| - Asterius (Asterios in second installment) is a powerful minotaur-like FOE found solely on Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard and its remake.
- A Giant, also called Asterius, killed by Athena, whose death, according to some accounts, was celebrated by the Panathenaea. Probably the same as the Giant Astarias named on the late sixth century Siphnian Treasury. Probably also the same as Asterus, mentioned in the epic poem Meropis, as an invulnerable warrior killed by Athena.In the poem, Herakles, fighting the Meropes, a race of Giants, on the Island of Kos, would have been killed but for Athena's intervention. Athena kills and flays Asterus and uses his impenetrable skin for her Aegis. Other accounts name others whose hyde provided Athena's aegis. Apollodrus has Athena flay the Giant Pallas while Euripides has Gorgon, here considered to be a Giant, as Athena's victim.
- thumb|196px Asterius - minotaur pochodzący z Narnii. Kategoria:Postacie
- Asterius was an elderly male Minotaur that lived during the time of the Narnian Revolution. He lived in hiding in the Shuddering Woods, along with the other Old Narnians, and aided Caspian X and the Pevensies against King Miraz and his Telmarine army. Like the other Old Narnians, he longed to see their homeland returned to its former glory.
- thumb|left Asterius war ein mächtiger Minotauer. Er war selbst für einen Minotauren sehr stark und strahlte stets Ernsthaftigkeit aus. Als Bewohner Alt-Narnias sehnte er sich nach der alten Stärke und Herrlichkeit des Landes. Dies war der Grund, welcher ihn bewog, sich Prinz Kaspian X. im Kampf gegen die Telmarer anzuschließen. Er kämpfte in der Schlacht um Miraz Schloss mit. Als die Telmarer das Tor schließen wollten, stemmte Asterius sich gegen das Tor und konnte so den meisten Narnianen bei deren Flucht helfen, doch schließlich traf ihn ein Armbrustbolzen und er brach tot zusammen.
- Asterius was the Magistrate of Rhumba and the uncle of Oena. He was obsessed with making certain his niece always won the Panathenaic Dance Competition.
- [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Asterion], alternatively called Asterios, is a name given to two figures in Greek mythology. The first Asterion was a sacred king of [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Crete] whose wife [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Europa] was seduced by Zeus when he took the form of a bull, producing [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Minos]. The second Asterion was the Minotaur, the son of Minos's wife fathered by the [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Cretan Bull] as punishment for Minos not sacrificing it in Poseidon's honor.
- Asterius was an elderly male Minotaur that lived during the time of the Narnian Revolution. He lived in hiding in the Shuddering Woods, along with the other Old Narnians, and aided Caspian X and thePevensies against King Miraz and his Telmarine army. Like the other Old Narnians, he longed to see their homeland returned to its former glory. e was obviously born in hiding, during the years before the War of Deliverance, though no one knows exactly when he was born. When they first reached the castle, he shushed a Telmarine while Nikabrik snuck up behind him, and knocked him out.