| - Fuega warriors would fight with flaming whips and sticks primarily, but also threw flaming torches, breathed fire and spun flaming balls attatched to strings. The fuega considered fire itself to be the sole deity and creator of existance, and worshiped every aspect of it. Their lives revolved around their tribe, which was centred at a holy site to them. This holy site consisted of numerous standing stones forming a circle. On holy days a sacred fire would be lit there to please the flame-spirit. The fuega had no use for money or currency of any kind, and were totally self-sufficient. Because of this, there was very little which they would accept as payment for services, and it was almost impossible to hire their warriors. They didn't approve of modern technology because they thought that it would draw them apart and loosen their bond with the flame-spirit. The main motivator for them to fight was when their home was in danger, when they would do whatever was necessary to remove the unwelcome attacker. To prevent their numbers from growing too high, the fuega would only keep the same amount of babies each year as members of the tribe who died. For example; if 26 members of the tribe died one year, but 30 were born, four of the infants would be given to individuals outside the tribe as slaves. However, in times of war, or leading up to a war, all of the fuega infants would be kept to counter the number of warriors killed. The fuega were so aggressive that their language could only be said in the form of an argument. Exceptions to this rule were between couples, between parents and children, and between any fuega and the flame-spirit. Though the fuega never taught any outsiders their language, a trade language was established, combining Fuegan and Basic, so that fuega mercenaries could understand their employers and vice-versa. If a fuega was force-sensitive, he or she would not be permitted by the tribal elders to leave to train as a Jedi, and the fuega themselves could not instruct the individual either, so no fuega ever recieved force-training. If for any reason fuega warriors had to fight a Jedi or Sith, their fire mysticism protected them from many force powers, and also made their weapons resistant to lightsabres. Certain fuega became so close to the fire-spirit that they could even create and control fires using only their minds and ancient rituals or dances.