His gifts to creation were Fate and Betrayal. He's a fairly dark patron as choices go. So the question would be "how does one 'redeem' something who's nature is evil?" Well you're exalted! Kick logic to the curb!
His gifts to creation were Fate and Betrayal. He's a fairly dark patron as choices go. So the question would be "how does one 'redeem' something who's nature is evil?" Well you're exalted! Kick logic to the curb! or I can be a bit more useful on that subject. He is a reflection, he defines himself by contrast, he has worked hard to cut away anything deep and meaningful so the strategy that works best would be ultimately to play his actions against him, a massive game of trying to out douche eachother. He steals a woman to be his wife? Kick down the door and take her for yourself, his nature makes him accept such things and in turn gains empathy for his victims.