| - Trivas' Imperial Guard were the soldiers that were responsible for protecting the Emperor during the Galaxial War. They were picked from the men that were most loyal and most efficient at what they did. There were representatives from all branches of the Ni'novian Empire who excelled at combat training, security, protection, and most importantly, loyalty. Trivas conducted regular interviews with each member where they opened their mind to his own so he could sense any deceit or even tampering by Jedi or rogue Sith who wished to attack him. There were only two dozen of the Guard, a dozen on duty at a time. Trivas kept the number low so that he could ensure that infiltrators or traitors could not get into the ranks. The Guard was often augmented by traditional soldiers so their small number was not prohibitive in their ability to keep the Emperor secure. The Guard were well trained in how to react to normal attacks, but were also trained in how to handle attacks from Force sensitives. Each was armed with a blaster carbine, a blaster pistol, several grenades and vibroblades, and a lightsaber. Though none were Force sensitive, all were taught sword fighting so they would be able to use their lightsabers to the maximum that a non-Force user could. They were not taught skills with a lightsaber to defeat attacking Jedi or Sith, but rather to delay them while reinforcements arrived or while Trivas escaped from harm. After Trivas was killed, the Guard vanished from sight. It is unknown where they went or who they are fighting with, so rumors began to develop. One rumor states that they went hunting for the people responsible for killing Trivas and were slaughtered by Siron or his followers. Another rumor is that they are watching Trivas' heir, Eliana, in secret and follow her wherever she goes. Yet another has them joining with the Nymeans and having an influence in the Nulvarl Ranger Corps. Some say that they are in hiding, living out their lives on a peaceful planet far from any conflict.