The capital of Arthedain after the division of Arnor in T.A. 861, Fornost had long been the largest and busiest city north of Tharbad. The tin and lead deposits underlying this patt of the North Downs drew Eriadoran and Dwarven miners here as early as S.A 1000. For obscure reasons, the Dwarves got no support for their claims from their kinfolk in Moria, and the Eriadorans drove them out after a series of minor wars. Much later, religious mystics from Numenor arrived and received permission to build an astronomical observatory on Formenaire (Q. Northlament"; W. Norland's Glower), the highest crest of the downs around the headwaters of the Nin Erain, the most important local river. Numenorean power kept the peace locally, and the Eriadorans got used to the idea of their leadership. Around S.
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| - The capital of Arthedain after the division of Arnor in T.A. 861, Fornost had long been the largest and busiest city north of Tharbad. The tin and lead deposits underlying this patt of the North Downs drew Eriadoran and Dwarven miners here as early as S.A 1000. For obscure reasons, the Dwarves got no support for their claims from their kinfolk in Moria, and the Eriadorans drove them out after a series of minor wars. Much later, religious mystics from Numenor arrived and received permission to build an astronomical observatory on Formenaire (Q. Northlament"; W. Norland's Glower), the highest crest of the downs around the headwaters of the Nin Erain, the most important local river. Numenorean power kept the peace locally, and the Eriadorans got used to the idea of their leadership. Around S.
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| - The capital of Arthedain after the division of Arnor in T.A. 861, Fornost had long been the largest and busiest city north of Tharbad. The tin and lead deposits underlying this patt of the North Downs drew Eriadoran and Dwarven miners here as early as S.A 1000. For obscure reasons, the Dwarves got no support for their claims from their kinfolk in Moria, and the Eriadorans drove them out after a series of minor wars. Much later, religious mystics from Numenor arrived and received permission to build an astronomical observatory on Formenaire (Q. Northlament"; W. Norland's Glower), the highest crest of the downs around the headwaters of the Nin Erain, the most important local river. Numenorean power kept the peace locally, and the Eriadorans got used to the idea of their leadership. Around S.A. 3250, a Sauronic minion used the mystical lenses of the observatory on Formenaire to summon an Elrauko (Q. "Stardemon"). It ravaged the countryside until slain by a Dunadan wizard, Calendil Glornaur ("Goldfire"). Calendil was elected King of the Tyrn Formen by the grateful locals and eventually willed his crown to his nephew, Elendil of Andunie, who later combined the tide with several others when he made himself the first King of Arnor.
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