| - Dwight Lyman Moody was one of the most significant evangelists of the nineteenth century. He is remembered primarily for his role as a popular preacher in the revival that occurred throughout the United States of America and the United Kingdom during his lifetime. The sermons of D.L. Moody focussed predominantly on the redemption that comes through faith in Christ. He was not a highly educated man nor had he any formal theological training, and he seldom discussed the more technical and peripheral aspects of theology. Although he considered what a person believed to be important, he regarded who a person believed in to be of the utmost importance. The message he brought to his hearers reflected this belief. Speaking to audiences of up to twenty thousand people at a time, Moody most often focussed on his core understanding of Christianity: that all people have been ruined by the fall; that Jesus' blood offers redemption; and that the believer becomes a new creation through regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Moody understood revivalism as having a number of major characteristics. To him, revivalism involved an unquestioning view of the Bible’s authority in revealing that personal conversion was the heart of revival. His revivalism was crucicentric, concentrating on the doctrine of the atonement. Moody understood that he was called by God to be committed to actively seeking the spread of the good news of Jesus to all people. Salvation for everyone was Moody’s greatest desire. He preached on this subject on many occasions, saying, "When I see a poor drunkard, when I see a thief, when I see a prisoner in yonder prison, it is a grand, glorious thing, to go and proclaim to him the glad tidings; because I know he can be saved." Although Moody spoke about sin and the fall of humanity, this alone was never his main focus. He rarely spoke about hell, but instead his messages were almost universally positive. He noted that "Christ comes to bless. He does not come to demand" and so using Christ as his ideal, Moody continually told of the goodness, forgiveness and love of God. Ultimately, Moody always attributed his impact on revival to God, however, there were a number of factors that influenced his success. As a poorly educated layman, his unclerical tone struck a chord with his unchurched audience, as did his use of halls and theatres rather than church buildings. He often spoke passionately and his emphasis on emotional knowledge of God, in addition to reason, along with his use of music drew positive responses from his hearers. His excellent organizational skills resulted in large numbers actually hearing his message. Additionally he aimed to make his meetings have mass appeal. When, for example, in 1893 the World Fair came to Chicago and remained open on Sunday, Moody wad heard to say, "Let us open so many preaching places and present the gospel so attractively that people will want to come and hear it". Finally, Moody was gifted with drawing people together in unity of purpose and successfully bridging the gap between liberal and evangelical Christians, gaining support from both. D.L. Moody was one of the most notable evangelists in the last two centuries. The principal elements of his revivalism were large meetings where he constantly preached on what he considered the central theme of Christianity, that is, salvation through personal faith in Christ.