| - Mario Universe Mario Luigi Peach Daisy Toad Bowser Bowser Jr Koopalings Toadette Paper Mario Paper Luigi Toon Mario Mama Luigi Geno R.O.B Wario Waluigi Star Wars Universe Anikan Skywalker Luke Yoda P.Leia Darth Vader Darth Maul Boba Fett Starkiller Obe wond konobe Chewy Kirby Universe Kirby Meta Knight Tiff Tuff King DeDeDe Galitca Knight Knuckle Joe Banndana Dee Trololo and Fallala Escargoon Yarn Kirby Prince Fluff Cappys Legend of Zelda Universe Link Zelda/Shiek Ganondorf Toon Link Toon Zelda/Toon Shiek Toon Ganon Young Link Sonic Universe Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy Shadow Silver Jet Metal Sonic Eggman Blaze Vector Spiderman Univrese Spiderman/Peter Parker Vemom Spidergirl The Lizard Spiderman 2099 Regluer Show Universe Mordocai Rigby Benson Muscle Man Hi Five Ghost Pops Skips Thomas Margret Eileen Starla Baby Ducks Sensai Pokemon Universe Pikachu Squrtile Ivysaur Ash Lucario Jigglypuff Mewtwo Charizard Metroid Universe Samus/zero suit samus Ridley Dark Samus F Zero Universe Captian Falcon Black Shadow Jody Summer EarthBound Universe Ness Lucas Claus Gigas Fire Elbem Univrese Ike Marth Roy Lyn Black knight Full House Universe Jesse Kastopoilis Danny Tanner Joey Gladstone DeeJay Tanner Stephenine Tanner Michelle Tanner Becky Kastopoils Kimmy Gibbler Nicholas & Alex Kastopoilis Nitendo Universe Mii Mr. Game & Watch Ninjago Universe Kai Jay Cole Zane Lloyd Sensai Wu Nya Misako Lord Garmadon Pythor Skales Dareth Mother Doomsday First Spinjitsu Master Constricai Genral Vemomari Genral Fangpire Genral Dareth's Kids Samikai Zane's Dad Young Lloyd Metal Gear Solid Universe Snake Cornel Gray fox Star Fox Universe Fox Falco Wolf Peppy Krystal Slippy Yoshi Universe Yoshi Birdo Baby Mario Bros Baby Princessis Kamek Ben 10 Universe Ben[omineverse] Young Ben Gwen Grampa Max Ben [Ultimate Alien] Batman Universe Batman Joker Cartoon Batman Plastic Man Bane Blue Beetle Pengiun Mr .Freeze Killer Crock Robin Adventure Time Universe Finn Jake Princess Bubblegum Ice king lsp bmo marcline flame princess the lich/billy Kid Icrus Universe Pit Paulenta Annoying Orange Universe Orange Pear Midget Apple Marshmellow Passion Fruit Grape Fruit Grampa Lemon Apple Coconut Peach [Fruit] Grapes Pineapple Guava Cutsie Gumball Universe Gumball Darwin Anais Dad Mom Penny Banna Joe Tobias Tina Rex Leslie Carmen Megaman Universe Megaman Zero Diary Of a Wimpy Kid Greg Rowley Fregly Susan Frank Rodrick Manny Charag Holly Hills Patty Ferrel Scotty Fregers (Rodrick Rules) Bill Coach Malone Wwe Universe John Cena Rey Mysterio Randy Orton UnderTaker Cm Punk Sheamus Triple H HBK Ryback Big Show Wade Barrett Kane Alberto Del Rio The Miz The Rock Daniel Bryan Kofi Kingston R-Truth Mark Henry Santino Mallera Zack Ryder Titus O Neal Darren Young Cody Rhodes Christian Edge Dolph Ziggler Antino Cesaro Daimen Sandow Ted Dibase Jr Justin Gabriel Tyson Kidd Angry Birds Universe Red Bird Blue Bird Yellow Bird Black Bird Green Bird White Bird Big Brother Bird Orange Bird Mighty Eagle Pink Bird Girl Red Bird Girl White Bird King Pig Mustache Pig Helmet pig Ice Bird Space Red Bird Space Blue Bird Lazer Bird Space Black Bird Charlie Brown Universe Charlie Brown Linus Snoopy Woodstock Sally Lucy Shroder Peppermint Patty Marcy Franklin Pig Pen Shermy Violet Curly Hair Girl Johnny Test Universe Johnny Dukey Susan And Mary Mom Dad Bling Bling Montugue Captian Underpants Universe Captian Underpants/Mr.Krupp George Harold Wedgie Woman Booger Boy Dr.Diaper The Kid Perfessor "Pee Pee" Poopypants Bosses Petey Piranna Rayquanza Giga Bowser Destroyer Of Worlds The Hammer The Great Devouer Overlord Meta Ridley Crazy Hand Master Hand Tabuu Porky Duon Gallom The Sheild Adventure Mode Stages Midair