| - An author is
* a person or entity responsible for the content of a book or other publication.
* "[t]he user responsible for creating or modifying a document or requirement."
- An author is broadly defined as "the person who originated or gave existence to anything" and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created. Narrowly defined, an author is the originator of any written work.
- An author was someone who wrote literature. Depending on the specific type of literature, authors were called by various other names including dramatists, writers, playwrights, or poets.
- An Author is a person who writes books, movie scripts, and other things. Authors may write original work or may adapt other people's work. There's no problem about adapting other work provided you respect Copyright and give a reference. If you're writing for School, College or University your teachers or lecturers will want you to write a great deal yourself so you learn how to write. A few referenced quotes should be OK. If you're unsure ask teachers or lecturers how much you should write yourself.
- KEVIN J. ANDERSON is a prolific best selling author best known for his epic science fiction work. He has worked eight years on his original 'Saga of Seven Suns,' of wich the ashes of the worlds is the final volume. With Brian Herbert, he has authored ten novels set in the Dune universe, he wrote the never before told story of the destruction of superman's planet in the last days of kryptonand he ha
- An author (or auteur if you want to be pretentious about it) is a professional unemployment engineer who doesn't have a real job and spends his days not working from home. They are generally known to smoke, drink straight vodka and beat their wives. Additionally, they have sometimes been known to write books. Since the dawn of the internet, the number of books published has been steadily decreasing due to more easily available reading material, such as porn. Still, authors are responsible for some of the most beloved volumes of all time, including War and Peace, The Bible, and Madonna.
- An author or novelist was a professional writer whose writings were published by a publisher. These writings were distributed and sold at niche and/or mass markets. An author generally had rights over their writings, but until a decision made by a Federation arbiter in 2378, holograms weren't granted these rights. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars"; VOY: "Author, Author") Benedict de Spinoza was a 17th century author whose work was discussed by James T. Kirk and Gary Mitchell. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) Todd Matthews was the author of the novel Hotel Royale. (TNG: "The Royale" )
- An author is a writer. Anybody who writes a book, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, is considered an author. The fact that there are many different kinds of written texts means that there are also many different kinds of authors. Fiction authors include:
* novelists - writers of novels
* short story writers
* poets - writers of poetry
* playwrights - writers of plays to be performed in the theater
* screenwriters - writers of movies Non-fiction authors include:
- An author or writer is someone who originates or gives existence to something or writes something. Some people draw a distinction between published authors and amateur writers, but more often the two are used interchangeably. Some authors are universally recognized as being good. An example would be J.R.R. Tolkien. Other authors are usually called bad, like Christopher Paolini. It's up to the author what they write, but writers of fanfiction should be advised to obey the canon. Not doing so will very likely result in the fic being PPCed, MSTed, or sporked in general.
- After uploading a number of horror stories to various places around the internet, I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of supportive emails and messages I received. It spurred me on to write more, to take my ambitions seriously, and to commit an increasing amount of my time to the pursuit of becoming a published author. Little did I know that this new found acknowledgement of my writing would lead to a series of horrific and abhorrent events. The subject heading was 'Suffer' and the email itself contained just two words: 'Baby Cries'. Heartbreak. It simply read: "You Told."
| - An author is
* a person or entity responsible for the content of a book or other publication.
* "[t]he user responsible for creating or modifying a document or requirement."
- An author or novelist was a professional writer whose writings were published by a publisher. These writings were distributed and sold at niche and/or mass markets. An author generally had rights over their writings, but until a decision made by a Federation arbiter in 2378, holograms weren't granted these rights. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars"; VOY: "Author, Author") Benedict de Spinoza was a 17th century author whose work was discussed by James T. Kirk and Gary Mitchell. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) D.H. Lawrence was the author of the poem Whales Weep Not!. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Tracy Tormé was the author of the Dixon Hill series whose work was also be adapted into various films and holonovels. (ENT: "Cogenitor"; TNG: "The Big Goodbye" , "Manhunt" , "The Emissary" , "Clues" ; Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Author, Author") Todd Matthews was the author of the novel Hotel Royale. (TNG: "The Royale" ) Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and Zora Neale Hurston were authors during the 20th century and was used as examples by Benny Russell of accepted Negro writers. