Defying Gravity]
- / "Goku vs. Vegeta... A Saiyan Duel!" [Saiyan Sized Secret]
- / "The Battle Begins... Goku Where Are You?" [The Darkest Day]
- / "Gohan's Hidden Powers" [Piccolo's Plan]
- / "Goku's Unusual Journey" [Day 1]
- / "Goku's Unusual Journey" [Gohan's Rage]
- / "The Arrival of Raditz" [Reunions]
- / "The Arrival of Raditz" [The New Threat]
- / "The World's Strongest Team" [Unlikely Alliance]
- / "Goku's Unusual Journey" [No Time Like the Present]
Season name
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| - Tōsan Sugē ya! Kyūkyoku no Hissatsuwaza - Kaiōken
- Tobidase Uchū e! Kibō no Hoshi wa Pikkoro no Furusato
- 'nna Baka na! Tsuchi kara Umareta Saibaiman
- Ama〜i Yūwaku! Hebihimesama no Omotenashi
- Asu Naki Machi! Shōri e no Tōi Michinori
- Boku ni Makasete! Gohan - Ikari no Daibakuhatsu
- Genkai o Koeta Atsui Tatakai! Gokū Tai Bejīta
- Gomen ne Robottosan — Sabaku ni Kieta Namida
- Hebi no Michi de Inemuri — Gokū ga Okkochiru
- Hitasura Matte Sanjikan! Dangan Hikō no Kintoun
- Ide yo Shenron! Saiyajin Tsui ni Chikyū Tōchaku
- Ima Da Gokū! Subete o Kaketa Saigo no Ōwaza
- Jūryoku to no Tatakai! Baburusukun o Tsukamaero
- Kiseki o Okose! Sūpā Saiyajin Son Gohan
- Naku na Gohan! Hajimete no Tatakai.
- Namekkusei Iki Hasshin! Gohantachi o Matsu Kyōfu
- Nazo no Yunzabitto! Kamisama no Uchūsen o Sagase
- Pikkoro kara no Dasshutsu! Arashi o Yobu Gohan
- Saiyajin no Mōi! Kamisama mo Pikkoro mo Shinda
- Sayonara Tensan! Chaozu no Sutemi no Senpō
- Sentōryoku Jūbai!! Bejīta Daihenshin
- Shinanaide Tōsan!! Kore ga Gohan no Sokojikara
- Shūte〜n Hebi no Michi! Omē Kaiōsama ka?
- Te o Dasu na! Enmasama no Himitsu no Kudamono.
- Tenshinhan Zekkyō!! Kore ga Saigo no Kikōhō Da
- Uchūichi no Kyōsenshi — Saiyajin Mezameru!
- Ute Kuririn! Negai o Kometa Genkidama
- Yamucha Shisu! Osoru Beshi Saibaiman
- Yomigaeru Saiyajin Densetsu! Gokū no Rūtsu
- Teki ka Mikata ka? Nazo no Kyodai Uchūsen no Kodomotachi
- Tsuki no Kagayaku Yoru ni Daihenshin! Gohan Pawā no Himitsu
- Hashire Gohan! Chichi no Matsu Natsukashi no Paozu Yama
- Enmasama mo Bikkuri — Ano Yo de Faito
- Gokū Shisu! Rasuto Chansu wa Ichido dake
- Kyōryū to Sabaibaru! Gohan no Tsurai Shugyō
- Mini Gohan wa Obotchama! Boku Gohan Desu.
- Pikkoro no Kirifuda! Gohan wa Nakimushikun
- Shijō Saikyō no Senshi wa Gokū no Ani Datta!
- Yatta! Kore ga Chijō Saikyō no Konbi Da!
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show name
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Num episodes
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| - 1989-04-26(xsd:date)
- 1989-05-03(xsd:date)
- 1989-05-10(xsd:date)
- 1989-05-17(xsd:date)