| - The Fusion Suit is the technology that Samus Aran utilizes in the events of Metroid Fusion. It is of Galactic Federation design in origin, and is designed to emulate the abilities of the original Power Suit. It is a Fusion Suit in that it is a fusion of Chozo and Galactic Federation technology. In the opening events of Metroid Fusion, Samus needs the Power Suit to be removed in order to survive. Since she is unconscious at the time, GF scientists need to remove the armor surgically. They do succeed with this to some extent, as they manage to remove most of the external hardware of the Power Suit. But due to Samus's X Parasite infection, the biological components of her suit have become so integrated with her central nervous system that they cannot be removed safely. Scientists then create the Metroid vaccine, which cures Samus of her infestation, and allows for the rest of the external armor to be removed safely. But the scientists left the biological components of the armor in place, and used them as building blocks for the Fusion Suit. With the computing skills and interface of the original Power Suit, and the addition of cutting-edge Galactic Federation technology, Samus is reborn with a new identity. This suit is far more advanced than any typical Marine, but it leaves Samus in a weakened state. She must recover her latent abilities to return to full power. It seems that Samus's old power suit had three layers. The top layer was the mechanical, metallic layer. This part was taken off to reveal the second layer, which the Fusion Suit was built on. This layer's mechanics are explained here. It is more organic than the top part, and allows Samus to move around more easily than her old power suit allowed. Underneath that was the Zero Suit, a Suit in its own right, but it had to be activated for the power suit to be able to form, so it is technically the bottom layer.