Staidum (Kirby And Zelda Or Peach) The Land Of Ooo (Mario And Finn) Candy Kingdom (Kirby And Peach Or Zelda) The Jungle (DK And Diddy Kong) The Lake (Diddy Kong,Fox And Kai) The City [Sonic And Pit] The Ring [John Cena and Ryback] The Forest [Link Yoshi And Mordecai] The Research Factilty [Samus And Pikachu] The Lake Shore [Mario Finn Link Kirby Yoshi And Mordecai] The Swamp [Fox Diddy Kong Kai And Jay] The Runied Zoo [Ness,Jesse, Ash, And Lucas] The Battlefield Fortress [Ike, Captain Falcon, Marth,Roy,And Meta Knight] The Park (Luigi And Rigby) The Beach (Sonic Pit And Silver) The Kitchen (Orange And Pear) The Ruins ( Ash And Lucas) The Cave (Mario Finn Link Kirby Yoshi And Mordecai) Smackdown (John Cena Ryback And Sheamus) The Artic (Ike And Ice Climbers) Halberd (Snake,Lucario,& Ike) The Canyon (Captain Underpants George And Harold) The Island (Lloyd,Danny Tanner, And Cole) Backstage (Rey Mysterio And Sin Cara) The Ship (Fox ,Diddy Kong DK ,Kai And Jay) The Wilds (Luigi Rigby And Benson) The House (Joey,Michelle,Deejay,Stephanie,Becky) RAW (John Cena Ryback Sheamus And Randy Orton) The Statium (Rey Mysterio Sin Cara And Shadow) The Subspace Bomb Factory (Pikachu,Samus,DK Zane,Kai,R.O.B, Jay, And Diddy Kong) Entrance To Subspace (Everybody) Subspace (Muscle Man King Deddede Ness And Falco) Subspace 2 (Kirby) The Great Maze (Everybody) Adventure Mode:The Subpace Attack The World Of Trophies Mario vs Kirby Mario Wins Kirby Wins The Subpace Returns Finn Watches From Ooo Kirby vs Petey Pirrana Wario Turns a Princess In to a Trophy Finn Retrives Mario Mario And Finn Chase After The 2nd Acient Minister A Princecess is Overboard The Kongs Fight The Subpace Army Bowser & Bowser.Jr Turn DK Into A Trophy Diddy Kong Meets Kai Fox Saves Diddy Kong & Kai Diddy Kong Appeals To Fox Pit Falls Out Of the Clouds Sonic Saves Pit Ryback Saves John Cena Link Pulls Out The Master Sword Yoshi Sleeps CM Punk Turns Muscle Man Into A Trophy Link Teams up With Yoshi & Mordecai Zero Suit Samus Transforms Into Samus and Saves Pikachu A False Princess vs Team Mario or Team Link Team Mario Vs Team Link Kirby Saves The Captured Team From King Dedede Team Mario,Team Link,& Kirby Team Up Bowser Turns Diddy Kong's Trophy False Falco & Jay Appear Bowser.Jr Turns Falco Into a Trophy Porky Statue Targets Lucas Ness Saves Lucas Wario & Waluigi Turn Ness Into A Trophy Lucas Meets Ash Ketchum & Squrtile Jesse Rock'nRolls Ash & Lucas Marth Appears FALCON PAWWWWNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meta Knight & Marth Team Up Ike Unleashes Great Aether Roy Appears Luigi & Rigby Team Up Luigi & Rigby Vs The Destroyer Of Worlds Silver Thinks Sonic Is The Iblis Trigger Sonic vs Silver Sonic,Pit,& Silver Team Up Orange & Pear are Under Attack Orange & Pear Run From The Subspace Bomb Ganondorf Appears I Found You Ivysaur I Caught You Charizard Bowser Turns King Dedede Into a Trophy The Cavrens Entrance Team Mario Vs Galleom The WWE Stars Team up Ike Finds The Ice Climbers Ike Vs Lucario Ike Wins Ike & Lucario Team Up Lucario Finds Snake's Box Snake Teams Up With Team Ike Team Captain Underpants Vs Tinkle Trousers Lloyd & Cole Find Danny Tanner Subspace Army Backstage WWE High Flyers Fight Subspace Army Diddy Kong Frees Donkey Kong StarFox,DK Crew,& The Ninjas vs The Great Devouer StarFox Leaves Team DK Benson Is Mad at Rigby Rigby Vs Benson The Tanner Family Is Under Attack More WWE Stars Team Up Shadow Joins WWE High Flyers R.O.B Returns The Acienent Minister is Zane The Great Subspace Invaison Tabuu Returns and Turns Everybody Into a Trophy Dedede's Trophies Are Back Koopas Join Team Heroes Kirby Recived Ganondorf Joins Team Heroes Everybody Enters The Great Maze MegaMan Saves Everybody