| - By the end of 21st century, the world had been undergone a deep, through out series of reforms and revolts, against outdated, corrupted and bureaucratic systems, extreme ideologies and religious fanatics. It results in a world completely new & marked as one of the most prosperous, peaceful and highly open-mind eras of all time
| - By the end of 21st century, the world had been undergone a deep, through out series of reforms and revolts, against outdated, corrupted and bureaucratic systems, extreme ideologies and religious fanatics. It results in a world completely new & marked as one of the most prosperous, peaceful and highly open-mind eras of all time The formation of nine superstates, and their systems aggressively expand into space, create an economy with endless possibility, fairer and more open than ever. Tax on the rich rises significantly, social welfare being expanded.... contribute in closing the gap of income continuously.