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars") Some people had favorite authors. Both James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard favored William Shakespeare (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, TNG: "Hide and Q" ) while, in an alternate timeline Melanie describe Jake Sisko as her "favorite author of all time". A humble Jake didn't think much of her assessment, saying, "You should read more." (DS9: "The Visitor") In 2153, T'Pol thought a dramatic reading of Frankenstein might allow listeners to appreciate the author (Mary Shelley)'s original intent rather than watching the film version. (ENT: "Horizon") In 2373, USS Voyager's computer disallowed all attempts to learn the authorship of the holonovel Insurrection Alpha. (VOY: "Worst Case Scenario") In 2370, Benjamin Sisko was impressed by the volume of Alixus's works, commenting she was "quite a prolific author". (DS9: "Paradise") In 2378, The Doctor agreed to let Tom Paris read his holonovel Photons Be Free, saying as Paris was a fellow author, his input might be valuable. Later, Paris accused him of not caring whether he slandered fellow crew members as long as he was known as a brilliant author. (VOY: "Author, Author")
- An author or writer is someone who originates or gives existence to something or writes something. Some people draw a distinction between published authors and amateur writers, but more often the two are used interchangeably. Some authors are universally recognized as being good. An example would be J.R.R. Tolkien. Other authors are usually called bad, like Christopher Paolini. It's up to the author what they write, but writers of fanfiction should be advised to obey the canon. Not doing so will very likely result in the fic being PPCed, MSTed, or sporked in general. Many authors of fanfiction are also Suethors. An author is effectively omnipotent within the world he has created. PPC agents are advised to remember this when taking care of the creations of Suethors: nothing stops an author from simply writing, "And Mary Sue painfully and messily killed the PPC agents, and went back to making out with Legolas." However, this has never happened, and since PPC agents are written by their own authors, chances are the agent's author could simply respond with "But it was all a dream, and the agents charged the Sue and threw her corpse into Mount Doom." The back-and-forth godmoding could potentially go on forever, tying up PPC resources in an unwinnable battle. This is one of the reasons why Suethors are generally not notified of their Sue's assassination. Occasionally, an author may bring the PPC's attention to their own badfic. This is an Author-Requested Mission.
- An author is broadly defined as "the person who originated or gave existence to anything" and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created. Narrowly defined, an author is the originator of any written work.
- An author was someone who wrote literature. Depending on the specific type of literature, authors were called by various other names including dramatists, writers, playwrights, or poets.
- An author is a writer. Anybody who writes a book, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, is considered an author. The fact that there are many different kinds of written texts means that there are also many different kinds of authors. Fiction authors include:
* novelists - writers of novels
* short story writers
* poets - writers of poetry
* playwrights - writers of plays to be performed in the theater
* screenwriters - writers of movies Fiction writers can be further divided according to the kind of stories that they write; for example into science fiction writers, mystery writers, horror writers, comedy writers, historical fiction writers, romance writers and others. Non-fiction authors include:
* journalists - who write for newspapers or magazines
* essayists - who write short works about their opinions and observations
* travel writers
* biographers - who write about other peoples' lives
* autobiographers - who write the story of their own lives, often many years after the events happened
* diarists - who keep a regular and detailed diary, the diary may or may not be intended for publication and is not usually published until after the author has died. Many of the best known and most well respected authors belong in more than one of the above categories. For example: William Shakespeare was a poet and a playwright; Edgar Allan Poe wrote poems, short-stories and novels; Oscar Wilde wrote a novel, poetry, plays, short-stories and essays; Isaac Asimov wrote novels, short-stories and non-fiction works about a variety of different subjects. The authors of many ancient and medieval works are unknown. The identities of some others can only be guessed at. Which of several different people called Thomas Malory was the Sir Thomas Malory who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur has been a topic of debate amongst experts. In the modern world, authors such as Stephen King, Jeffrey Archer and J.K. Rowling are often well known celebrities. However, for a variety of reasons, some authors prefer to remain anonymous. Wishing to maintain anonymity is one of many reasons why an author might choose to have a book published under a pseudonym instead of his or her real name.
