| - A 24 Track studio, run by Howard Turner of The Nivens with John Wallis and Engineer Chris Wilson (Wyatt?) who played in Lawrence and the Comfortable Society (drums) and Eden (guitar/lead vox). The studio was based at the Old Queen's Head, Great Ellingham near Attleborough in South Norfolk. The Swamp was shut in 1998 when John Wallis sold up and retired to Spain. Chris can be found on facebook as Christopher Hyde-Wyatt.
- The Swamp is a subarea of Amakna.
- The Swamp or Ghost of Chidori-Ga-Fuchi (怪談 千鳥ケ淵 Kaidan 'Chidori-ga-fuchi') is a horror film directed by Eiichi Koishi.
- The Swamp is a stage in the Subspace Emissary mode of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This stage is notable for being Falco's first appearance in the story.
- Location: Downtown Seattle Info: The Swamp is a dark, seedy bar nestled just close enough to the core of downtown to access it's undercurrent of money but just far enough off the beaten path to be out of the spotlight. Despite it's divey nature it is well run, with good service and quality drinks. The Swamp's air of impending violence attracts both shady dealings and simple hedonism- it is a home to fixers and players alike. i am a terrible writer.
- The Swamp is a location from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. It is the second stage of Near the Fields, the fourth level of the game. An issue of Tingle Times can be found here. It provides advice on crossing the swamp by using Lily Pads attached to River Zora.
- The Swamp is the second chapter of the campaign Swamp Fever in Left 4 Dead 2. It begins in a drainage culvert beneath a rail track causeway that has been fashioned into a safe room. The Survivors must navigate a series of knee-deep swamps or bayous intersected with patches of dryer ground and indicative pathways made up of planks resting over the water. It is necessary for players to enter the aircraft's fuselage. Supplies will also be found here including Tier 2 weaponry.
- It was the home of the evil Swamp Witch. With the oncoming of the cataclysm caused by shattering of the Mask of Eternity, many pools in the swamp became poisonous, swamp slimes and many monsters appeared. With all the road and exits from Connor's village in Daventry blocked off, he had to find an alternate way to the Swamp through the Dimension of Death. The Swamp is ruled by King Mudge. The name, 'The Swamp' also refers to the Isle of Wonder swamp, and The Swamp of Eldritch, or even The Swamp of Tamir.
- When the player plays this level for the first time, the first cutscene plays, showing Fox and Diddy Kong battling through the swamp. After making it through part of the swamp, Diddy and Fox are walking and talking, but unexpectedly, a black arrow is shot through Diddy, turning him into a Trophy. Fox turns and sees Bowser holding a Dark Cannon, in which he shoots at Fox. However, Fox slides and dodges, while Bowser points to Diddy's trophy. Shadow Bugs begin to devour the trophy. Fox looks at this in a surprised state, and then turns and looks at Bowser, who is ready to make another shot at Fox. Blasts are shot at Bowser, who seems to almost trip. An Arwing flies overhead, and Falco ejects himself from it. He lands, and dashes up to Bowser (he probably uses Falco Phantasm, for the sound he
- Zuko and Iroh beg for money in the street of a village. Zuko refuses to grovel, trying to keep what dignity he has left, while Iroh is more than willing to accept their new situation and do what he must to get by. A swordsman approaches Iroh and has him sing for a gold coin. As Iroh sings, the swordsman swings his blades at Iroh's feet to have him "dance". As the swordsman leaves, Zuko is angered and humiliated by his uncle's self-degradation.