| - OotS & Pets: Roy Greenhilt, Haley Starshine, Elan, Belkar Bitterleaf, Vaarsuvius, Durkon Thundershield, Blackwing, Banjo, Mr. Scruffy. Family (if not otherwise): Celia, Eugene Greenhilt, Julia Greenhilt, Sara Greenhilt, Eric Greenhilt, Ian Starshine, Geoff. Team Evil: Xykon, Redcloak, Jirix, Monster In The Darkness, Demon Cockroaches, Tsukiko, Booted Wight, Zombie Dragon, Skullsy, Death Knight, Huecuva, TeeVo. Linear guild: Nale, Sabine, Thog, Hilgya Firehelm, Yikyik, Zz'dtri, Leeky Windstaff, Pompey, Yokyok, Yukyuk, Sir Scraggly. Bandits: Samantha, Samantha's Dad.
| - OotS & Pets: Roy Greenhilt, Haley Starshine, Elan, Belkar Bitterleaf, Vaarsuvius, Durkon Thundershield, Blackwing, Banjo, Mr. Scruffy. Family (if not otherwise): Celia, Eugene Greenhilt, Julia Greenhilt, Sara Greenhilt, Eric Greenhilt, Ian Starshine, Geoff. Team Evil: Xykon, Redcloak, Jirix, Monster In The Darkness, Demon Cockroaches, Tsukiko, Booted Wight, Zombie Dragon, Skullsy, Death Knight, Huecuva, TeeVo. Linear guild: Nale, Sabine, Thog, Hilgya Firehelm, Yikyik, Zz'dtri, Leeky Windstaff, Pompey, Yokyok, Yukyuk, Sir Scraggly. Order of the scribble: Soon Kim, Girard Draketooth, Dorukan, Lirian, Serini Toormuck, Kraagor. Bandits: Samantha, Samantha's Dad. Azurites: Hinjo, O-Chul, Miko Miyazaki, Lien, Daigo Da-, Kazumi Kato, Shojo, Thanh, Niu, Isamu, Daimyo Kubota, Therkla, Azure City High Priest, Grand Larcenist, Sangwaan, General Chang. Greysky City: Bozzok, Crystal, Hank, Jenny, Hieronymous Grubwiggler, Giro, Old Blind Pete, Chuk. Empire of Blood: Gannji, Enor, Kilkil, Malack, Empress of Blood, Tarquin, Penelope. Law: Mr. Jones, Mr. Phil Rodriguez, Bureaucratic Deva, Roy's Archon. Fiends: Qarr, Pit Fiend, Haerta Bloodsoak, Ganonron, Jephton the Unholy, Cedrik, Nero, Lee. Mounts: Silver, Whisper, Windstriker, Argent, Razor. Orcs: chief grukgruk, shaman vurkle, mungu. Gods: Dark One, Loki, Surtur, Marduk, Tiamat, Odin, Thor, Dragon, Tiger, Rooster, Goat, Snake, Zeus, Ares, Apollo, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Aphrodite, Freya. Other important: Kobold Oracle, The Snarl, Ancient Black Dragon, Adolescent Black Dragon, Julio Scoundrél, Inkyrius, Dave Arneson, Gary Gygax. Other: Solt Lorkyurg, Solt's Donkey, Shadowdancer, "Kaboom" Redaxe", Flumphs, Trigak, "Zit Boy", Buggy Lou.