- After uploading a number of horror stories to various places around the internet, I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of supportive emails and messages I received. It spurred me on to write more, to take my ambitions seriously, and to commit an increasing amount of my time to the pursuit of becoming a published author. Little did I know that this new found acknowledgement of my writing would lead to a series of horrific and abhorrent events. For over a year I received numerous messages and emails, most very positive and enjoyable, yet every few days I would also find a strange, disconnected and fragmented piece of correspondence sitting in my inbox. Each email would consist of one random word as a subject heading, with the message itself comprised of a simple phrase, normally only two words long. The email address would change each time, but it was clear from the nature of the content that the author was the same. At first I dismissed them as the idle product of a bored lurker on the internet, attempting to amuse themselves with the thought of myself reading garbled, puzzling, yet worryingly cryptic messages. As the days wore on, however, and the emails became gradually more twisted and prophetic, I began to suspect that they were of a far more sinister origin. I had posted and contributed to many websites and forums over the years, and it was not unusual to wake up each morning to twenty or thirty new emails in my inbox. I often spent my lunch break answering them, and I genuinely enjoyed the correspondence. However, the day after posting a story called 'The Passenger', I followed my usual routine of logging into my email account at noon, only to find one message which stood out most uncomfortably from the others. The subject heading was 'Suffer' and the email itself contained just two words: 'Baby Cries'. I sent the message to my trash folder and thought nothing more of it, until later that night. It had been a long day and as I had been writing from dawn to dusk, I was tiring rapidly, feeling suitably ready for a good, long overdue sleep. It was around 11:30PM and, just as I started to drift into a dream, I heard a noise. It was not out of place, nor did it cause any real concern to me. coming as it did from my neighbour's house through the wall. It was the type of common sound any resident is familiar with. I smirked to myself thinking 'baby cries', and drifted back to sleep sure that the child's mother or father would soon be there to comfort it, as they always were. I woke again, glancing at my mobile phone which cast an unearthly green glow around the room. Seeing that it was after three in the morning, I became agitated knowing that I had a long day ahead of me; rest does not come easily on those nights when we know we must rise early. The mere thought of the necessity of a good night's sleep before the next day's work, precludes any notion of sleep itself. Lying there I listened in the darkness to the infant next door, breaking its heart, inconsolable and distraught. Surely the parents had not let it scream for all those hours, lying there alone in the blackness of night, unattended? After trying to block out the child's cries for what seemed like hours, I admitted defeat and moved to the spare room that my family and friends normally stayed in, on the rare occasions when they visited. At 7:30AM my phone alarm sounded and, after fighting the reality of another day, I reluctantly left my bed, walking slowly to the kitchen to make some coffee. From the window I looked out onto the street below. What I saw horrified me: a police car and two ambulances parked outside of my neighbour's home. Even through my groggy, pre-caffeinated mind, the memory of that helpless child crying in the night sprung to the fore. Immediately I stopped what I was doing, threw on some clothes, and ran outside. I was not the only person watching, as the usual nosey residents stood at their doors, with some even out on the street, still wearing their dressing gowns idly gossiping, whipping up any number of scandalous rumours. Asking several onlookers what had happened, I was told a variety of accounts, from a child being abducted to someone having a seizure during the night. A hush fell over the street as my neighbours' front door finally opened, slowly. Three police officers exited the house sombrely, as a collective gasp seeped out from the mouths of the crowd of onlookers. Quickly behind, two men in sterile white clothing carried a stretcher, and on it a body bag containing the now deceased remains of one of my former neighbours. A few cries rang out from across the street, those who knew them wept, while those who did not, gossiped. Then, another silence, followed by another stretcher, and another body bag. This time no one uttered a sound. The street was void of noise. A tangible tension spread through the air, a hanging sense of dread as all of us waited, hoping beyond hope for no more death. Heartbreak. The last stretcher, supporting a small and insignificant shroud, was carried out solemnly into the morning air, and placed carefully into the back of an ambulance. Tears were wept, and answers were demanded from the police, but I could not cope with the sight. I could not bear it. The sound of that poor infant screaming through the night, screaming for its very life rang out in my ears. The sound of a child now forever silenced. The memory was deafening. How was I supposed to know? The child had cried before, as many do. I did not know! I walked, dazed, back through my garden and into the now hollow sanctuary of my house. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried, cried knowing that maybe if I had just paid attention or shown more concern than simply getting to sleep, that if I had noticed something was amiss, I could have called the police and then perhaps they would still be alive! Several hours later, two police officers arrived at my door to ask if I had seen or heard anything unusual from the night before. They said that they were not at liberty to tell me what had happened, but that any information I could give them would help immensely with their investigation. When I told them about the email I had received they looked at each other with an obvious sense of skepticism. When I showed it to them, they asked if they could have my login details in an attempt to trace where the email came from. Of course I gave it to them and then they left after saying that they would be in touch. As soon as they were gone I returned to the computer screen to switch it off. I recoiled in horror at the sight of another cryptic email sitting in my inbox. The subject heading said 'Fan', and the email again contained only two short words. Two words which drove fear through every part of my being. It simply read: "You Told." I was utterly unprepared for the events which followed.
- An Author is a person who writes books, movie scripts, and other things. Authors may write original work or may adapt other people's work. There's no problem about adapting other work provided you respect Copyright and give a reference. If you're writing for School, College or University your teachers or lecturers will want you to write a great deal yourself so you learn how to write. A few referenced quotes should be OK. If you're unsure ask teachers or lecturers how much you should write yourself.
- KEVIN J. ANDERSON is a prolific best selling author best known for his epic science fiction work. He has worked eight years on his original 'Saga of Seven Suns,' of wich the ashes of the worlds is the final volume. With Brian Herbert, he has authored ten novels set in the Dune universe, he wrote the never before told story of the destruction of superman's planet in the last days of kryptonand he ha
- An author (or auteur if you want to be pretentious about it) is a professional unemployment engineer who doesn't have a real job and spends his days not working from home. They are generally known to smoke, drink straight vodka and beat their wives. Additionally, they have sometimes been known to write books. Since the dawn of the internet, the number of books published has been steadily decreasing due to more easily available reading material, such as porn. Still, authors are responsible for some of the most beloved volumes of all time, including War and Peace, The Bible, and Madonna.