| - Num Sucre, Amaury Noalsco, é um presidiário da penitenciária de Fox River, condenado por furto. é colega de cela de Michael Sofield.thumb
- Fernando Sucre es un convicto de Fox River y el compañero de celda de Michael Scofield. Es uno de los ocho hombres fugados de Fox River. Fue encarcelado en Fox River luego de asaltar un local de bebidas alcohólicas.
- Fernando Sucre was the cell mate of Michael Scofield in Fox River State Penitentiary who was motivated to escape when his girlfriend got pregnant. He later becomes one of the Fox River Eight and through a series of events becomes part of the team that is attempting to take down The Company. He is the father of Lila Maria Sucre. He is one of Michael's best friends.
- Of Puerto Rican descent, Sucre grew up in Chicago where he had several run-ins with the law. However, he later finds a steady job at a warehouse and his girlfriend, Maricruz Delgado. He ends up in prison after he attempts to rob a liquor store. In the flashback episode, "Brother's Keeper", it is revealed that the reason Sucre had held up the store was to get enough money to pay for an engagement ring for Maricruz. His cousin Hector then tips him off to the cops, as he was also infatuated with Maricruz. After his incarceration, Sucre has conjugal visits from Maricruz, but is occasionally worried about her seeming indecision about her future with him, as she is contemplating dating Hector.