| - Last time... The contestants DIDN'T want to eat pizza. Enjoy! Mariofan45: The hot dog boiler is closed! We'll go there when it's open. Time to sleep. All the contestants: Kay. At the boy's cabin... Hiro: Looks like those stuff are bored. YoshiEgg: Yup! Kool: Huh? Looks like I have it. McBoo: What? Lucas Koopa: (yawns) Wubbzy: Let's sleep. All the boys: Yes! At the girl's cabin... Kooprina: Do you think all the boys will get eliminated? Helen and Dera: Yes! We have to eliminate them in one episode! Widget: I don't wanna eliminate Wubbzy, I wanna stay with him! Helen, Dera and Kooprina: Well, kick HIM! Widget: No! Kooprina, Dera and Helen: Yes! At the boy's cabin... Wubbzy is scared. Walden: Don't be afraid, Wubbzy. Wubbzy: OKAY! Hiro: Stop screaming. YoshiEgg: Yup! Lucas Koopa: Don't hurt him, he's only little. PKB: Hmmm... Nightwolf: Don't hurt this little one. Dashed: Nightwolf is right. Clyde: Tommorow's basketball game. YoshiEgg: Yup! A Basketball game! Nugg: What will happen? Clyde: Uh, what? Nugg: Nothing. All the boys sleep. At the girls cabin... Dera: That couldn't have been that good. Kooprina: Stop, and let's sleep. Widget: No! Helen and Kooprina: You two, Widget and Dera HAVE TO SLEEP NOW!@!!!!!!!!! At 4:00... Clyde: Didn't you see anything? YoshiEgg: Nope. In the morning... Clyde: Phew, time for Basketball. YoshiEgg: Yup! At the girls cabin... Helen: Time to cheer-lead! At the basketball court... The boys come to play. Mariofan45 and Silvercold: We'll join you in the basketball game, boys. All the boy contestants: Sure! Hiro: Catch it! Kool: Go on! YoshiEgg: Hurry! Dashed: Alright! Sonicfan56: Come on already! Moyan: What? McBoo: Just nothin'. Nugg: Hmmm.... Chump: IT"S NOTHING!!! Wubbzy: Woo! Widget: May I join? Wubbzy: Sure! Widget: Catch the basketball! Walden: Come on! Come on! Goom Bro.: .... Moyan: I doubt you guys kinda don't know this game. Widget: Why? Helen, Dera and Kooprina: Heehee! We are going to eliminate those boys! Mariofan45: Go Silercold! Silvercold: Then hits the ball all the way to the basketball hole. All the boys: Hooray! Marioifan45, Silvercold and all the boy contestants: Woo! Widget: Yeehoo! Helen, Dera and Kooprina: (grouches) WHAT?! WE ARE GOING TO SHOW THIS HOST AND THE BOYS SOME GIRL POWER NEXT TIME! Silvercold: Stop swearing. Dera, Kooprina and Helen: CAN YOU STOP SILVERCOLD! Silvercold: Stop being rude. 3.14: Haha! Mariofan45: Heehee! Helen, Dera and Kooprina: STOP!! All the boys relax. Mariofan45, Silvercold, and all the boy contestants and Widget: It's feeling great! Helen, Dera and Kooprina: Hmph! We will catch those boys NEXT TIME AND ELIMINATE THEM! WE ARE GOING TO ELIMINATE SILVERCOLD AND MARIOFAN45 TOO!