| - Alec was born in 1729 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He grew up to become a soldier and fought many battles. In 1758, Alec died during the assault on Ft. Ticonderoga during the French & Indian Wars and revived as an Immortal. He was found by the Immortal medic, Gregor Powers who became his teacher. He later met and befriended Duncan MacLeod in Mississippi. In 1886, Duncan and Alec were working on a house which Alec was building for himself and his new bride, Genevieve. Unfortunately for the happy couple, Immortal, Gerard Kragen, had tracked Genvieve and murdered her in a jealous rage, hurling himself and Alec's bride off a nearby cliff side. Shattered at the loss of his "perfect woman," Alec eventually finished building the house and "never lived anywhere else." He lived alone with his wife's personal items, and began a relentless hunt to find Kragen and take his head, forcing Duncan to swear to take Kragen's head should Alec be killed before he could. In a later meeting with Duncan, he admitted to his old friend that he was convinced Genevieve's spirit was with him, and waiting to reunite. He also admitted to Duncan that he had stopped eating and sleeping. Duncan, very concerned for his friend's mental health, attempted to draw Alec back out into social life, trying to tell him that Amanda was in town and wanting to see him, but Alec refused. He intended to wait "as long as it takes" to be reunited with his lost love. Duncan tried to remind him it wasn't his fault, but Alec refused to release his guilt, claiming it was his pride that drove Kragen off the cliff. Defeated, Duncan left Alec to his grief and despair.